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David Baria donations map:

Howard Sherman donations map:

Democratic candidate for the US Senate from Mississippi, David Baria, has received 82% of his campaign money from Mississippi.

His opponent in the Democratic primary run off, Howard Sherman, has gotten a mere 10% of his campaign money from Mississippi.

28% of Sherman’s campaign money comes from California; 18% is from New York; 13.9% from Illinois; 23.5% from New York and New Jersey combined.

This is not counting the (at least) $650,000 “personal funds” which Sherman loaned himself, or maybe his wife loaned him. Why is he so desperate to become a US Senator from Mississippi that he’s loaning himself over half a million dollars for the Democratic primary? Or do these personal funds come from elsewhere?

The Republican candidate, Roger Wicker, has gotten around 35% of his campaign contributions from Mississippi.

Republican Roger Wicker donations map. There is additional money, apparently PACs, which we were unable to sort out as Mississippi vs outside in a timely manner, if it’s even possible. This may bring the percentage down, though probably not as low as Sherman’s.

David Baria donations and map

Howard Sherman campaign total and map. $650,000 was a loan from “personal funds”.

Sherman https://www.fec.gov/data/candidate/S8MS00246/?tab=raising
Baria https://www.fec.gov/data/candidate/S8MS00253/?tab=raising
Wicker https://www.fec.gov/data/candidate/S8MS00196/?tab=raising