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Bonhoeffer with students spring 1932

The 2003 Bonhoeffer movie is actually a documentary. The 2000 Bonhoeffer is a biographical movie.

Documentary: “Bonhoeffer (2003) Full Movie, Martin Doblmeier , Klaus Maria Brandauerhttps://youtu.be/_9vqxljH6Ok

As explained in this article, the 2003 documentary has interviews with family, friends, students. It places Bonhoeffer in the context of what was going on in Germany and uses photos and news clips. There are also theologians and historians commenting: “Bonhoeffer: The Movie” By Burton Nelson 08/01/2003 https://www.elca.org/JLE/Articles/838

Much more on the topic of “Bonhoeffer, Pacifism and the Assassination Attempt on Hitler” and the evolution of Bonhoeffer’s thought is in the 2003 documentary, than in the University of Aberdeen video. In particular, at 1h04 of the 2003 documentary Eberhard Bethge and another student address this. Of particular interest in the University of Aberdeen video is the concept of two kingdoms theology, which sounds essentially like the separation of church and state, and how Hitler undermined it by taking control of the church (much as Putin has done in Russia): “Bonhoeffer, Pacifism and the Assassination Attempt on Hitler” University of Aberdeen: https://youtu.be/HVU58rKJUzg

This biographical movie is not available in all countries. It is available in the US or with US VPN. It was originally sold as a DVD and can surely be purchased somewhere online in that format. It’s worth clicking on the link to see, as it might be available in your country without VPN: “Bonhoeffer: Agent Of Grace (2000)https://youtu.be/2325_APzy6c

The 2003 documentary includes an interview with Eberhard Bethge:
Eberhard Bethge is best known as the author of the definitive biography Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Man of Vision, Man of Courage. (A new English-language version, Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A Biography, was released in February 2000, edited by Victoria J. Barnett, with corrections of some translation errors, as well as some added material from the German edition, most notably on Bonhoeffer’s childhood, that had never appeared in English.) Bethge also collected and edited Bonhoeffer’s Letters and Papers from Prison (most of the which were addressed to him), as well as the unfinished effort Bonhoeffer considered his main life’s work: Ethics. In 1995, Bethge edited Friendship and Resistance: Essays on Dietrich Bonhoeffer….” Excerpt from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eberhard_Bethge

If you wish to read a biography of Bonhoeffer then Eberhard Bethge would be the best place to start, rather than Metaxas, which may be easier to find: “Metaxas’s Counterfeit Bonhoeffer: An Evangelical Critique: Review of Eric Metaxas, Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy: A Righteous Gentile Vs. the Third Reich (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2010)” by Richard Weikart https://www.csustan.edu/history/metaxass-counterfeit-bonhoeffer

Note that the state protestant churches in Germany and Switzerland are called Evangelical Churches. They are Lutheran and various Calvinist churches outside of Germany and Switzerland. In Scandinavia the State Churches are sometimes called Evangelical Lutheran. Thus, the meaning is much different from “evangelical” in the United States, which aren’t state churches. The current definition of “evangelical” in the US is unclear, but historically it was those who focused on “sharing the gospel”, salvation by grace/faith alone, and being “born again”. Salvation by faith rather than by works is an overlap between the German Evangelical (Lutheran) state church and US evangelicals.

Bonhoeffer, Pacifism and the Assassination Attempt on Hitler” University of Aberdeen: https://youtu.be/HVU58rKJUzg

Available in the US or with US VPN and maybe additional countries:
Bonhoeffer: Agent Of Grace (2000)