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As in the run-up to World War II, Antifa is almost certainly funded by the Kremlin (Russia), and/or China. The entire drag story hour/trans movement is almost certainly an “active measures” innovation of Russia, China, and/or Iran. Pharmaceutical companies make a killing off of trans, because of the constant need for hormones, too. It is notable that “the Islamic Republic of Iran occupies the unlikely role of global leader for sex changeshttps://www.theguardian.com/world/2005/jul/27/gayrights.iran

The German Communist Party and its street gang, Antifa, and Hitler and his brown shirts, wanted to smash the German Weimar Republic and actively worked together to do so.

KPD (German Communist Party) election poster, 1932.

a lot of Americans social conservatives now love Vladimir Putin because he’s been pretty tough on the gay rights movement in Russia that’s not because he’s opposed to the gay rights movement he just doesn’t want it in Russia — he wants to keep Russia together and he wants to still foster that movement in the west to break down the west and so his country can come out on top. The Communists were happy to promote the gay rights movement in the west not so much in their home turf and that still applies. You see that in communist China now they’re cracking down on the gay rights movement and effeminate men, in their own words, in China. They’re getting ready for war and they don’t want homosexuality in their military…” See: “The Communist Origins of the Gay Rights Movement”, Counterpunch with Trevor Loudon, June 29, 2022: https://youtu.be/wmv-oejpLFg

And, while Russia, China, India and other allied countries do military exercises in the Russian eastern military district (Vostok 2022), what are Americans paying attention to?
Rifle-wielding Antifa thugs face off with Proud Boys and demonstrators at Texas ‘drag brunch’ where 20 kids saw performers in skimpy outfits serenade them, dance and tell jokes
* The Antifa protesters, armed with AR-15 style rifles, showed up at a Texas drag brunch to defend those in attendance
* The group of masked anti-facist counter protesters also arrived on the scene, brazenly standing guard outside the eatery holding the semiautomatic riles
* Cops said that no arrests or police reports were made during the incident – and had been aware of the planned protests and stationed in the area as a precaution
” By Alex Hammer for dailymail.com, Published 22:44 EDT, 29 August 2022 | UPDATED: 23:59 EDT, 29 August 2022 https://web.archive.org/web/20220830041355/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11158745/Rifle-wielding-Antifa-thugs-face-Proud-Boys-demonstrators-Texas-drag-brunch.html

While this looks like Soviet style active measures, it could be coming from Iran. In the US, homosexual men have had a lot of financial and political clout for a very long time, but they frequently dislike “trans” individuals, because they like men and not men dressing as women. Nor do homosexual men tend to like women dressing as men. Most likely the trans push comes from Iran’s ally Russia, inspired by Iran, or from China. All three are notorious for their hate of women, though the real objective is to divide and destroy western society. In Iran, sex change allows the men to marry their men friends, rather than women. Tehran Iran is the “sex-change capital of the world. Dr Bahram Mir-Jalali, quoted in the article, below, seems to be the uncle of Pierre Omidyar, owner/funder of “The Intercept”. Pierre’s mother is Dr. Elah Mir-Djalali Omidyar. See: “A fatwa for freedom” by Robert Tait Wed 27 Jul 2005 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2005/jul/27/gayrights.iran Hormonal supplements used by “trans” individuals represent a permanent financial boon for the pharmaceutical industry. However, biological women were told to stop taking post-menopausal hormone replacement because of the increased risk of cancer. https://news.usc.edu/trojan-family/benefits-hormone-replacement-therapy-women-estrogen-usc According to the article, the hormone replacement conundrum may still remain: estrogen may be good for the heart. However, hormone replacement can cause estrogen-dependent cancers to grow more rapidly.

Please note, however, that, in western countries, men don’t have to undergo surgery or take hormone replacement therapy to declare themselves women. That sounds like pure divide and destroy active measures.

The German Communist Party and its street gang, Antifa, and Hitler and his brown shirts, wanted to smash the German Weimar Republic and actively worked together to do so.

Like the Kremlin today, the Kremlin funded Antifa of the 1930s considered anyone who didn’t follow their party line “fascists”. Antifa was the street fighting wing of the Kremlin funded German Communist Party, which actively worked with the Nazis and facilitated the rise of Hitler. Then, Hitler and Stalin worked together to invade and divide up Poland, which started World War II, since the UK and France had promised to protect Poland. Nazi Germany and the USSR remained allies for almost two years. The Nazi-Bolshevik alliance isn’t new.

The German Communist Party and its street gang, Antifa, and Hitler and his brown shirts, wanted to smash the German Weimar Republic and actively worked together to do so. From 1928, the German Communist Party was controlled and funded by Stalin-USSR-Kremlin (Russia). In 1932 they established Antifa and focused their attacks on Social Democrats.

Thus, the Nazi-Bolshevik menace, which we face today, has a very long history of working together to destroy democracy and usher in dictatorship. While democracies are flawed, they have a potential for self-correction, which dictatorships lack.

How Communists in Germany Allied with Nazis to Destroy Democracy” Sep 28, 2018 Billy Moncure, “The cooperation between the communist and Nazi parties in Germany… must be one of the strangest and most extreme partnerships in politics. In the 1920s the Stalinist leadership of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) declared that their main target was the Social Democratic Party (SPD). The SPD was the dominant political force in the Weimar Republic until the eventual Nazi takeover… Read: https://www.warhistoryonline.com/instant-articles/communists-allied-with-nazis.html

For almost two years, Hitler “and Joseph Stalin were formally allies as a result of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact”. This followed “a much longer“ period “during which the Soviet Union and Germany, two outcasts in the international community, cooperated covertly.” Stalin “continued to supply the Nazi regime with resources right up to June 22” 1941. https://euromaidanpress.com/2016/06/23/94702

Ernst Thälmann (16 April 1886 – 18 August 1944) was a German communist politician, and leader of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) from 1925 to 1933.

A committed Stalinist, Thälmann played a major role during the political instability of the Weimar Republic, especially in its final years, when the KPD explicitly sought to overthrow the liberal democracy of the republic. Under his leadership the KPD became intimately associated with the government of the Soviet Union and the policies of Joseph Stalin, and from 1928 the party was largely controlled and funded by Stalin’s government. The KPD under Thälmann’s leadership regarded the Social Democratic Party (SPD) as its main adversary and the party adopted the position that the social democrats were “social fascists.”

Thälmann was also leader of the paramilitary Roter Frontkämpferbund (which was banned as extremist by the governing social democrats in 1929). In 1932 he established Antifaschistische Aktion or Antifa, which concentrated its attacks on the recently formed social democratic paramilitary organization Iron Front.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_Thälmann

The Roter Frontkämpferbund (German: [ˈʁoːtɐ ˈfʁɔntˌkɛmpfɐbʊnt], “Alliance of Red Front-Fighters”), usually called Rotfrontkämpferbund, abbreviated RFB, was a German paramilitary organization affiliated with the Communist Party of Germany during the Weimar Republic (KPD).[1] It was officially a non-partisan and legally registered association.[2] The organisation was banned as extremist by the governing Social Democrats in 1929.[3].

The first local branches of the RFB were established in July 1924.[4][5][6] The group’s inaugural nationwide meeting was held in February 1925 in Berlin, where Ernst Thälmann was elected to lead the federal committee.[7][8] Die Rote Front (‘The Red Front’) was the newspaper of the RFB.[9][8] The greeting of “Rot Front!” (English: Red Front!) while giving a clenched fist salute gave rise to the expression Rotfront, often used among friends and foes to refer to the organization instead of its full title. The clenched fist “protecting the friend, fighting off the enemy” (German: „schützend den Freund, abwehrend den Feind“) was the symbol of the RFB,[10][11][12][13] used on all its insignia, and its registered trademark since 1 March 1926.[14] In May 1926, during a flag parade, activists used it as a sign of rallying to the movement and as an oath to defend the USSR… After World War II, former RFB members such as Erich Honecker[31] and Erich Mielke[32] were actively involved in the creation of the first police and military units of the German Democratic Republic (GDR; East Germany)….https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roter_Frontkämpferbund https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raised_fist

Please read this amazing article. Unfortunately, it’s not creative commons so we can’t re-published it: “How Communists in Germany Allied with Nazis to Destroy Democracy” Sep 28, 2018 Billy Moncure, Guest Author https://www.warhistoryonline.com/instant-articles/communists-allied-with-nazis.html

USSR Germany divided Poland
Daniel Hannan (ECR). – Mr President, 80 years ago, half a million Red Army troops backed by 5 000 tanks, 2 000 combat aircraft, smashed their way into Poland in a surprise attack.

Masters of dezinformatsiya, they had first spread the story that they were coming to help their Slavic Brothers against the Nazis, but their intentions soon became clear.

When the Nazi and Soviet armies met at Brest-Litovsk, they staged a joint parade. The two generals Guderian and Krivoshein had a slap-up lunch at which the Soviets invited the German journalists to join them in Moscow after the victory over capitalist Albion.

The amnesia, the selective amnesia, that parts of the modern Left have about the Nazi—Soviet pact, is an extraordinary monument to the follies of human nature.

We keep being told that the Red Army liberated us, that the Western theatre was just a sideshow, that it was really thanks to Stalin that fascism was defeated.

Can we really have forgotten that for fully a third of the conflict they were on the same side?

The only real victors here were the Left who … (The President cut off the speaker)

The Unconquered” Press Pack Photo Poland gov

France and Europe are in serious danger of a Germany 1933 NazBol redux:

France’s New NUPES Coalition Means Major Threat of a National-Bolchéviste Le Pen-Mélenchon Pro-Putin Parliamentary Front Against NATO and the EU

The Kremlin-USSR Funded German Communist Party (KPD) Worked with the Nazis to Bring Down the German Weimar Republic, Bringing Hitler to Power; Stalin and Hitler Started WWII and Remained Formal Allies for Almost Two Years

According to the New York Times, France24, and the Oregonian, Michael Reinoehl [a German American] said “I am 100% ANTIFA all the way!” on social media. France24 adds that some of these militants think that using guns/violence against those that they judge to be extreme right is legitimate. France24 explains that the police haven’t said if Aaron Jay Danielson was carrying a firearm or any other lethal weapon, when he was murdered. Reinoehl was killed by law enforcement, who were trying to arrest him, after he is believed to have murdered Jay Danielson.

Michael Reinoehl looks so much like the founder of the original Red Front and Antifa, Ernst Thälmann, it makes one wonder. Reinoehl has a clenched fist tattoo on his neck (visible in Vice interview). One of the earliest uses of the clenched fist was by the German Red Front. When the Red Front was banned Thälmann formed Antifa.

Like Antifa today, Antifa of the 1930s called anyone who didn’t follow their party line “fascists”, which stripped fascism of meaning and facilitated the rise of Hitler. Both Antifa and Hitler wanted to smash the Weimar Republic. Antifa was funded by Stalin.

According to the NYT, Reinoehl’s “family members broke off contact … after escalating conflicts.” The Oregonian says that they have been estranged for several years and that he had debt issues and often gave “his relatives’ addresses as his own to avoid responsibility”. NYT also admits that Michael Reinoehl “was charged with resisting arrest and possession of a loaded firearm” during July 5th “protests”. They say that the case was dropped without mentioning that dropping cases seems to have been frequent due to some combination of Covid-19 prison concerns and/or laxity of local government. The Oregonian discusses the July 5th arrest and adds that there was a warrant out on him for “driving under the influence of a controlled substance, recklessly endangering another, unlawful possession of a gun and driving while suspended and uninsured,“ in early June.

Reinoehl has said on social media that he served in the Army, but the US Army told the NYT that they found no record of service. Was it the US Army or maybe a foreign army?

The Pacific Northwest Violent Offender Task Force that attempted to arrest Mr. Reinoehl included members of the U.S. Marshals Service, the Lakewood Police Department, the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department and the Washington State Department of Corrections, according to the NYT. According to the US DOJ, “When Reinoehl attempted to escape arrest and produced a firearm, he was shot and killed by law enforcement officers. “The DOJ said that “Reinoehl fled to Washington State, where he was located yesterday by members of a fugitive task force led by the U.S. Marshals Service, the FBI, and state and local law enforcement partners.”

Suspect in Fatal Portland Shooting Is Killed by Officers During Arrest By Hallie Golden, Mike Baker and Adam Goldman Published Sept. 3, 2020
Updated Sept. 4, 2020, 8:28 a.m. ET New York Times https://archive.is/HJpmg

Tir à Portland: Michael Reinoehl tué par la police suite à l’attaque d’Aaron Danielson” 4 septembre 2020, France24 https://archive.vn/wauhu

Man under investigation in fatal shooting after pro-Trump rally allegedly took loaded gun to earlier Portland protest” Updated Aug 31, 3:01 PM; Posted Aug 30, 7:48 PM, The Oregonian-Oregon Live https://archive.is/KaRm4

Patriot Prayer “Founder Joey Gibson Insists it is “Not a White Supremacy Group”
“In a video posted by Gibson that aimed to set the record straight about his group, he said, “I am not white. I am a person of color
” See: “Patriot Prayer: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know” By Caroline Burke Updated Aug 4, 2018 at 12:27pm, Heavy https://archive.is/6L0sr

Patriot Prayer rally organizer says not white supremacist, he is Japanese American: https://youtu.be/40cLKHFdRM0

Aaron Jay Danielson looks possibly mixed race Scandinavian and Japanese and/or American Indian in one picture found online.

Facebook takes down accounts of Patriot Prayer, leader Joey Gibson” Updated 2:35 PM; Today 12:42 PM https://archive.is/h7TTE

Gibson is Japanese on his mother’s side and Irish-Scottish on father’s side.
Patriot Prayer leader dislikes racists, but they seem to hear a whistle” by Lilly Fowler / August 24, 2017, Crosscut https://archive.is/ksDv4

1932 Antifa conference and Thälmann pic in public domain under Germany 50 years after publication rule https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photograph_copyright_(Germany)

Friday, September 4, 2020
Statement by Attorney General William P. Barr on the Tracking Down of Fugitive Michael Forest Reinoehl

Attorney General William P. Barr has issued the following statement:
“Last Saturday, Aaron “Jay” Danielson was shot and killed amid the continuing violence in Portland. Local authorities subsequently obtained an arrest warrant for Michael Forest Reinoehl, a self-described Antifa member suspected of the alleged murder. Reinoehl fled to Washington State, where he was located yesterday by members of a fugitive task force led by the U.S. Marshals Service, the FBI, and state and local law enforcement partners. When Reinoehl attempted to escape arrest and produced a firearm, he was shot and killed by law enforcement officers.

The tracking down of Reinoehl — a dangerous fugitive, admitted Antifa member, and suspected murderer — is a significant accomplishment in the ongoing effort to restore law and order to Portland and other cities. I applaud the outstanding cooperation among federal, state, and local law enforcement, particularly the fugitive task force team that located Reinoehl and prevented him from escaping justice. The streets of our cities are safer with this violent agitator removed, and the actions that led to his location are an unmistakable demonstration that the United States will be governed by law, not violent mobs.”
Office of the Attorney General
Press Release Number:
Updated September 4, 2020
https://www.justice. gov/opa/pr/statement-attorney-general-william-p-barr-tracking-down-fugitive-michael-forest-reinoehl

German American Antifa Militant Who Murdered Jay Danielson Had Tattoo Which Harkens Back to the Original Stalinist Red Front-Antifa in Germany