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A man marrying another man has never been considered conservative in the United States.

Neither has homosexuality, which hijacked the word “gay”.

About the founder-owner-editor of the Gateway Pundit and his much younger husband from the Philippines: “Made for Each Other: James Hoft and Jezreel Morano” by Amanda Dahl Apr 11, 2019. https://web.archive.org/web/20190908180340/https://www.laduenews.com/style/weddings/made-for-each-other-james-hoft-and-jezreel-morano/article_5a85320a-d532-5e36-b254-7de565ac0aea.html

Jim Hoft is the founder, editor, and owner or co-owner of the Gateway Pundit. Whether or not his non-homosexual twin brother is now a co-owner is unknown.

It is the considered opinion of this blog that the Gateway Pundit should be renamed the Gay-way Pundit. We knew that Jim Hoft was gay by the way he spoke, but then we verified. Being a homosexual appears to impact the voice.

A homosexual man could be an economic conservative, but certainly isn’t a social conservative, which is traditionally the meaning of conservative in the United States.

Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit is married to a man approximately 30 years younger than him. He actually threatened legal action against Stew Peters for calling his husband a “boy”.

Leave aside the issue of gay marriage, for a moment. Even if this were a 24 year old woman marrying a 54 year old man, it’s a disgusting age difference, and there’s clearly a power disparity. The power disparity is even greater, since Morano was living in a comparatively poor foreign country. Furthermore, Hoft looks old for his age and Morano looks young for his age.

And, it’s absolutely mind-blowing that religious conservatives who feel very strongly about gay marriage continue to read and link to the Gateway Pundit.

And, it’s unseemly that a so-called conservative Archbishop (Vigano) sends his screeds to the Gateway Pundit, especially considering the homosexual problems within the Roman Catholic Church. It’s even more unseemly that Archbishop Vigano came out in his latest screed as an apologist of Putin’s invasion by blaming the victim. Does he blame the boys raped by the Catholic clergy, too?

Hoft threatened legal action against Stew Peters for calling his younger husband a “boy”. This gets into old school American where almost everyone is called a “girl” or “boy” versus the contemporary standard which makes anyone over 18 a “man” or “woman”. Hoft’s husband called himself “little boy” in a tweet, which is linked in this article.
Jim Hoft’s Marriage to Filipino Man Half His Age Isn’t Proof He’s in a ‘Satanic Pedophilia Cabal,’ Lawyer Says” Excerpt: “On Facebook, Morano has stated that he turned 29 in February of this year. This means he would have been 24 when they met in December of 2016. Hoft, who is now 59, would have been approximately 54. This means there is an approximate 30-year age difference between Hoft and his husband.” https://web.archive.org/web/20220131183624/https://nationalfile.com/jim-hofts-marriage-filipino-man-half-age-isnt-proof-satanic-pedophilia-cabal-lawyer-says/

Red Voice media was apparently forced to apologize: “Apology To Jim Hoft and The Gateway Pundit” BY RED VOICE MEDIA DECEMBER 28, 2021 https://web.archive.org/web/20220104132152/https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2021/12/apology-to-jim-hoft-and-the-gateway-pundit/

The current status of any legal action against Stew Peters by Jim Hoft is unknown. And, frankly my dear we don’t give a rats ass, because both the Gateway Pundit and Stew Peters have become apparent Putin apologists, whether intentionally or through their sheer and utter stupidity.

They are doing serious damage to the America First-conservative movement, which needs independents and former Dems to win. Even those who are clear about Putin’s guilt are undermining their cause by saying that Dems are the only stupid people, considering Republican Bush’s great love for Putin and his invasion of Iraq. If this keeps on, sane people are going to sit home in November, so the Dems won’t even have to cheat to win.

Having to counter sick Putin-philia is also taking time away from other important topics. Pute and Putin, by the way, means “prostitute” in French, and is used as a common insult. Those that have ears let them hear. This isn’t the Babylon Bee. Rather, it’s starting to look like the Biblical Babylon to me!