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Connecticut Department of Public Health Commissioner Manisha Juthani is supposed to be an MD and an expert in infectious diseases in older patients-palliative care, making this premeditated murder. Of Gujarat (India) origin, she must know very well that the nursing homes cut corners to save money. She has to know exactly what she’s doing – killing seniors in a cruel and inhumane manner. Meanwhile, the Connecticut Governor is requiring booster shots in nursing-care home staff which will make for staff shortages, meaning less cleaning and less care. Who would guess that Connecticut was such an awful place with such evil people? Why doesn’t she go back to India and kill them instead of us? They are overpopulated.

Why has the US imported such evil, cruel, inhumane excuses for human beings from abroad to take our jobs and now kill us? Of course, stealing American jobs is cruelly murderous. There are American doctors without jobs, because they can’t get into a residency program. There are enough cruel and inhumane people in the US already without importing more – like the murderous PA Drag Queen R. Levine, who sent Covid infected patients into nursing homes at the start of the “pandemic”.

Manisha Juthani may (or may not) have been born in the USA, but she is almost certainly a reflection of her family and of a greedy uncaring merchant caste culture. Is this policy to clear out nursing homes and Social Security/Medicaid-Medicare rolls to make room for the aging H1B workers from India and their parents?

Manisha Juthani, MD, specializes in the diagnosis, management and prevention of infections in older adults. “My interest in palliative care makes me uniquely qualified to help address goals of care with older patients with underlying diseases who have recurrent infections,” she says….
An associate professor of medicine (infectious diseases) at Yale School of Medicine, Dr. Juthani also pursues federally funded research to learn more about infections in older adults, specifically urinary tract infections and pneumonia. Her most recent area of interest is at the interface of infectious diseases and palliative care, including the role of antibiotics at the end of life…

She’s apparently Gujarati… probably from a family of greedy merchants. There must be a financial interest for her in this. Survivors need to watch where she goes after she leaves her current position, since it’s unlikely she will go to prison, as she deserves.

From the State of Connecticut, Department of Public Health, Commissioner Manisha Juthani:
Hospital Discharges to Post-Acute Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Updated Jan 6, 2022)

This guidance outlines expectations for safe and timely transfer of patients to post-acute care after hospital discharge and updates prior guidance from November 2020 (now archived) on this topic. Since that time, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have published comprehensive COVID-19 infection prevention and control recommendations for healthcare settings, with guidance specifically for nursing homes. In addition, COVID-19 vaccination has been implemented as a key tool for infection prevention.

Definitions Post-Acute Care (PAC): Essential health and social services after discharge from an acute care hospital.
• Per the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), post-acute care includes long-term care hospitals (LTCHs), inpatient rehabilitation facilities (IRFs), skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), and home health (HH) agencies.
• This guidance could also apply for assisted living facilities, residential care homes, and other congregate living settings.

General Principles Hospitalized patients should be discharged from acute care whenever clinically indicated, regardless of COVID-19 status.
Meeting criteria for discontinuation of isolation precautions (also known as transmission-based precautions) is not a prerequisite for discharge from a hospital. PAC providers should be equipped to safely care for individuals with active COVID-19 who are ready for discharge from acute care.
• Vaccination status of an individual should not influence decisions about hospital discharge or PAC admission.
• Discharge should not be held due to a pending SARS-CoV-2 test, as receiving PAC providers should now have quarantine policies in place based on COVID-19 vaccination status.
• If testing is requested before transfer, no more than a single test for SARS-CoV-2 infection within 48 hours of transfer to PAC should be required for admission to the PAC setting. Any type of diagnostic SARS-CoV-2 test available should be acceptable.

Any SNF unable to care for individuals admitted with COVID-19 infection should report reasons for their inability to do so via email to dph.flisadmin@ct.gov.

Guidance for PAC Providers Create a plan for managing new admissions, in accordance with current CDC guidance. Basic principles of COVID-19 infectious status should be applied for decisions on PAC isolation or quarantine.
• Individuals recently diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 infection require isolation until they meet criteria for discontinuation of isolation precautions.
• Individuals recovered after infection with SARS-CoV-2 in the past 90 days who remain asymptomatic do not require quarantine or isolation and do not need to be tested unless symptomatic or otherwise necessary. Antigen testing is preferred for individuals who have had COVID-19 in the past 90 days.
• Testing can be requested for fully vaccinated individuals who are asymptomatic.
• In general, all unvaccinated individuals who are new admissions and readmissions should be placed in a 14-day quarantine (except those who had COVID-19 in the past 90 days), even if they have a negative test upon admission. A risk-based approach to quarantine can be considered in areas of low COVID-19 transmission.

If testing is requested, no more than a single test for SARS-CoV-2 infection within 48 hours of transfer should be required for admission to the PAC setting.

Guidance for Hospitals

• Report any SNF unable to accept new admissions due to COVID-19 infection status to dph.flisadmin@ct.gov.
• During discharge planning, appropriateness of COVID-19 vaccination (and booster vaccination) prior to discharge should be evaluated. COVID-19 vaccine should be administered if appropriate and feasible to reduce the risk of COVID-19 in the PAC setting.
• During discharge planning, the following should be clearly communicated to PAC providers:

o COVID-19 vaccination status (including date(s) of vaccination, and which vaccine)

o Recent COVID-19 infection status (e.g., any known SARS-CoV-2 positive result in the past 90 days and recent SARS-CoV-2 testing) • Infection and/or colonization status for other pathogens of concern for nosocomial spread (including but not limited to carbapenem-resistant organisms, VRE, and MRSA) should also be communicated at transfer. • Consider using an interfacility infection control transfer form to indicate relevant vaccine, colonization, or active infection status. https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/21174549/ach-to-pac-transfer-guidance-6jan22.pdf

As the co-ranking leader of the CT General Assembly’s Public Health Committee, Sen. Tony Hwang offers his congratulations and support to the newly-nominated Department of Public Health Commissioner, Dr. Manisha Juthani.”https://news.hamlethub.com/fairfield/fairfield/life/50317-dr-manisha-juthani-tapped-as-ct-s-next-dph-commissioner

Lamont gives order allowing her do whatever she wants:
NOW, THEREFORE, I, NED LAMONT, Governor of the State of Connecticut, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the State of Connecticut, do hereby ORDER AND DIRECT:

1. Flexibility to Provide for Adequate Healthcare Resources and Facilities. Sections 19a-630, 19a-638 through 19a-639b, 19a-639e, and 19a-641 through 19a-642 of the Connecticut General Statutes and any related regulations, rules, or policies are modified to authorize the Executive Director of the Office of Health Strategy to waive the provisions of such sections solely as they relate to the certificate of need process for the increase of licensed bed capacity for treatment of COVID-19 patients and as she deems necessary to ensure that adequate healthcare resources and facilities are available to address the same. The Executive Director may issue any implementing orders that she deems necessary to achieve these goals without adoption of such requirements by regulation in accordance with Chapter 54 of the Connecticut General Statutes”. https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/Office-of-the-Governor/Executive-Orders/Lamont-Executive-Orders/Executive-Order-No-14D.pdf

Not surprising, that the surname isn’t of a Scheduled caste: https://bhs-junior.birlahighschool.com/sites/bhs-junior.birlahighschool.com/files/Saahil%20Juthani.pdf

A note to all of her Majesty’s subjects who say we are being “mean”. You are welcome to all expats from India and everywhere else. My ancestors fought a revolution against Britain so we “owe” India NOTHING. We have no historic ties with India. The US government started importing elites from India in the 50s and from ca 1970 gave them the affirmative action/minority contract set-asides meant for African Americans whose ancestors were enslaved within the United States, and for white American women. If affirmative action hasn’t worked, we need to look no further than the import of fake minorities from India and “Hispanics”. Hispanics can be ethnic German descendants of Nazis, but because they were born in Latin America get affirmative action/minority contract set-asides meant to uplift African Americans whose ancestors were enslaved within the United States.