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Apparently Austria has decided to back off of incarcerating an estimated 1/3rd of the population. By having large fines, the rich easily get out from under the mandate, and they don’t have to pay for the upkeep of the poor unvaccinated. The fine is supposed to be adjusted so that the 14400 Euros ($16,000 USD) per year is the maximum amount. It is a maximum of 3600 Euros or $4,000 every three months that you refuse the Covid-19 shot. Nonetheless, most people cannot afford any fines, and this favors the rich. Even the passports and mandates favor the rich, who can send others shopping for them, and who don’t need to work.

The above photo was circulated from an unknown source, but rumored to be a detention facility for the unvaccinated in Austria. Since the government of Austria has apparently backed down from jailing those refusing vaccination, it probably will be a quarantine facility instead.

Apparently Austria has decided to back off of incarcerating an estimated 1/3rd of the population. By having large fines, the rich easily get out from under the mandate, and they don’t have to pay for the upkeep of the poor unvaccinated. They seem to be bailing out the hospital systems with this bill. Maybe they are making the unvaccinated provide free healthcare to new immigrants?

Why aren’t they fining smokers? More people die due to smoking than Covid-19 and cigarette smoke, including second hand smoke, makes people more prone to catching Covid. Why aren’t they fining the obese and those who eat unhealthy food, who are a burden to the hospital system? Pork and pastries and fatty cheese must place a big burden on the medical system.

The only loopholes in the constant vaccination bill appear to be constant pregnancy or frequently catching a bad enough case of Covid to result in high antibody levels.

While the regulations, in the proposed law, are complicated and sleep inducing, it appears that you have to have a booster at least every 270 days – that’s approximately every 9 months. And, if it’s been 360 days since your original vaccine series, you apparently have to start all over again with the double shots. Surviving Covid apparently only gives you are reprieve from vaccination of 180 days, according to this proposed law.

Draft Law here: https://www.parlament.gv.at/PAKT/VHG/XXVII/ME/ME_00164/fname_1024580.pdf

Link to comment within news release, further below. We assume it’s only for Austrians to comment. At any rate, when we’ve asked our readers to comment on US rules, usually no one commented apart from us, even though it’s anonymous. If Americans won’t comment anonymously on their own rules, it would be silly for them to comment on Austrian laws, even if allowed.

Austria legalizes assisted suicide for people considered terminally ill or disabled: The current ruling party, the supposedly Christian conservative Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP), supported the bill”. https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/austria-legalizes-assisted-suicide-for-people-considered-terminally-ill-or-disabled/

Austria has an above-average percentage of smokers with 25% of its 8.8 million inhabitants smoking in comparison with an 18% average in other EU nations.” https://www.dw.com/en/austria-smoking-ban-in-effect-after-decade-long-debate/a-51080604

Translation based on the News Release from the Freedom Party, which is the only Party opposing forced vaccinations-mandates:

Compulsory vaccination law is under review – opinions are welcome:
FPÖ federal party chairman Kickl: “Citizens can participate in the legislative process on the Parliamentary website.”

December 10, 2021 | FPÖ, parliament, constitution
Yesterday, it was decided by the federal government- that from today, Friday, the planned law to introduce compulsory vaccination is officially under review.

For four weeks, Austrians now have the opportunity to submit their opinion on this project on the Parliament’s homepage (https://tinyurl.com/3e4tfavt). FPÖ federal party chairman, Herbert Kickl, expects a record number of comments:

“The resistance by the population to compulsory vaccination is increasing by the hour. I recommend to all those who do not agree with this unconstitutional encroachment on fundamental rights and freedoms that they state this in a comment on the law.”

Hopefully the parliamentary server is strong enough

Kickl hopes that the Parliament’s servers will be able to cope with the expected flood of negative statements this time and is thinking back to the turn of the year 2020/2021. At that time, shortly before New Year’s Eve, the government circulated amendments to the Epidemic Act and the Covid-19 Measures Act and only allowed a four-day review period. In addition, due to the tens of thousands of comments on the draft laws, the parliamentary servers were unable to support the influx, which meant that many critical comments on the laws were lost.

Kickl: “I hope President Wolfgang Sobotka has learned from this – because this time too there will be a storm of outrage from the population.”

Compulsory vaccination law unconstitutional

Irrespective of this, there are increasing (numbers of) expert opinions that the mandatory vaccination law is unconstitutional. A fundamental rights expert from the renowned “Ludwig Boltzmann Institute” is now questioning exactly that. The basis is that the approved active ingredients provide only reduced vaccination protection against the Omikron variant. Against this background, the question should also be assessed whether compulsory vaccination is a suitable means of ensuring general health, whether there are more lenient and equally effective means and whether the measure is appropriate. “The FPÖ has been making this argument for months. The vaccination works, but not well enough. It is therefore not the ‘game changer’ and in no way suitable for imposing it on people under threat of horrific penalties for violations,” concluded the FPÖ federal party leader.”

Original news release:
Impfzwang-Gesetz ist in Begutachtung – Stellungnahmen erwünscht
FPÖ-Bundesparteiobmann Kickl: “Bürger können sich auf der Parlaments-Homepage am Gesetzwerdungs-Prozess beteiligen.”

10. Dezember 2021 | FPÖ, Parlament, Verfassung
Gestern wurde es von der Bundesregierung beschlossen – ab heute, Freitag, ist das geplante Gesetz zur Einführung eines Impfzwangs offiziell in Begutachtung. Vier Wochen lang haben die Österreicher nun die Gelegenheit, ihre Stellungnahme zu diesem Vorhaben auf der Homepage des Parlaments (https://tinyurl.com/3e4tfavt) abzugeben. FPÖ-Bundesparteiobmann Klubobmann Herbert Kickl erwartet eine Rekordzahl an Stellungnahmen: „Der Widerstand in der Bevölkerung gegen den Impfzwang wird von Stunde zu Stunde größer. Ich kann all jenen, die mit diesem verfassungswidrigen Eingriff in die Grund- und Freiheitsrechte nicht einverstanden sind, nur empfehlen, dies auch im Rahmen einer Stellungnahme zum Gesetz darzulegen.“

Parlaments-Server hoffentlich verstärkt

Kickl hofft, dass die Server des Parlaments diesmal der zu erwartenden Flut an negativen Stellungnahmen gewachsen sein werden und erinnert an die Zeit des Jahreswechsels 2020/2021. Damals wurden von der Regierung kurz vor Silvester Novellen zum Epidemiegesetz und Covid-19-Maßnahmengesetz in Umlauf gebracht und mit einer lediglich viertägigen Begutachtungsfrist versehen. Zusätzlich gingen durch die -zigtausenden Stellungnahmen zu den Gesetzesentwürfen auch die Parlamentsserver in die Knie, wodurch viele kritische Kommentare zu den Gesetzen verloren gingen. Kickl: „Ich hoffe, Präsident Wolfgang Sobotka hat daraus gelernt – denn auch diesmal wird es zu einem Sturm der Empörung aus der Bevölkerung kommen.“

Impfzwang-Gesetz verfassungswidrig

Unabhängig davon mehren sich die Expertenmeinungen, wonach das Impfzwang-Gesetz verfassungswidrig sei. Ein Grundrechtsexperte des renommierten „Ludwig Boltzmann Institutes“ stellt genau das nun in Frage. Grund dafür ist, dass die zugelassenen Wirkstoffe gegen die Omikron-Variante nur einen reduzierten Impfschutz bieten würden. Vor diesem Hintergrund wäre auch die Frage zu bewerten, ob die Impfpflicht ein geeignetes Mittel zur Sicherstellung der allgemeinen Gesundheit ist, ob es gelindere und gleichermaßen wirksame Mittel gibt sowie, ob die Maßnahme angemessen ist.

„Dieses Argument führt die FPÖ seit Monaten ins Feld. Die Impfung wirkt, aber nicht gut genug. Sie ist damit nicht der ‚Gamechanger‘ und keinesfalls dafür geeignet, sie den Menschen unter Androhung horrender Strafen bei Zuwiderhandeln aufzuzwingen“, hielt der FPÖ-Bundesparteiobmann abschließend fest.” https://www.fpoe.at/artikel/impfzwang-gesetz-ist-in-begutachtung-stellungnahmen-erwuenscht/