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Virginia’s Daughtershttps://youtu.be/SlTKH0NwaDk

See too: https://virginiarisingaction.org/2021/10/25/terry-mcauliffe-dismisses-loudoun-county-sexual-assault-cases/

Anyone who didn’t know that these attacks would happen was born yesterday. Letting transvestite males (aka men dressed like women) into women’s restrooms and change rooms is a war on biological women. The clear agenda is to force women and girls out of schools and out of the workplace.

Press Release from American Principles Project:
APP Calls on McAuliffe to Address Loudoun County School Assault Cover-up
OCTOBER 13, 2021
Earlier this week, The Daily Wire published [1] a disturbing account of a girl student who was allegedly sexually assaulted in a Loudoun County, Va., high school restroom by a boy wearing a skirt. According to the report, school officials attempted to hide the incident from the public, likely because it would undermine support for new transgender policies the school district hoped to adopt. And at a school board meeting a month after the incident, the father of the assault victim was arrested after becoming upset with school officials stating that there were no records of any assaults taking place in bathrooms.

American Principles Project (APP) has been vocal about the dangers posed by transgender school policies, and in August, APP President Terry Schilling co-authored an op-ed in The Washington Post [2] warning that such policies would, among many other things, threaten the privacy and safety of girls in Virginia schools. APP’s affiliated PAC also recently launched a digital ad campaign [3] in Virginia highlighting the anti-parent agenda of Democrat gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe and his allies.

In response to the Loudoun County story, Schilling released the following statement calling on McAuliffe to address the issue:
“As a father of two girls, this story out of Loudoun County makes me sick. The physical safety of our kids should be the top priority of every public school. Period. End of story. If you’re responsible for our kids and that’s not your priority, you have no business being within 1,000 feet of a public school, let alone working at one.

“Let’s be clear: this sexual assault was the direct result of a policy choice. Virginia Democrats like Terry McAuliffe have embraced a radical transgender agenda that strips young girls of their privacy and puts their safety at risk. That policy choice reportedly led to at least two sexual assaults in Loudoun County.

“Last year, Virginia Democrats also passed a law eliminating the requirement for school officials to report many crimes on school property to law enforcement, including some sexual assaults. No doubt this law also emboldened Loudoun County administrators in their attempt to sweep these crimes under the rug.

“So we ask: does Terry McAuliffe really care about #MeToo, or was all of that just political posturing? Does he care about female assault victims, or does he prefer to side with the rapist in order to placate the Left’s radical activists? What will he do as governor to make sure what happened at Loudoun County Public Schools never happens to another young girl again?

“If he can’t answer those questions — if he can’t defend our daughters — then McAuliffe deserves to lose, and lose badly.”
[1] https://www.dailywire.com/news/loudoun-county-schools-tried-to-conceal-sexual-assault-against-daughter-in-bathroom-father-says
[2] https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/08/12/virginia-schools-should-not-conduct-social-experiments-with-our-children/
[3] Fight Back https://youtu.be/wny39nks0Gs

2nd Girl Raped in School Restroom by ‘Transgender’ Fellow Student; Furious Dad Arrested Crime Story” By Diana Shaw -October 13, 202111 Continue reading 2nd Girl Raped in School Restroom by ‘Transgender’ Fellow Student; Furious Dad Arrested”. Read more at: https://www.womenarehuman.com/2nd-girl-raped-in-school-restroom-by-transgender-fellow-student-furious-dad-arrested/

Terry McAuliffe is also connected to the Greentech scheme, which likely means that he is owned by China:

Biden DHS Secretary: Appearance of Favoritism & Special Access; Includes GreenTech Auto Case (Hillary’s Brother Tony & Terry McAuliffe Sued for Defrauding 27 Chinese & Tony Dies); Biden, McAuliffe, Hillary Hobnobbing at China Pres. Xi Luncheon

We suspect that the trans agenda has its roots in Middle Eastern countries, like Iran, where men only fraternize and party with other men:
Gender change operations are legal in Iran according to a fatwa – or religious ruling – pronounced by the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, spiritual leader of the 1979 Islamic revolution.“ (See: “Eight of Iran’s women’s football team ‘are men’ Iran’s football association accused of being ‘unethical’ after it is claimed eight players in women’s national team are men awaiting sex change operations”) https://archive.md/KXHuV#selection-805.1-805.189

We recall some Islamic saying that the ideal women should only go outside when they are born, married, and die. The trans agenda, if not stopped, will lead to that.

Furthermore, recall that some countries had outlawed facial coverings, such as Niqab, due to security concerns. Covid-19 face masks? Presto! Islamic facial coverings are back, de rigueur. China’s been helping Iran with its nuclear aspirations: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/china-is-boldly-supporting-irans-nuclear-ambitions-opinion/ar-BB1fBsNz