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So, Kamala and her team are using N95 masks, that are still in short supply for nursing home/frontline workers. All campaigns should stay home and be virtual. Campaigns are non-essential. Not within 6 feet for more than 15 minutes? They were in an enclosed space of an unknown size. Maybe she will get her comeuppance. She was on a flight with them on October 8th and will resume in person campaigning on the 19th of October. So, that’s only ten to eleven days. It can take two weeks or more to show symptoms. Average is 5.9 days. Isolation is supposed to be for 10 days or more after symptoms appear or so the Dems said re Trump. And, will she take a test?

This isn’t “an abundance of caution”. An “abundance of caution” would be staying home, period. Good that she attended the Judicial hearings virtually so she couldn’t potentially spread it and then blame the hearings for it.

From the Guardian:
Kamala Harris cancels events after flying with two people who tested positive for Covid – live

Harris’s communications director and a ‘non-staff flight crew member’ tested positive
Harris wore N95 mask during flight with Covid-19 positive individuals

Here’s more information on Senator Kamala Harris’s contacts who tested positive for Covid-19.

Harris was on a flight with both individuals two days before their positive Covid-19 tests. The individuals were Harris’s communications director, Liz Allen, and a “non-staff flight crew member”.

Because Harris and these contacts wore N95 masks during the flight and they were not within six feet of the vice presidential nominee for more than 15 minutes, they do not meet the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s definition of “close contact”.

For that reason, Harris does not meet quarantine criteria, but “out of an abundance of caution” the campaign has canceled her events through Sunday. She will still attend virtual campaign events.

The individuals were not in contact with the Democratic president nominee Joe Biden.

Harris cancels travel after Biden campaign members test positive for coronavirus – report

Democratic Vice Presidential nominee Kamala Harris has reportedly canceled her travel after two people associated with the Joe Biden’s campaign test positive for coronavirus… https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/live/2020/oct/15/amy-coney-barrett-senate-hearing-donald-trump-joe-biden-us-election-coronavirus-covid-live-updates?page=with:block-5f8854ca8f0869bd77d87d78#block-5f8854ca8f0869bd77d87d78