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Please spread the information and petition far and wide by reblogs, social media-networks, email, word of mouth. While the petition seems to primarily target New York Governor Cuomo, it is important that this summary of what’s wrong with Holtec get spread far and wide. This excerpt from the Riverkeeper petition neatly summarizes the Holtec nuclear “problem”: “We the undersigned believe that Holtec is not a suitable company to undertake the decommissioning of Indian Point and take control of the $2 billion trust fund because it has bribed its way into contracts, lied about the bribes, and has a history of risk taking in an area where safety is critical. Plus it has little experience with actual nuclear plant decommissioning and is not backing the project with any of its own money” Sign the petition here: https://secure.riverkeeper.org/site/SPageServer?pagename=Indian_Point_Petition&_ga=2.164135871.1625657990.1566891780-938481784.1566891780

From Riverkeeper.org:
Stop Holtec from taking over at Indian Point
Help stop Holtec from becoming the decommissioning company for Indian Point.
Holtec has bribed workers at the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), was temporarily suspended from contracting with TVA, then it lied about this to obtain tax breaks from New Jersey.

In addition, its partner SNC-Lavalin is embroiled in a bribery scandal in Canada.

To make things even worse Holtec has little experience with decommissioning, Holtec’s spent fuel management system at San Onofre nuclear power plant proved to have serious design flaws, and Holtec has a history of whistleblowers calling out its risk-taking with spent nuclear fuel canisters. Please sign our petition to stop Holtec.” https://secure.riverkeeper.org/site/SPageServer?pagename=Indian_Point_Petition&_ga=2.164135871.1625657990.1566891780-938481784.1566891780

Riverkeeper Petition text:

Stop Holtec’s bribes, lies, and risk taking

Entergy has selected Holtec as the company to transfer Indian Point to for the purpose of decommissioning. With the transfer, Entergy would walk away from any liability, and Holtec would take over the $2 billion trust fund, the management of the spent fuel, responsibility for security, and the decommissioning and site clean up.

This is unacceptable because Holtec is the worst choice to entrust with these critical tasks. It has bribed workers at the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), was suspended from contracting with TVA, then lied about this to obtain tax breaks from New Jersey.

In addition, its partner SNC-Lavalin is embroiled in a bribery scandal in Canada. To make things even worse Holtec has little experience with decommissioning and is not backing the project with any of its own money.

Holtec’s spent fuel management system at San Onofre nuclear power plant proved to have serious design flaws, and there is a history of whistleblowers calling out Holtec for taking unreasonable risks with spent nuclear fuel canisters.

Tell Entergy and Governor Cuomo to halt Entergy’s transfer to Holtec. Demand that they select a company that is actually prepared to do the Indian Point decommissioning.

We the undersigned believe that Holtec is not a suitable company to undertake the decommissioning of Indian Point and take control of the $2 billion trust fund because it has bribed its way into contracts, lied about the bribes, and has a history of risk taking in an area where safety is critical. Plus it has little experience with actual nuclear plant decommissioning and is not backing the project with any of its own money.

Sign the petition here: https://secure.riverkeeper.org/site/SPageServer?pagename=Indian_Point_Petition&_ga=2.164135871.1625657990.1566891780-938481784.1566891780

Riverkeeper notification:
Indian Point closure meeting
October 2, 2019: 6:00PM to 9:00PM
Morabito Community Center, 29 Westbrook Dr, Cortlandt, NY 10567
The federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission has agreed to a public meeting on the decommissioning of Indian Point. This meeting will be an opportunity for the local community – from elected officials to concerned residents and neighbors – to voice their concerns and bring questions directly to the NRC.

This meeting is part of the NRC’s process to meet reporting requirements to Congress which was included in the Nuclear Energy Innovation and Modernization Act.” https://www.riverkeeper.org/news-events/events/other-events/indian-point-closure-meeting/