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Feinstein on Barr Nomination
Feb 07 2019
Washington—Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) released the following statement after the committee voted to advance the nomination of William Barr for attorney general:

“When considering Bill Barr’s nomination, I’m most concerned about whether he would allow investigations into President Trump and his interests to proceed without interference, and whether once completed, he would provide Congress and the American people the underlying facts and evidence.

“It’s very concerning that Mr. Barr refuses to commit to releasing the Mueller report once it’s finalized and failed to respond to my letter asking for clarification of his position. Barr should release the report with minimal redactions.

“The subjects of the investigations get to the very root of our democracy, and to withhold it from the American people would be absolutely unacceptable.

“Bill Barr may be a fine lawyer and a former attorney general, but the situation in which we find ourselves – and the manner in which Mr. Barr has chosen to interpret the law – leaves too many questions about whether he can be an impartial attorney general.” ### https://www.feinstein.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/press-releases?id=1A2530CA-6D40-4389-99C6-CAA2F49430A0

Mr. Barr’s record presents a troubling parallel for the situation presented in the Mueller investigation. As Attorney General in the George H.W. Bush Administration, Mr. Barr recommended that President Bush pardon six people indicted by Iran-Contra Independent Counsel Lawrence Walsh, including high-ranking officials who were accused of perjury and withholding evidence. This country does not need political interference with law enforcement again today“. (US Senator Hirono, Dec. 7, 2018)

Not only did he recommend Bush pardons for people indicted in the Iran-Contra investigation, he apparently blocked Mueller in part of the BCCI investigation: 
“Mr. Mueller indicated to Mr. Rivera and to me as well that they would prefer that our indictment — that we work aggressively on it as much as possible… I received a phone call a little bit before noon on August 22 from Denis Saylor who indicated to me that I was directed not to return the BCCI indictment. And I asked who was directing me not to return it, and he said Attorney General William Barr…” (US Atty Dexter Lehtinen, 1992)
See: https://miningawareness.wordpress.com/2019/01/16/trump-ag-pick-barrs-troubling-record-recommended-iran-contra-pardons-blocked-bcci-indictment-refused-to-appoint-special-counsel-for-iraqgate-shared-memo-on-obstruction-with-trump-lawyers/

BCCI Indictment Pushed For By Mueller Was Blocked By Trump AG Pick William Barr In 1991