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Let’s call Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs what they are: Robber Barons. However, it is alarming that this Reagan appointed Judge T.S. Ellis III calls Russian and Ukrainian robber baron-oligarchs “merely rich“. And, sounds like he may block evidence that oligarchs are criminals and/or that Manafort is “consorting” with criminals. Adding to concern is that Trump’s sister was appointed Judge by Reagan, a few years prior to him.

Robber baron” is a derogatory metaphor of social criticism originally applied to certain late 19th-century American businessmen who were accused of using unscrupulous methods to get rich, or expand their wealth…“[1]

Russian oligarchs “are business oligarchs of the former Soviet republics who rapidly accumulated wealth during the era of Russian privatization in the aftermath of the dissolution of the Soviet Union in the 1990s. The failing Soviet state left the ownership of state assets contested, which allowed for informal deals with former USSR officials (mostly in Russia and Ukraine) as a means to acquire state property. Historian Edward L. Keenan has drawn a comparison between the current Russian system of oligarchs and the system of powerful boyars which emerged in late-Medieval Muscovy“. [2]

Does this mean that Judge Ellis won’t allow entry of evidence in the trial about Russian-Ukrainian oligarch-robber barons being criminals?
Mr. Manafort is not on trial for having a lavish lifestyle,” Ellis said.
Out of the jury’s earshot, he also criticized both sides for using the word “oligarch,” saying it had negative connotations and could give jurors the impression Manafort was “consorting and being paid by people who are criminals.” “Of course, there will be no evidence about that,” the judge said, adding that oligarchs were merely rich people
. [3]

Judge On Manafort Case ( T.S. Ellis) And Trump Sister Both Appointed US District Court Judges By Reagan

Enough with saying Trump-Russia collusion, too! It is Trump-Russia conspiracy:
We have a president of the United States who is not a loyal citizen… look at the email that Rob Goldstone, the P.R. guy sent to Donald Trump Jr… read it carefully… the fourth sentence of this email makes it clear that there was an ongoing conspiracy – collusion is not a crime. I don’t care about collusion. I care about conspiracies – there was an ongoing conspiracy between the Kremlin and the Trump administration: It says in the fourth line… ‘as part of Russia’s efforts to help’… Donald Trump has been involved with the Russians back to 1983… Trump has been extraordinarily successful in hiding the record of his conduct….” (Trump biographer David Cay Johnston, speaking at Politics and Prose, 1/24/2018, starting at 4 min 59 sec: http://youtu.be/y70q0mjujWk )

Do Trump Jr. Emails Indicate An Ongoing Conspiracy Between The Kremlin And The Trumps?

C27281-24, King Fahd and the Reagan’s greeting Ivana Trump with Donald Trump at a state dinner for King Fahd of Saudi Arabia in the blue room. 2/11/85.
[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robber_baron_(industrialist)
[2] New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/31/opinion/russias-oligarchy-alive-and-well.html
Cited in Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_oligarch
[3] “Prosecutors at Manafort trial offer evidence of apparently fake invoices
Posted:Wed, 01 Aug 2018 22:20:39 -0400 http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/Reuters/PoliticsNews/~3/OpMGiG6JxM4/prosecutors-at-manafort-trial-offer-evidence-of-apparently-fake-invoices-idUSKBN1KM3QE