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Protesters picketed the entrance of the nuclear new build forum at Whitehall in London this morning. An Andrea Leadsom Look-a-like protestor. accosted delegates rebuking them for their £1,000+ attendance at the forum. Other protestors, dressed in day-glow yellow barrels, reminded delegates and passers by of the intractable problem of nuclear waste.

The Minister was challenged on her arrival and deaparture, and was rushed by aides to her car in order that she could avoid hearing the strong feelings of ordinary working people

Shana Deal said “It’ds shicking that a givernment minister is schmoozing with business-people that want profit from the nuclear-new-build programme, whereas it’s the taxpayers who will have to pick up the tab for dealing with the nuclear waste. This is all the more unacceptable at a time of savage cuts when the government claims that there is not enough money for essential services such as the NHS which…

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