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Sandia is headquartered in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation (LMC)… Between 2008 and 2012, Sandia allegedly used federal funds to support activities to lobby Congress and other federal officials to receive a non-competitive extension of the M&O Contract in violation of a federal law known as the Byrd Amendment, which prohibits the use of federal funds for lobbying.” (US DOJ – See entire press release below)

They also appear to be lobbying to increase the non-medical radiation exposure of Americans to even more dizzyingly dangerous heights. Lockheed-Sandia employee, Mark Miller, is one of those behind the push to give all Americans cancer by upping nuclear related radiation exposure to 400 times higher than current US EPA maximum limit. Did Mark Miller do this on the taxpayer dollar too? Most likely, since he did a powerpoint presentation proposing any radiation level goes, with Sandia written on it. He didn’t put his Sandia affiliation on his 100 mSv per year petition, however. If Lockheed Martin is not promoting this lethal agenda, then it needs to formally and officially distance itself from this agenda and force Miller to remove their logo from his presentations. Note Sandia National Labs logo in lower right corner.
Page 8:
Example proposal: Increase Standards by X (pick a number between 10 and 1000)
Benefits • Technically Justifiable cost/benefit (REAL)
• Underscores “little to fear” in public eyes
• Dramatically reduced operating expenses
• Dramatically reduced cleanup expenses

Moving Radiation Protection to a More Science‐Based Foundation: – A Call to Action! Mark L. Miller, p. 8
p. 11 : Example: Fukushima
Moving Radiation Protection to a More Science‐Based Foundation: – A Call to Action! Mark L. Miller, p. 11
DON’T BE FOOLED. THERE WILL BE NO SAVINGS PASSED TO THE TAXPAYER, ONLY MORE COSTS TO PAY FOR MEDICAL CARE! Note that Carter’s apparent cure was due to a drug costing $150,000 per year. His cancer may well have been due to his involvement in the clean-up of the Chalk River Nuclear Accident.
See more here, including larger images showing Sandia logo more clearly: https://miningawareness.wordpress.com/2015/09/08/proponent-of-radiation-is-good-for-you-has-solar-panels-on-his-own-roof-mark-l-miller-of-lockheed-martin-run-sandia-national-lab/ and here: https://miningawareness.wordpress.com/2015/08/18/sandia-us-nuclear-lab-found-quick-easy-solution-for-radiation-at-fukushima-chernobyl-other-contaminated-zones/
Another example of lobbying the NRC by a Lockheed-Martin worker. He is using Lockheed’s name in his comment. He is clearly using this as leverage to show qualification, importance and garner attention.

Lockheed Martin Opposes USNRC Radiation Protection Rule; Wants to Keep Rule from 1956!

If neither of these positions are Lockheed Martin approved then Sandia-Lockheed Martin should not appear. Both clearly qualify as lobbying government agencies.

Miller’s extreme protocol of anything goes may even lead to Acute Radiation Syndrome and almost immediate death the exposures are so high. Notice that at the powerpoint above he proposes 1 to 20 Sv (Sieverts) per year, i.e., 1000 to 20,000 mSv (current EPA max is 0.25 mSv per year; ALARA is around 0.08 mSv): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acute_radiation_syndrom You might not have to live long enough to die of cancer! Beam me up!

From the US DOJ:
Department of Justice
Office of Public Affairs
Friday, August 21, 2015
Sandia Corporation Agrees to Pay $4.7 Million to Resolve Allegations Related to Lobbying Activities

The Justice Department announced today that Sandia Corporation has agreed to pay $4,790,042 to resolve allegations that Sandia violated the Byrd Amendment and the False Claims Act by using federal funds for activities related to lobbying Congress and federal agencies to obtain a renewal of its Management and Operating (M&O) Contract with the Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) to operate the Sandia National Laboratories (SNL). Sandia is headquartered in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation (LMC).

“The money allocated by Congress for the Sandia National Laboratories is designed to fund the important mission carried out by our national laboratories, not to lobby Congress for more funding,” said Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Benjamin C. Mizer, head of the Justice Department’s Civil Division. “This resolution demonstrates that the Justice Department will work to ensure that public funds are used for the important purposes for which they are intended.”

Between 1993 and the present, NNSA contracted with Sandia to manage and operate the SNL, a government-owned, contractor-operated laboratory that is part of the NNSA’s nuclear weapons complex, with its main facilities located in Albuquerque and Livermore, California. Between 2008 and 2012, Sandia allegedly used federal funds to support activities to lobby Congress and other federal officials to receive a non-competitive extension of the M&O Contract in violation of a federal law known as the Byrd Amendment, which prohibits the use of federal funds for lobbying.

“Using public funds to lobby for a non-competitive extension of a contract is simply unacceptable,” said Inspector General Gregory H. Friedman of the DOE. “I salute the work of the Department of Justice in pursuing this matter and the work of the Office of Inspector General professionals who were responsible for gathering the facts that served as the basis for the settlement.”

This case was handled by the Civil Division’s Commercial Litigation Branch with investigative assistance provided by the DOE’s Office of Inspector General.

The claims resolved by this settlement are allegations only; there has been no admission of liability.

Civil Division
Updated August 21, 2015

http://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/sandia-corporation-agrees-pay-47-million-resolve-allegations-related-lobbying-activities (Emphasis our own).