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The earliest large and well-organized Jewish community in Germany was in Cologne, ca 321. Constantine’s Twin Christian Basilica in Trier Germany was built between 326 and 348. Islam is said to date from the 600s. Germany’s Wünsdorf Mosque in Brandenburg was built in 1915 and used by the German Empire to attempt to weaponize Muslim prisoners of war against England and France. Jihad bites back?

Trier Cathedral Germany

Germany won’t be ‘intimidated’ by terror threats — Faeser
December 24, 2023, 11 pm With Austria arresting four suspected Islamists and German police deploying to secure the Cologne Cathedral, German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said officials were “extremely vigilant” and took any threats seriously…
On Saturday, Germany’s mass circulation Bild newspaper reported that police in Germany, Austria and Spain had received information that an Islamist group was planning attacks in all three countries….

German police warn of possible attack at Cologne Cathedral
12/23/2023 December 23, 2023
German authorities said they have received information about a possible attack at the Cologne Cathedral and have stepped up security…

Cologne Cathedral ca 1911.

Jewish migration from Roman Italy is considered the most likely source of the first Jews on German territory. While the date of the first settlement of Jews in the regions which the Romans called Germania Superior, Germania Inferior, and Magna Germania is not known, the first authentic document relating to a large and well-organized Jewish community in these regions dates from 321[12][13][14][15] and refers to Cologne on the Rhine[16][17][18] (There were Jews in Rome as early as 139 BC[19]). It indicates that the legal status of the Jews there was the same as elsewhere in the Roman Empire….”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_Germany

As reported by German public broadcaster DW (Deutsche Welle):
Six facts you didn’t know about mosques in Germany
By Bettina Baumann and Kristina Reymann-Schneider 10/03/2022 October 3, 2022
Germany has thousands of mosques, most of them tucked away in backyards or industrial parks…
German Empire trained jihadis in Germany’s first mosque
The Wünsdorf Mosque in Brandenburg, built in 1915 at the request of the Mufti of Istanbul, was considered the first Islamic building in Germany and all of Central Europe. Erected in the center of a prisoner of war camp for Muslims, the mosque was nicknamed the “half moon camp.” It was a place for peaceful prayer, but the German Empire also used the mosque to stir up Muslim prisoners’ sentiments against their colonial powers, France and England. “Revolutionary strategy” is what the German Empire called it. Here, jihadis were sworn in and eventually sent to fight the “holy war.”” (…)

The leader of the “jihad experiment” was Max von Oppenheim, a German diplomat and aristocrat. He established an office nearby to lead a propaganda campaign with the “show camp”, “self-consciously styled as a theatre for the wider world”, at its centre. Oppenheim was assisted by Shaykh Sâlih al-Sharîf, a Tunisian who had served in the Ottoman Empire’s intelligence agency. He served as a spiritual leader for the detainees.[2] Furthermore, Oppenheim cooperated with the Berlin Committee (later: Indian Independence Committee) in order to publish a propagandist Urdu- and Hindi-language newspaper, which was distributed in the camp.[8] (…) Up to 3,000 of the detainees from the camp were recruited into the German Army to fight in North Africa and the Middle East. However, low morale and troop revolt plagued the resulting divisions, and few believed in the jihadist cause. In 1917 the remaining prisoners were forced to agricultural labour in Romania.[2]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halbmondlager
Von Oppenheim’s mother was from a Catholic merchant family in Cologne. His father was from the Jewish Oppenheim banking family and converted to Catholicism:
Baron Max von Oppenheim (15 July 1860, in Cologne – 17 November 1946, in Landshut) was a German lawyer, diplomat, ancient historian, and archaeologist. He was a member of the Oppenheim banking dynasty
Oppenheim was a controversial figure before and during World War I because he was considered a spy by the French and British. He did in fact engage in anti-Allied propaganda, aimed at stirring up the Muslim populations of the Allied-controlled territories…
Max Oppenheim was born on 15 July 1860 in Cologne as the son of Albert Oppenheim and Pauline Engels. Albert Oppenheim, a member of the Jewish Oppenheim family of bankers, had converted to Catholicism in 1858 to marry Catholic Pauline Engels, from an established Cologne merchant family. In 1867, Max’s grandfather, Simon, was awarded the title of Freiherr (Baron) in Austria-Hungary. As the title was also valid in Prussia, the family now styled itself “von Oppenheim”.[2]: 16, 2…
This activity and his views in support of the German government’s colonial ambitions caused considerable mistrust among the British in Egypt, worried about German designs on the country (which had become a de facto protectorate in 1882), the Suez canal and the lifeline to their possessions in India. The British press repeatedly agitated against him, even styling him a “master spy of the Kaiser”.[2]: 23–24  For example, when tensions were later heightened by the Aqaba border crisis, 1906, British and French papers accused Oppenheim of acting in ways to incite pan-Islamic jihadi massacres of Europeans and of plotting with anti-French Algerian, and anti-Italian Tripolitan, rebels.[3]: 26 [5]: 333–341  On one of several trips he made while stationed at Cairo, in 1899 Oppenheim travelled via Aleppo to Damascus and northern Mesopotamia on behalf of Deutsche Bank, working on establishing a route for the Baghdad Railway…
”https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_von_Oppenheim. Photo 1917 so public domain: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Oppenheim_Circa1917.jpg
Well, according to the DW article, he was inciting jihad.

Constantine’s twin basilica at Trier
Rowe, Ria Theresia, 1974
Trier’s twin basilica was large; each church holding about 6000 people….The complex was built between 326 and 348 and the south basilica was finished first….”. https://open.library.ubc.ca/soa/cIRcle/collections/ubctheses/831/items/1.0058308

Trier Cathedral: “the cathedral was commissioned by Emperor Constantine the Great and built on top of a palace of Saint Helen, his mother. Following the conversion of Constantine to Christianity, bishop Maximin (329–346) is said to have coordinated the construction of a cathedral, which at the time was the grandest ensemble of ecclesiastical structures in the West outside Rome. “. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trier_Cathedral

According to the traditional account,[4][8] the Islamic prophet Muhammad began receiving what Muslims consider to be divine revelations in 610 CE…https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Islam

Constantine appointed his mother Helena as Augusta, and gave her unlimited access to the imperial treasury in order to locate the relics of the Christian tradition. In AD 326–28 Helena undertook a trip to Palestine.[30] According to Eusebius of Caesarea, who records the details of her pilgrimage to Palestine and other eastern provinces, and Socrates Scholasticus, she was responsible for the construction or beautification of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, and the Church of Eleona on the Mount of Olives; sites of Christ’s birth and ascension, respectively.[31] Local founding legend attributes to Helena’s orders the construction of a church in Egypt to identify the Burning Bush of Sinai. The chapel at Saint Catherine’s Monastery—often referred to as the Chapel of Saint Helen—is dated to the year 330..”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helena,_mother_of_Constantine_I
Northern steps to Grotto in the 1880s, Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem

All photos public domain images via wikipedia.

Hitler’s Palestinian Grand Mufti, who became President of what is now Gaza in 1948.

Happy Holidays. Thanks for Reading.