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One of the reasons that Americans are often confused about the Soviet Union is that Soviet manipulation of diplomats, who senselessly limit their contacts, and Sovietologists, who depend on the Soviet authorities for their visas, has given rise to a conventional wisdom about the ‘reasonableness’ of the Soviet Union that bears no relationship to reality.”
— (David Satter, Wall Street Journal, October 22, 1985)

Tucker Carlson has been described as a contrarian – contrary for the sake of being contrary. However, Kremlin talking points are so widespread there’s nothing thought provoking about them. Promoting a contrary case used to be called playing the Devil’s advocate. But, Carlson is being the Devil’s advocate, which calls to mind the film: “Devil’s Advocate” (1997) Official Trailer: https://youtu.be/40hHA9n4C2o

The only person who appears to have raised the obvious question was late-night TV host Jimmy Kimmel: “I want to see the tape Putin has of him, because it has to be something special,” he added. “I mean seriously, how did we go from being a country that hated communism since well before I was born, how did we go from the country that made Red Dawn and Rocky IV to this? It boggles the mind. “Can you imagine Ronald Reagan turning on Fox News and hearing this?” he joked. Carlson, Kimmel acknowledged, “knows what he’s doing. He knows this is garbage he’s feeding these people who watch him.” See: “Kimmel on Tucker Carlson’s pro-Russia stance: ‘I want to see the tape Putin has of him’ Late-night hosts discuss Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and Fox News host’s dubious support of Putinhttps://www.theguardian.com/culture/2022/feb/24/late-night-jimmy-kimmel-tucker-carlson-pro-russia-stance

Was Tucker Carlson (b. May 16, 1969) compromised by the Kremlin when his father was a member of the US-USSR Information talks-led official US delegations to the USSR (1987-90)? Tucker would have been in his late teens to early 20s. Dick Carlson also dealt with Russians as head of the VOA from 1986-91: Richard W. Carlson (1986-1991) – VOA https://www.insidevoa.com/a/4499736.html, https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Richard_W._CarlsonPromoting Glasnost & Perestroika: The US-USSR Information and Cultural Talks” By Michael Schneider, Syracuse University March 26, 2018 https://pdsyracuse.newhouse.syr.edu/2018/03/26/promoting-glasnost-perestroika-the-us-ussr-information-and-cultural-talks/ Dick Carlson also opened the first VOA office in the Soviet Union in 1990. Alternatively, was his father compromised?

That no one is asking these questions is as peculiar as Tucker’s belligerently pro-Russian stance.

When Tucker went to Hungary and interviewed its pro-Russian PM Orban, did he mention that his father, Dick Carlson, worked for a lobbying firm that was paid to lobby for the Hungarian government?

His father Dick at Policy Impact: https://web.archive.org/web/20220206085459/https://policyimpact.com/team/ambassador-richard-carlson/ Foreign Agent Registrations for Policy Impact Strategic Communications Embassy of Hungary, 2019: https://efile.fara.gov/docs/6544-Exhibit-AB-20190515-3.pdf
His mother abandoned him and his brother when they were very young, and he was raised by his father, and they are very close.

In Tucker Carlson’s introduction to Roger Stone’s book “Stone’s Rules” (2018), Tucker calls Roger Stone “the premier troublemaker of our time, the Michael Jordan of electoral mischief. This is either terrifying or delightful… I love it…. Roger Stone is… also wise…. From his early years with Richard Nixon, to his work subverting democracy during the 2000 Florida recount… business, power, partisanship… betrayals should be avenged, and political debts should be paid… Tucker also refers to “the legend of Roger Stone”. That raises the question of if Roger Stone’s identity is the “legend” or cover of a KGB agent. See more here: https://miningawareness.wordpress.com/2023/01/04/in-intro-to-roger-stone-book-tucker-carlson-wrote-of-stones-work-subverting-democracy-during-the-2000-florida-recount-tuckers-father-in-the-ussr-bush-gore-soviet/

In the Devil’s advocate, the law-firm was dealing with things like chemical waste and money-laundering for eastern bloc countries. Sounds a lot like Russian mobster Mogilevich: https://miningawareness.wordpress.com/2017/03/19/fbi-doc-mogilevich-org-tied-to-tochtachunov-genovese-all-tied-to-trump-at-least-indirectly-mogilevich-org-planned-to-dump-waste-at-chernobyl-too/ Mogilevich is featured in this article: “A suitcase full of cash from the Solntsevo Mafia: does Putin have a video kompromat on the Hungarian leader? By Анастасия Кириленко 7 апреля 2018 https://web.archive.org/web/20200813225220/https://theins.ru/en/uncategorized/98262

Devil’s Advocate (1997) Official Trailer https://youtu.be/40hHA9n4C2o

The Kremlin-Russia’s blown up a dam on the Dnieper (Dnipro) before and killed their own troops, as well as Ukrainian civilians. The Dnieper (Dnipro) dam was built with American engineering, skill, ingenuity and technology, and Ukrainian workers. Maybe that’s why Russia didn’t value it or Ukrainian lives? We built it, Russia broke it! However, they didn’t value the lives of their own army, either. Sound familiar? Only Antony Sutton appears to have comprehensively covered the critical role of western technology for the Soviet Union. See the American role in building and rebuilding the dam, after the article about Stalin blowing it up. Continued here: https://miningawareness.wordpress.com/2023/06/10/in-1941-stalins-nkvd-blew-up-hydro-dam-on-the-dnieper-dnipro-killing-civilians-and-red-army-troops/

Ukraine’s response to Tucker’s video:
Tucker Carlson’s first video blog after being fired from Fox News: common lie about Ukraine 07.06.2023 https://spravdi.gov.ua/en

On 7 June, the first episode of a video blog by Tucker Carlson, a TV presenter who was fired from the US TV channel Fox News in April, was posted on Twitter. One of the key topics of the vlog was the explosion at the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant in Kherson region and speculation about Ukraine’s complicity.

Within five hours, the 10-minute video received over 60 million views and over 155,000 retweets. Among others, the video was shared by Elon Musk, a number of U.S. congressmen, and Russia’s representative to the UN.

Despite the fact that the video begins precisely with the mention of the Kakhovka HPP, Carlson devoted only one minute to the event. This was enough for him to claim: “the Ukrainians probably blew it up.”

The presenter devoted most of his time to criticizing his political opponents: Republicans who do not support Donald Trump, as well as rival Democrats. He also criticized their position on the need to help Ukraine. Carlson actively manipulated facts and used Russia’s fake narratives.

Manipulation 1: “Blowing up Kakhovka HPP is beneficial for Ukraine”

Tucker Carlson argues that Kyiv’s involvement in the Kakhovka HPP dam blast is beneficial for Ukraine and disadvantageous for Russia. His “arguments” are quite simple: the Kakhovka HPP was controlled by the Russians, built by the Russian government, and the destruction of the dam would damage water supplies to Crimea. Carlson did not forget to repeat a Russian propaganda thesis about the importance of the peninsula for the Russian Federation because it “was home to the Russian Black Sea Fleet for 250 years.” The presenter admits that blowing up the hydroelectric power plant “could be bad for Ukraine.” But, according to him, “it is much more harmful to Russia.”

What is wrong with these statements?

The explosion of the hydroelectric power plant has led to an environmental disaster in the territory of Ukraine. It affects the environment, economy, and citizens of Ukraine, both in temporarily occupied and government-controlled areas. The flooding of territories is a blow to the agricultural sector, whose products make up a significant part of Ukraine’s exports;
The flooding complicates Ukraine’s offensive in the south and allows the Russians to redeploy at least some of the forces they have been keeping on this part of the frontline;
It is not the first time that the Russians have resorted to the scorched earth tactic in an attempt to inflict as much damage as possible on Ukraine.

In addition, Tucker Carlson ignores any facts that point to Russias involvement in the explosion:

Last autumn, the occupiers mined the locks and supports of the hydroelectric power plant, and during the retreat from Kherson, they partially damaged the dam;

Ukraine sought to avoid a catastrophe and warned the world of its threat. Last October, President Volodymyr Zelensky appealed to the European Council to deploy an observation mission to the hydroelectric power plant.

The statement about the involvement of the “Russian government” in the construction of the Kakhovka HPP is a continuation of the Russian narrative that the Russians (the Soviet government) “built all the factories in Ukraine.” This narrative does not take into account that Soviet industrialization in Ukraine was not an act of charity on the part of Moscow as it was carried out at the expense of the Ukrainian economy and at the hands of Ukrainian workers.

Manipulation 2: “Senator Graham rejoices in the deaths of Russians”

To discredit American support for Ukraine, Tucker Carlson used a video that made headlines in Russian propaganda outlets late May — a meeting between Senator Lindsey Graham and Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv. The video was edited to combine two of the senator’s phrases in different contexts: “Yes, the Russians are dying” and “This is the best thing we’ve ever spent money on,” giving the audience the impression that they are part of a single logical structure.
The hosts and guests of Russian propaganda shows, Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov, and spokeswoman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova were demonstrably “indignant” over this video. The head of the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, initiated a criminal case against Senator Graham, and the Secretary of the Security Council Dmitry Medvedev reminded the senator of the fate of Robert Kennedy and other assassinated American politicians.

The Office of the President of Ukraine promptly provided journalists with the full version of the video, which proves that Graham’s statements about the deaths of Russians and the spending of American money do not follow each other and are not therefore connected. The senator’s phrase “This is the best thing we’ve ever spent money on” was a response to Zelensky’s words of gratitude for the U.S. assistance to Ukraine.
The unedited version of this conversation was made public. But Tucker Carlson ignored it. He was “indignant” in the same way as Russian propagandists, accusing both the senator and the Ukrainian president of bloodlust.

It is not the first time that Tucker Carlson has spread fakes and Russian propaganda messages, circulating lies about “bio-weapons labs”, “Putin being pushed to war by the West,” etc. Russian propaganda, in turn, happily quotes Carlson. https://spravdi.gov.ua/skilky-taker-karlson-protrymavsya-b-u-rosiyi-dajdzhest-propagandy-za-25-kvitnya/
Using one of the cornerstones of Western civilization — freedom of speech — the Kremlin and Russian agents of influence are doing everything to destroy it, spreading outright lies and speculating on the suffering of millions of people.   
Center for Strategic Communication and Information Security
”https://spravdi.gov.ua/en/tucker-carlsons-first-video-blog-after-being-fired-from-fox-news-common-lie-about-ukraine/ https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-society/3720076-tucker-carlsons-first-video-blog-after-being-fired-from-fox-news-common-lie-about-ukraine.html

Tucker’s father is on the board of a lobbying firm (Policy Impact) that was paid to lobby for Hungary: “Conservative Fellow Travelers: Tucker Carlson Drops In On Viktor Orban
This week, the talk show host has been in Hungary, where Prime Minister Viktor Orban hopes to set up an ideological center for a global conservative movement.
” By Benjamin Novak and Michael M. Grynbaum Published Aug. 7, 2021 Updated Oct. 4, 2021

The Full Disclosure Tucker Carlson Isn’t Making: Ever since Scooter Libby was indicted, Tucker Carlson has had a lot to say about the central players in the legal drama. On his MSNBC show and on, he’s been unfailingly supportive of Libby and damning of Fitzgerald. But with all he’s had to say about the case, there is one thing that Carlson has failed to mention: That his father, Richard Carlson, is on the board of the GOP-heavy-hitter-laden group that has so far raised $2 million. Indeed, Carlson’s dad couriered a check to Libby’s home”. By  Arianna Huffington, Contributor Founder, The Huffington Post; Founder and CEO, Thrive Global Feb 28, 2006, 06:06 PM EST Updated May 25, 2011 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/the-full-disclosure-tucke_b_16530

His father at Policy Impact: https://web.archive.org/web/20220206085459/https://policyimpact.com/team/ambassador-richard-carlson/

Foreign Agent Registrations for Policy Impact Strategic Communications
Embassy of Hungary, 2019: https://efile.fara.gov/docs/6544-Exhibit-AB-20190515-3.pdf

2020: https://efile.fara.gov/docs/6544-Supplemental-Statement-20200415-3.pdf

Kazakhstan, 2009: https://efile.fara.gov/docs/5936-Short-Form-20090528-2.pdf

Tucker-Hungary 2021: https://web.archive.org/web/20221221212356/https://www.foxnews.com/media/hungary-viktor-orban-tucker-carlson-western-liberals

Colonel Cooper, on the left, the head of consultants and Alexander Vinter, The Dnieper Hydroelectric Station construction manager.

Manufacture of generators by General Electric, 1945 for reconstruction of the Dnieper (Dnipro) hydro station after Russia blew it up.