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The American people did without to help the US military, the UK, but also the perpetually ungrateful Soviet Russians. In the US: “Rationing was a way of life as twenty commodities were rationed and people were asked to, “Use it up – Wear it out – Make it do – or Do without.” Materials vital to the war effort were collected, often by youth groups, and recycled… Americans grew 60% of the produce they consumed in “Victory Gardens”.  The war effort on the United States Home Front was a total effort.” https://www.nps.gov/articles/the-wwii-home-front.htm

Mining Awareness +

During WWII, the USA sent to Russia (USSR): 400,000 jeeps & trucks, 14,000 airplanes, 8,000 tractors, 13,000 tanks, 1.5 million blankets, 15 million pairs of army boots, 107,000 tons of cotton, 2.7 million tons of petrol products, 4.5 million tons of food.

No good deed goes unpunished, especially when it comes to on-the-make grifter Russia and Putin.

The USSR-Russia cut a deal with Nazi Germany to take over Poland, which led to WWII. They both started World War II. It appears that the USSR took more than they were supposed to, rather than that Hitler doubled-crossed them: “The Soviet Union signed a non-aggression pact with Nazi Germany on 23 August 1939. In addition to stipulations of non-aggression, the treaty included a secret protocol that divided territories of Romania, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Finland into German and Soviet Union “spheres of influence”, anticipating potential “territorial and political rearrangements” of…

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