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Three negative Covid tests, but still interned and very unhappy about it, and about the food. He’s not committed a crime.

Link: https://www.bitchute.com/video/9aCKzbjPsMZI/

Canada – another big mining camp, like Australia. Is that related?

Kind of hard to give lessons to China, given these conditions. Is that the point? Or do they have the same co-owner(s)?

Canadian PM Trudeau’s ancestor – opium, gambling and slavery: “Founding Singapore: The Story of William Farquhar” August 18, 2016 by Anchi Hoh “Farquhar …. allowed the establishment of gambling dens, as well as the sale of arrack (a type of alcoholic drink) and opium. He also permitted cock-fighting and the building of homes on land reserved for British administrative buildings. Raffles perceived these new developments as vices and was opposed to the privileges the sultan and the tĕmĕnggong enjoyed, in addition to their receiving large proceeds from the opium and arrack trade and the gambling dens. The straw that broke the camel’s back occurred when Farquhar sanctioned a return to slavery in the new colony; a decision that rendered all attempts at appeasing Raffles wholly ineffective./ In April 1823, prior to his final departure from Singapore, Raffles removed Farquhar from his post as Resident-Commandant of Singapore, effectively ending the illustrious career of a man who had a proud past, thereby bestowing upon him an uncertain future. Towards the close of 1823, Farquhar left his Malaccan-French wife, Antoinette Clement, and their six children to return to Scotland. In 1824, he unsuccessfully filed a complaint to the East India Company about his dismissal. In 1828, Farquhar remarried and fathered six more children. (It is interesting to note that through his first wife, Farquhar became a great-great-great-great-great grandfather of current Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau.) After trying in vain to sue Raffles to obtain the title of “the founder of Singapore,” Farquhar ultimately died bitter and misunderstood in 1839 in Scotland at the age of 65.https://blogs.loc.gov/international-collections/2016/08/founding-singapore-the-story-of-william-farquhar
