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Call the US Congress today: https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials
Stop S386; Stop S2603 (Durbin’s “RELIEF” Act);
Give India its stolen medical doctors back; Let American medical doctors work.

India’s losing its much needed doctors to the US, UK, Canada, and Australia. This is a crime that no one talks about anymore. There used to be a lot of concern about this topic. Where’s the pity for those who are widows and orphans in India for want of medical care?

The MDs from India who are robbing their own people of medical care, by leaving, are also robbing US citizen MDs of their employment, by robbing them of residency spots. Without residencies, the US doctors cannot practice. See: https://doctorswithoutjobs.org/about/ Medical school in the United States has always been many many times more costly than non-medical educations. And, it’s very hard to gain entrance to US medical school, too. The debt incurred by US doctors for their schooling has been a major impediment to lowering medical costs. Those doctors trained abroad, who carry little debt burden, are benefitting from the bloated wages that MDs make in the United States, without the debt. While these doctors get rich, there are US citizen doctors who are unable to practice or pay off their debt burden.

Even those who studied in the United States should go home to India and help their country, once they have paid off their debt – if they even have debt, as most probably come from rich families in India.

If doctors from India don’t even want to help their own country, then they aren’t people that you want practicing medicine at all. These are on-the-make people, who are not interested in serving humanity. If they don’t care about their own people, they won’t care about anyone else. They clearly just want money and to live abroad. However, for India they might be better than no doctors at all. And, sending these MDs home, from the USA, would set an example, which would unblock future medical school spots in India for those who do care. And, it would unblock residency spots for US doctors within the United States, as well.

Now India is trying to figure out what to do with its foreign trained medical graduates, as discussed in the article below. They are trained in places like China, Russia and Ukraine. The article says they’ve been going to Russia for decades. You know why? Because India went from being a colony of the UK to being allied with the Soviet Union, and they are still very very close to Russia. So, migrants from India are a national security risk, too. One need look no further than Kamala Harris. Senator Kamala Harris’ mother was a doctor from India, and her mother’s brother advises India on nuclear defense matters: https://miningawareness.wordpress.com/2019/09/09/why-did-kamala-harris-lie-and-tell-biden-that-her-uncle-was-a-journalist-mathematician-when-he-advises-the-government-of-india-on-defense-especially-nuclear-matters This is something that needs ot be investigated.

While over half of doctors from India’s better medical schools leave to practice abroad, according to the article below, not every doctor from India practicing abroad is from their better schools.

There is this guy, for instance, apparently practicing medicine on a temp visa – maybe H1B – and angrily calling names, in an attempt to get more green cards for India, as can be seen here: https://miningawareness.wordpress.com/2019/10/19/dear-iowa-please-boycott-md-from-india-who-calls-us-senator-names-on-twitter-for-not-passing-s386-which-gives-most-green-cards-to-india-meanwhile-india-has-severe-shortage-of-doctors

It would be interesting to know if any of India’s better doctors go to the United States, or if they all go to Canada and the UK. If Americans knew that they were seeing doctors from India, who are trained in India, rather than doctors from India trained in the United States, it is doubtful that they would go to these doctors. Now with internet you can see the doctor’s medical school.

Excerpted from: Anjali S, Sanjay Z, Bipin B. “India’s foreign medical graduates: an opportunity to correct India’s physician shortage“. Educ Health 2016;29:42-6.: “Although significant progress has been made in number of medical training institutions, India still faces physician supply issues. The current estimated physician to population ratio in India is 1:1700, against the targeted ratio of 1:1000, showing a continued shortage.[3] India also has a physician distribution challenge, with close to 70% of physicians concentrated in urban areas. This leaves the density of physicians in rural India at 3 per 10,000 population versus 13 per 10,000 in urban areas.[4]

With too few physicians and India’s high disease burden and need for more well trained physicians, it’s medical education system faces important challenges in meeting this need…

The practice of Indians studying medicine abroad began in Russia a few decades back, and gained momentum in the past six years with newer destinations like China, Nepal and Ukraine. Each year, it is estimated that more than 5,000 students leave India for medical education elsewhere, with China being the most popular destination followed by Russia, Ukraine, Nepal and Kazakhstan. The total number of candidates for the FMGE trained in China from 2010 through 2014 is 18,297and the number is increasing [Graph 1].

The number for FMGs sitting for the screening test has increased from 2002 through 2014 [Graph 2]. However, the percentage of FMGs who pass has hovered around 25%. In 2012-2013, 3,664 of the 13,953 FMGs (26%) who sat for the Test passed. According to NBE statistics, of 13,953 FMGs who sat for the FMGE that year, 8,063 had trained in China, 1,739 in Russia and 861 in Ukraine. Since the test is held twice a year with no restriction on the number of attempts an individual may make, many take the exam several times.

What makes destinations like China, Russia and Nepal attractive for aspiring doctors is their low cost, good education and ease of admission. The difference in the cost of a medical education in private colleges in India is about double that in these other countries. Over 52 Chinese universities offer positions to Indian students. An entire medical education can be completed in China for ₹15-25 lakh ($US 24,000-40,000), less than half what it would cost in a private medical college in India, excluding the expense for room and board.[11] Another factor that makes China popular for Indian students is that the medium of instruction is English, unlike that in Russian universities.

Also, there are minimum entry requirements in either Chinese or Russian universities

Migration of medical graduates from India

With 1.24 billion people, India’s health care system is over-burdened and is struggling to respond to healthcare needs of the population. Growing physician emigration further contributes to the existing shortage of doctors. Migration seems to be substantially higher for graduates from the best medical colleges: 54% of graduates of India’s premier medical college between 1989 and 2000 left the country, with most of them leaving to the USA.[17] Financial insecurity in India, political instability, sparse opportunities for continued education, low compensation and rigorous workload for physicians lead to the emigration of medical graduates.[18]

There is high demand for trained medical graduates in developed nations including the United States (US), United Kingdom, Canada and Australia… This dependence on foreign physicians puts a tremendous strain on the healthcare systems of developing nations like India. At present, India has no mechanism to track the outflow of its medical graduates. The current guidelines of MCI does not require graduates to obtain any official approval before migrating abroad. While India faces an ongoing shortage of trained medical manpower, along with trained doctors emigrating to other nations, FMGs can at least partially ameliorate this situation…” (Emphasis our own). Excerpted from: Anjali S, Sanjay Z, Bipin B. “India’s foreign medical graduates: an opportunity to correct India’s physician shortage“. Educ Health 2016;29:42-6. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially, as long as the author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms, © 2016 Education for Health, Published by Wolters Kluwer – Medknow. DOI: 10.4103/1357-6283.178932 CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0: http://www.educationforhealth.net/article.asp?issn=1357-6283;year=2016;volume=29;issue=1;spage=42;epage=46;aulast=Anjali;type=0 http://www.educationforhealth.net https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ (Note: It sounds like India needs to reduce the cost of its medical schools, too. This is surely a lot of money in the third world, though cheaper than US med school.)

STOP S386 (aka Mike Lee’s INDIA FIRST ACT).