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Trump and China’s Xi Jinping at Mar-a-Lago in 2017

From VOA News:
Report Describes Thousands of Hacked EU Diplomatic Cables
December 19, 2018 7:52 AM, VOA News
The New York Times reported late Tuesday that hackers, using methods similar to ones long used by an elite unit in the Chinese military, gained access to European Union diplomatic communications networks for three years. The breach allowed the infiltrators to download thousands of sensitive cables.

The report said the breach was discovered by cybersecurity company Area 1, which provided more than 1,100 of the cables to the newspaper.

According to the newspaper, the compromised material provides insight in to Europe’s concerns about “an unpredictable Trump Administration,” including EU feelings that a negative attitude from Trump toward the bloc “had created a lot of insecurity.”

The material also highlights the regional bloc’s struggle to “deal with Russia and China and the risk that Iran would revive its nuclear program,” and includes memorandums of conversations with leaders in Saudi Arabia, Israel and other countries shared across the European Union.

The information the hackers accessed was classified, but at a low level with cables labeled limited and restricted. The Times cited European officials as saying more sensitive documents are kept in a separate system.

One cable from the EU’s deputy head of mission in Washington recommended other EU diplomats try to work directly with members of Congress, instead of Trump, and to try to boost relations by describing the United States as its “most important partner.”

The Times said in another cable, European diplomats discussed Trump’s July summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki where the U.S. leader went against the assessment of his intelligence agencies by saying he did not see any reason why Russia would have interfered in the 2016 U.S. election that brought Trump to power.

That cable described the summit as “successful (at least for Putin)” and further included discussion of White House damage control efforts.

Another cable cited in the report dealt with a meeting between European officials and Chinese President Xi Jinping and discussion about Trump administration moves to escalate tariffs on Chinese goods as the two countries engaged in a trade spat.

The cable said “U.S. demands were inconsistent, illogical, and ultimately would hurt its own self interest.” It also quoted Xi asserting his country “would not submit to bullying” by the United States.

The Times said the operation included intrusions at more than 100 organizations in all, including the United Nations and a number of foreign and finance ministries.https://www.voanews.com/a/report-describes-thousands-of-hacked-eu-diplomatic-cables/4707113.html

NYTimes: “Hacked European Cables Reveal a World of Anxiety About Trump, Russia and Iran https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/18/us/politics/european-diplomats-cables-hacked.html

Most of this appears to be more like news summaries (briefings). Not everything mentioned in the articles appears here, based on in document searching. DT is apparently Donald Tusk and NOT Donald Trump, who is called Trump: https://int.nyt.com/data/documenthelper/540-read-the-diplomatic-cables/27bc7c9cfe024869481d/optimized/full.pdf

Trump apparently shaking down China as part of his “Art of the Con”, while screwing with the livelihood of American farmers. NYTimes: “China Grants Ivanka Trump Initial Approval for New TrademarksThe 16 new trademarks cover a broad array of goods and services, including purses, swimsuits, fire extinguishers and senior citizens’ homes.” AND VOTING MACHINES. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/06/business/china-ivanka-trump-trademarks.html

Ivanka Trump won China trademarks days before her father’s reversal on ZTE Watchdog group says the timing of the approvals ‘raises significant questions about corruption’https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/may/28/ivanka-trump-won-china-trademarks-donald-trump-zte-reversal

Chinese Gov Awarded Trump Org a Trademark Possibly Worth Billions After He Affirmed One-China Policy; Largest Trump Tower Tenant Chinese State Owned Co. – Violates Constitution Say 13 Senators

Excerpt from EU officials “Working meeting and dinner with President Xi Jinping
41. On trade, XJP said that China was the last to fight a trade war. The US was bullying China and “we are fearful of that”. China did not want to face trouble but would “not flinch in the face of others” and would not submit to bullying. The EU and China both focused on common rules, whereas the US was behaving as if it was fighting in a no-rules freestyle boxing match. The US had thrown all rules out of the window and unilaterally imposed labels on others without providing them with the possibility to defend themselves.
42. That left China with only two options: throwing in the towel or fighting back and taking countermeasures. Caving in would embolden the bully. The Chinese people would not accept this, even if a trade war would hurt everybody. China was not a backward country anymore. Citing the 4 May movement, he noted that today’s China was not that of the Qing dynasty and that Chinese people were resilient. China was confident with its 1.4 bn strong internal market and its worldwide close trade ties with literally every country in the world. China had been through poverty and hardship when it was under blockade. The Chinese would take hardship again, if that was what it would take. But if the US wanted talks, the Chinese door remained open.
43. The challenge with the US Administration was that it never kept its promises. The escalation to US$ 50 bn, then US$ 200 bn then US$ 500-600 bn trade affected by additional tariffs was staggering and it was unclear from where the US derived these figures. Was there really so much trade? Even US companies were shocked by this approach. The US was inconsistent, turning against the WTO and the Paris Agreement. Obama had convinced XJP to join the Paris Agreement, but now the US had withdrawn under Trump. US demands were inconsistent, illogical, and would ultimately hurt its own interests.
44. All this showed that the US “had totally deviated” from WTO rules. This was happening after China had finally managed to join the WTO just a few years ago – now the organisers of the multilateral trading system were moving out of the realm of WTO. The same applies to the Paris Agreement. “I am not getting used to it”. XJP then contested the notion that the US had actually incurred losses by pointing at the production of Apple iPhones which are sold in the US for about $200, with China gaining only $8, essentially as “labour fees”.
45. The US had dictated the world economic order after WWII. This order was in danger now. No one could emerge as a winner from a trade war which would disrupt the global economic order and undermine confidence in international trade and investment. It was like “lifting a stone to hit one’s own feet”. This was a reminder of the 1930s with the Great Depression. Therefore this was not just about a US-China trade conflict. The US with its escalating measures was actually hurting itself. And Chinese countermeasures were designed to help uphold international rules. The EU and China together needed to uphold the open world economy and use strategic communication channels for this purpose