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Feinstein on Special Counsel Protection Bill
Apr 11 2018

Washington—Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) today released the following statement on the need to see the Republican amendment to the bill that would protect Special Counsel Mueller:

“It’s vital that Special Counsel Mueller be allowed to continue his investigation without interference, and passing a bipartisan bill to ensure he can’t be fired without cause is essential.
“The bottom line is that we must remove all political interference from law enforcement decisions. This is fundamental. There shouldn’t be political pressure from the White House or Congress.

“I’m worried about an amendment we haven’t been able to review that could undermine the investigation. I’ve discussed this with Chairman Grassley and he has agreed to not take action this week but instead place the bill on the committee’s markup calendar next week.”


Bipartisan Group Of US Senators Introduce Merged Legislation: The Special Counsel Independence And Integrity Act