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Sicko Trumps. Like father, like son: “The black tailed prairie dog is also a keystone species, and up to 40% of vertebrates that live in their range depend on them. Innocent creatures should not be shot regardless, but it just adds insult to injury when, like in this case, many of the animals were pregnant. Detrimental to endangered black-footed ferret who depend on black tailed prairie dogs: https://miningawareness.wordpress.com/2014/08/09/one-of-worlds-most-endangered-animals-at-risk-by-proposed-penny-stock-uranium-mining-will-it-be-saved/


The Republican candidate for Congress in Montana recently slaughtered prairie dogs with Donald Trump Jr. for publicity. The prairie dogs are important ecologically and the hunt took place during their breeding season, when females were pregnant. Sign this petition to denounce this disgusting politically motivated animal hunt.

Source: Denounce Politically Motivated Prairie Dog Hunt With Donald Trump Jr.

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