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If you thought that some of the prisoners returned from Russia to Ukraine, on May 31st, looked as emaciated as a Nazi concentration camp victims, you would be right.

Ukrainian Gorylyk Roman Vasilyevich after two years in Russian captivity (2022-2024).

These are slave laborers in the Buchenwald concentration camp near Jena; many had died from malnutrition when U.S. troops of the 80th Division entered the camp.”, 04/16/1945 Office for Emergency Management. Office of War Information. Overseas Operations Branch. New York Office. News and Features Bureau. (12/17/1942 – 09/15/1945)(NARA gov)https://catalog.archives.gov/id/535560

Ukrainian Gorylyk Roman Vasilyevich after two years in Russian captivity (2022-2024).

These enslaved laborers interned at the Buchenwald concentration camp averaged 160 pounds each prior to entering the camp. Their average weight after 11 months of imprisonment was 70 pounds. U.S. troops of the 80th Division liberated the camp. From: album entitled “Nazi War Atrocities.” Credit: U.S. Army Signal Corps (NARA gov)https://catalog.archives.gov/id/348448189 (There is a third individual in the original, but he appears nude.)

June 5, 2024: Project “I want to live”“In these terrible photos – Ukrainian Gorylyk Roman Vasilyevich after two years in Russian captivity.

Roman and 74 other prisoners managed to be returned from the Russian prisons on 31.05.2024 for the exchange of prisoners of war, although he did not take part in hostilities.

Roman is the senior controller of the checkpoint for the protection of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. He and the other 168 National Guards guarding the Chernobyl nuclear power plant were literally taken hostage by the Russians and taken from Ukraine through Belarus in March 2022. 89 of them are still being held captive, and the Russian side uses them to exchange for Russian servicemen captured in battle.

The condition of Roman and other Ukrainian prisoners of war causes horror and associations with the darkest pages of human history – the Nazi concentration death camps.

During their stay in Russian captivity, Roman and other 74 Ukrainian prisoners of war returned by exchange have never been visited by observers of the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Preventing observers from entering prisoners of war in violation of the provisions of the Geneva Conventions is a conscious and purposeful policy of the Russian authorities.

This is done specifically so that the International Red Cross cannot record the way the Russian side treats prisoners of war. To hide from the whole world Russia’s inhumane attitude towards Ukrainians, literally the policy of genocide of the Ukrainian people.

❗️The return of all prisoners of war and civilian hostages from the Russian Gulag is the main priority of Ukraine. We constantly appeal to the Russian side publicly and in a negotiating format: let’s solve the issue of prisoners of war and finally exchange according to the “all for all” formula. This is a humanitarian issue, the Russians must stop using the suffering of these people and their families as a weapon. Stop manipulating lists, disrupting exchanges, holding non-combatants in captivity, fake trials and bullying of prisoners.

09.11.2022 Putin called spiritual and moral values “forming the worldview of Russian citizens, which are the basis of the all-Russian identity,” by issuing presidential decree № 809 with their list. Recall the first three of the 17 traditional values from Putin’s decree:

1. Life
2. Dignity
3. Human rights and freedoms

It’s time for Russia and Russians to start being, not to seem. The power is in the truth, isn’t it? 17:02” See original here: https://t.me/s/hochu_zhyt

June 6, 2024:
Project “I want to live”
Yesterday, Vladimir Putin said that 1,348 Russians were in Ukrainian captivity, while 6,465 Ukrainian soldiers were in Russian captivity.

Russian propaganda has been going to this position for a very long time. Before that, it passed the stages of “Russians do not surrender”, “10,000 surrendered Ukrainians only in the summer of 2023”, “in Russian captivity more than 20,000 Ukrainian soldiers”, “Russia captured 40 times more soldiers than Ukraine”, “Russian military in Ukrainian captivity no more than 200-500”, etc. Even Putin himself previously said that the ratio of captured Russians to captured Ukrainians is “one to ten, probably”, and now, according to him, this difference has been halved.

The figures voiced by Putin now no longer look so fantastic, but they are still far from reality. Now we will explain and prove. Let’s start with a simple one: earlier we published lists of more than 2,200 Russian soldiers abandoned by the Russian side. Even taking into account the 75 occupiers who returned to the Russian Federation during the exchange on May 31, only this number still clearly exceeds 1,348.

Let’s move on. Since the launch of the project “I want to find” (it’s less than six months!) more than 14 thousand applications for the search for missing Russian military in Ukraine were received. https://t.me/hochunaiti_com/368 And the flow of these applications from their relatives is not even thinking of weakening yet.

We also recall that the Ukrainian side was recently forced to open a third prisoner of war camp and start preparing the fourth. https://t.me/hochu_zhyt/1560 How many Russian soldiers are in only one of these camps, we showed for clarity. https://t.me/hochu_zhyt/1503

Well, the cherry on the cake: only according to official data of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the Russian side has returned more than two thousand of its soldiers from Ukrainian captivity (it is indicative that Putin and Co. are silent about this, never naming the total number of people returned from Ukrainian captivity, but all the figures for each exchange separately are in the public domain). Most of them – during the first year of the war, since last summer there have been not many exchanges due to their blocking by Moscow. Given this, we can come to the conclusion that only during this time the Russian military in Ukrainian captivity clearly “accumulated” more than 1,348.

☝️For the Russian leadership, their own prisoners of war are nothing more than a tool. Another weapon in the war against Ukraine. [Russian] “Homeland” prefers to use them to annoy the Ukrainian side. She doesn’t care about people’s fate. Therefore, instead of, for example, exchanging everyone for everyone, blocking exchanges and manipulation in the style of “Ukrainians have no one to change for” begins.https://t.me/s/hochu_zhyt

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