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Recall: “India and Iran Just Signed 10-year Contract for the Government of India to Develop and Operate the Iranian Port of Chabahar; Critical Node in North-South Corridor Joining India and Russia; Competitor to Red Sea-Suez Canal Corridor” “India seals deal to operate Iran’s Chabahar port, May 14, 2024 5:00 AM By Anjana Pasricha “Indian stakes in Chabahar have strategic significance — they are part of India’s outreach to Iran. India will invest $120 million in infrastructure development and extend a $250 million line of credit to Iran. The “long-term contract symbolizes the enduring trust and effective partnership between India and Iran,” Indian minister Sonawal said.”https://www.voanews.com/a/india-seals-deal-to-operate-iran-s-chabahar-port/7610204.html See more information here: https://miningawareness.wordpress.com/2024/05/15/india-and-iran-just-signed-10-year-contract-for-the-government-of-india-to-develop-and-operate-the-iranian-port-of-chabahar-critical-node-in-north-south-corridor-joining-india-and-russia-competitor/

The US and other “western” countries can and must stop treating India as a trusted friend and ally. India is in both BRICS and SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Org) with China, as well as Russia and Iran. It would be difficult to find one American who likes China, Russia and Iran. They may not dislike all three, but they dislike at least one. The US needs to wake up and fast and stop giving exemptions, waivers, exceptions for India simply because they have a large potential market. India is now bigger than China and, thus, literally a bigger menace.

Unless Biden gets a new Secretary of State, it’s on the US Congress to stop this coddling of India. Trump promised the Modi-aligned Republican Hindu coalition anything they ask for. https://miningawareness.wordpress.com/2024/03/05/trump-hosts-major-hindu-festival-party-promises-to-accelerate-indias-colonization-of-the-usa-by-prioritizing-green-cards-for-india-and-more-bannons-hindu-occult-kali-yug/ However, too many members of the US Congress appear to be entranced, bought off, or otherwise compromised by India. Biden probably needs a new VP, too, since Kamala Harris’ uncle, G. Balachandran, has long served as an advisor to India’s Ministry of Defense. However, we haven’t found a record of him for over a year. He could be dead.

The US is making the same mistake with India that they did with India’s Kremlin allies – both the USSR and Russia. See: “The Best Enemy that Money Can Buy”, Sutton https://archive.org/details/the-best-enemy-money-can-buy-by-antony-c.-Sutton US Sec. of State Blinken’s stepfather, Samuel Pisar, appears to have been central to much of the western technology transfer to the Soviet Union.

As reported in Iranian media:
Iran’s Caretaker President Congratulates Modi on Victory in Indian Elections
June, 08, 2024 – 08:30
TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Acting President Mohammad Mokhber extended his congratulations to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi over his victory in the country’s general election.

In a message on Friday, Mokhber said that India has turned into one of Iran’s main partners under Modi’s leadership.

The interim president expressed hope that the Iranian and Indian nations will witness the best relations in Modi’s new term.

Modi hailed Mokhber’s congratulatory message and said that Tehran and New Delhi will continue to work to expand bilateral relations and promote regional peace, security and prosperity. 

Indians began voting on June 1 in the last round of a six-week-long national election that was a referendum on the Hindu nationalist prime minister’s decade in power.

Since first coming to power in 2014, Modi has enjoyed immense popularity. His supporters see him as a self-made, strong leader who has improved India’s standing in the world, and credit his pro-business policies with making the economy the world’s fifth-largest.

The election is considered one of the most consequential in India’s history.” Creative Commons BY: https://web.archive.org/web/20240609112352/https://www.tasnimnews.com/en/news/2024/06/08/3099784/iran-s-caretaker-president-congratulates-modi-on-victory-in-indian-elections

Iran’s Tasmin news states that “Foreign Customers Interested in Iranian Drones” but doesn’t say who, apart from Russia, who has already bought them for use in Ukraine: https://web.archive.org/web/20240609111943/https://www.tasnimnews.com/en/news/2024/06/09/3100680/foreign-customers-interested-in-iranian-drones-commander

Indonesia and Iran and Palestine: https://web.archive.org/web/20240608221148/https://www.tasnimnews.com/en/news/2024/06/08/3100316/indonesia-ready-to-work-with-iran-in-support-of-palestine

Unfortunately, Trump’s policies toward India weren’t better and won’t be better, because the Republican Hindu coalition has money and they are willing to spend it for Trump: https://miningawareness.wordpress.com/2024/03/05/trump-hosts-major-hindu-festival-party-promises-to-accelerate-indias-colonization-of-the-usa-by-prioritizing-green-cards-for-india-and-more-bannons-hindu-occult-kali-yug/

Born in Gujarat India, Vedant Patel proved himself more American than his boss, the idiotic or poisonous-snake-in-the-grass US Sec. of State Antony Blinken and the so-called US Ambassador to India, a Russian Italian Mexican American named Garcetti: “US envoy’s ‘rare exceptions’ message after State Dept warns India of ‘sanctions’” By HT News Desk , New Delhi May 15, 2024 02:05 PM IST “The United States ambassador’s remarks come after Vedant Patel, Principal Deputy Spokesperson, State Department, without naming India, commented at a media briefing that countries doing business with Iran should be “aware of the potential risk of sanctions.” https://web.archive.org/web/20240515095457/https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/us-envoys-rare-exceptions-message-after-state-dept-warns-india-of-sanctions-101715759867250.html Patel is a rare instance of the US getting an immigrant who is really very sharp. He isn’t a lawyer but has the mind of a lawyer, so probably had the law in mind. US Ambassador to India: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Garcetti Modi is also from Gujarat.

India’s Minister of External Affairs, S. Jaishankar, spent 3 years as a “diplomat” in the USSR (1979-81), studying Russian. From 1985 to 1988 he was stationed in the USA. More recently he has been India’s Ambassador to China and the USA. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S._Jaishankar He’s back unfortunately, since Modi won: https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/India/eam-jaishankar-arrives-at-forecourt-of-rashtrapati-bhavan-for-pm-modi-s-oath-ceremony/vi-BB1nTY7T

Jainshankar appears very similar to US Sec. of State Antony Blinken’s stepfather, Samuel Pisar, who was working with and in the US, France, and the Soviet Union, as well as for Robert Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein.

Look at bobble-headed Antony Blinken smiling at this devil incarnate. “Jaishankar clears India’s stand on Russian oil & BRICS: ‘I am smart enough to have multiple optionshttps://youtu.be/RbsnarUqDSg Doesn’t want “rigid blocks”. Says it makes no difference India’s in BRICS. It is sheer and utter nonsense that India can be in a military alliance with the US and other western partners, but India’s giving parts needed for machinery and to Russia in exchange for oil. India is actively undermining sanctions against Russia and Iran and Blinken’s apparently fine with it! Germany gave up Russia oil and gas. The foreign minister Baerbock should be verbally if not physically slapping the diabolical Jaishankar up the side of the head, but she sits there smiling like an idiot, as does Blinken.

Has Jaishankar had many girlfriends alongside his wives? Did he bring venereal disease home to his wives? It’s a similar concept, except the US can and must divorce India, and maybe it was difficult for his wives to divorce.

You can even see Jaishankar’s horns, much as the now deceased Iranian Foreign Minister, with whom he signed the port pact. Jaishankar is like Rosemary’s baby https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosemary’s_Baby_(film). Jainshankar’s father was evil, too. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K._Subrahmanyam

Persecution of Christians Escalating in India: 45% Increase in 2023 as Trump and Biden-Harris Hold Hindu Worship Services in White House/at Mar-a-Lago https://miningawareness.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/persecution-of-christians-escalating-in-india-45-increase-in-2023-as-trump-and-biden-harris-hold-hindu-worship-services-in-white-house-at-mar-a-lago/

It appears to be in some Hindu theology that good and evil are part of god. As an upper caste Hindu Brahmin Jaishankar apparently thinks he’s close to god and can do as he pleases: “700 Club Interactive —  Quest for God: Hinduism   –  February 20, 2012https://youtu.be/rf4tvM2IMz4 Jainshankar looks just like the foreign minister of Iran, prior to his death… they both look like stock characters for the devil incarnate and you can almost see their horns in photos.

Jaishankar “played a key role in negotiating the Indo-US civilian nuclear agreement”, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S._Jaishankar This made possible this related agreement, which is a total disaster for the US taxpayer, who will be made liable for nuclear disasters caused by faulty Russian equipment! https://miningawareness.wordpress.com/2016/12/31/nuclear-convention-on-supplementary-compensation-csc-does-not-protect-people-in-india-or-elsewhere/ WONDER IF INDIA PLAYED A ROLE IN TRANSFERRING NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY TO IRAN?

India and Iran Just Signed 10-year Contract for the Government of India to Develop and Operate the Iranian Port of Chabahar; Critical Node in North-South Corridor Joining India and Russia; Competitor to Red Sea-Suez Canal Corridor

India Formally Took Over Iran’s Strategic Chabahar Port After Trump Sanctions Waiver; Key Link in International North-South Transport Corridor Connecting India to Russia and Competitor to Red Sea-Suez Canal

Trump Hosts Major Hindu Religious Festival/Worship Service; Promises to Accelerate India’s Colonization of the USA by Prioritizing Green Cards for India and More; Bannon’s Hindu-Occult “Kali Yuga” Chaos; Vivek Ramaswamy as VP; India Persecutes Christians; Conservative Christians Hoaxed

Persecution of Christians Escalating in India: 45% Increase in 2023 as Trump and Biden-Harris Hold Hindu Worship Services in White House/at Mar-a-Lago