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Prior to the raid, numerous measures were taken to reduce the possibility of harm to non-involved civilians, including aerial photographs, the use of precision munitions and other intelligence information – based on which it was estimated that harm to non-involved civilians was unlikely.

The attack did not take place in the humanitarian zone of Al-Mawasi, to which the IDF called on the civilian population to move..” https://www.idf.il/ar/جيش-الدفاع-الإسرائيلي/الحرب-ضد-حماس/swordsofiron270524-472/

As reported May 27, 2024:
Israel Defense Forces @IDF
Last night, the @IAFsite carried out an intelligence-based precise strike that targeted senior Hamas terrorists in Tal as Sultan.

Contrary to Hamas’ lies and misinformation, the strike did not take place in the Al-Mawasi Humanitarian Area.

This is the area where the strike actually happened:

4:49 PM · May 27, 2024

What is often called the West Bank is actually part of historic Judea and Samaria (as in Judaism). Israel has given the area its historic names. You can call Jews, practicing Judaism, anything you like except settlers. Jews can’t be “settlers” in their historic homeland of Judea.

Israel Defense Forces @IDF
Eliminated in the precise airstrike in northwest Rafah: Hamas Chief of Staff in Judea and Samaria and an additional senior Hamas official.

Terrorist #1: Yassin Rabia

Rabia managed the entirety of Hamas’ terrorist activity in Judea and Samaria, transferred funds to terrorist targets and planned Hamas terrorist attacks throughout Judea and Samaria. He also carried out numerous attacks, in which IDF soldiers were killed.

Terrorist #2: Khaled Nagar

Nagar, a senior official in Hamas’ Judea and Samaria Headquarters, directed shooting attacks and other terrorist activities in Judea and Samaria and transferred funds intended for Hamas’ terrorist activities in Gaza. He also carried out several deadly terrorist attacks in which IDF soldiers were killed. 1:15 AM · May 27, 2024

Israel Defense Forces @IDF
An IDF aircraft struck a Hamas compound in Rafah in which significant Hamas terrorists were operating a short while ago.

The strike was carried out against legitimate targets under international law, through the use of precise munitions and on the basis of precise intelligence that indicated Hamas’ use of the area.

The IDF is aware of reports indicating that as a result of the strike and fire that was ignited several civilians in the area were harmed. The incident is under review. 12:10 AM · May 27, 2024https://x.com/IDF/status/1794838430473421042

Israel Defense Forces @IDF: The rocket launcher that fired 8 projectiles from the area of Rafah toward central Israel was situated near 2 mosques.

Shortly after the attack, the rocket launcher was struck by an IAF aircraft.

While we facilitate aid to the Rafah area, Hamas fires rockets toward Israeli cities and continues to systematically exploit civilian areas.” 26 May 2024, 9:19 pm

Israel Defense Forces @IDF (2:45 pm 26 May 2024)
A barrage of rockets was launched from Rafah toward central Israel moments ago.

Humanitarian aid has been going into Gaza through the Kerem Shalom Crossing this morning, and now rockets are being fired at central Israel.

This is what it looked like from the Rafah Crossing”:


Israel Defense Forces @IDF May 26
Our mission to protect civilian lives is consistent. Hamas’ mission to target them is as well. Here’s IDF International Spokesperson @LTC_Shoshani with a little insight on the situation in Rafah today” May 26, 2024, 10:23 PM
”. https://x.com/IDF/status/1794811724606165455


Israel Defense Forces @IDF Sirens sounding in Tel Aviv and central Israel, 2:05 pm 26 May 2024: https://x.com/IDF/status/1794686276190556483

X, formerly Twitter, is apparently allowing IDF posts to show in order. Although they aren’t always so detailed, they are in English! https://x.com/IDF

Unofficial translation based on an IDF statement in Arabic, which is the only language that we could find for it. https://www.idf.il/ar/جيش-الدفاع-الإسرائيلي/الحرب-ضد-حماس/swordsofiron270524-472/
The General Staff-level Investigative Mechanism will investigate the raid launched yesterday by the Defense Forces in Rafah
The Military Prosecutor instructed the General Staff-level Investigative Mechanism to conduct an investigation into the raid that was carried out yesterday evening in Rafah.

Yesterday evening (Sunday), an air strike was carried out in the Rafah area against specific terrorist targets, including officials affiliated with the West Bank headquarters of the Hamas terrorist organization, who directed terrorist operations committed by Hamas elements in Judea and Samaria and committed bloody terrorist operations themselves.

The raid was carried out based on advance intelligence information about their presence in the targeted location. Prior to the raid, numerous measures were taken to reduce the possibility of harm to non-involved civilians, including aerial photographs, the use of precision munitions and other intelligence information – based on which it was estimated that harm to non-involved civilians was unlikely.

The attack did not take place in the humanitarian zone of Al-Mawasi, to which the IDF called on the civilian population to move.

The circumstances of the incident are being investigated by the General Staff-level Investigative Mechanism, which is an independent body responsible for examining exceptional incidents that occur during combat.

The Mechanism is investigating the circumstances that led to the killing of two Canadians in the raid area. The IDF regrets that any civilians were killed during the fighting.” https://www.idf.il/ar/جيش-الدفاع-الإسرائيلي/الحرب-ضد-حماس/swordsofiron270524-472/

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s remarks have been misrepresented in some media, so here is the official excerpt of his remarks in English:
Excerpt from PM Netanyahu’s Knesset Remarks
Type: Events and Speeches
Government: The 37th Government
Publish Date: 27.05.2024
Following is an excerpt from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Knesset remarks today:

“The repeated false claims that we are the obstacle are not only harmful to the families – that much is obvious, and I sympathize with them. But it goes beyond that: it delays the release of the hostages and undermines negotiations. Instead of focusing pressure on Sinwar, who holds the hostages in his dungeons, the pressure is misdirected at the Israeli government.

Israel is constantly asked to make concession after concession. So why would Sinwar feel any pressure? He sits in his bunker, rubbing his hands in satisfaction, delighted that others are doing the work for him.

The pressure should be directed at Hamas. We are taking action against them, fighting hard in the north, center, and south of the Gaza Strip.

In Rafah, we have evacuated about one million civilians. Tragically, despite our immense efforts to avoid harming non-combatants, an incident occurred yesterday. We are investigating it thoroughly and will learn from it, as is our policy and longstanding conduct.
For us, any non-combatant hurt is a tragedy; for Hamas, it is a strategy. That is the core difference.

The pressure, both international and domestic, on the Israeli government, which is doing everything possible to secure the hostages’ release, only strengthens Sinwar’s resolve, leading him to demand terms that would endanger Israel’s very existence—terms we cannot accept.

Let me be clear: I will not yield or surrender. I will not end the war before achieving all our goals. Our fallen heroes will not have died in vain.

If we surrender, the massacres, rapes, and atrocities of October 7th will be repeated, just as Hamas has promised.

If we surrender, we will not bring back all our hostages. If we surrender, we will deliver a great victory to terrorism, to Iran, and to the entire axis of evil—those who wish us dead.
Those who say they cannot withstand the pressure should raise a black flag.

No, they should wave a white flag and surrender.

I will not.

I will continue the fight until we raise the flag of victory.https://www.gov.il/en/pages/event-discussion270524

Hajar Harb, originally from Gaza but currently given asylum in the UK, is a co-author on the situation for the Washington Post. She previously seemed to celebrate the October 7th massacre, as well as mocking those being kidnapped. And, she’s allowed to be a Washington Post “Reporter” on this story? This isn’t journalism. It’s not even good cultural anthropology, because the obvious bias isn’t admitted and discussed!

WASHINGTON POST CONTRIBUTOR CELEBRATES OCT. 7 MASSACRE” APRIL 1, 2024 https://www.camera.org/article/washington-post-contributor-celebrates-oct-7-massacre/

Eyewitnesses describe horrific scenes after Israeli strike on Rafah camp
BY MIRIAM BERGER AND HAJAR HARB, May 27, 2024 At the end, it says “Harb reported from London. Sarah Dadouch in Beirut, Rachel Pannett in Wellington, New Zealand, Niha Masih in Seoul, Lior Soroka in Tel Aviv, Hazem Balousha in Cairo, Amanda Coletta in Toronto and Tyler Pager in Washington contributed to this report.” https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/eyewitnesses-describe-horrific-scenes-after-israeli-strike-on-rafah-camp/ar-BB1n9rxn

Blame terrorists, not Israelis, for the suffering in Gaza: Hamas uses hospitals and The Washington Post” By Sean Durns – – Tuesday, April 2, 2024 https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2024/apr/2/blame-terrorists-not-israelis-for-suffering-in-gaz/

BREAKING: IDF RAID on Hamas HQ Results in MAJOR Terrorist Casualties | TBN, May 28, 2024: “TBN Israel’s Yair Pinto reports on the Israel-Hamas War. In the last 24 hours, the IDF has carried out significant operations against Hamas and Hezbollah, resulting in over 100 terrorists eliminated in Gaza. Two senior Hamas officials were also targeted and killed in Rafah. Additionally, the Israeli Air Force launched extensive operations against Hezbollah in southern Lebanon.” https://youtu.be/kSRVrNX2V30