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‏Based on translation of the IDF report in Arabic (which can’t yet be found in English):
“In the city of Jenin: Eliminating an armed Hamas terrorist cell that hid inside Ibn Sina Hospital and planned to carry out a sabotage operation in the near future.
In a joint operation by the IDF, the Shin Bet, and the Special Police Unit, a person called Muhammad Jalamneh, a Hamas military activist who had been involved over the past period in planning concrete terrorist activities, and hid inside Ibn Sina Hospital in the city of Jenin, was neutralized. A pistol was found and confiscated by the forces.

The person called Muhammad Jalamneh, 27 years old, had been staying inside the Jenin camp for a long time and was in contact with the Hamas leadership abroad. He was injured when he was keen to develop a sabotage operation using a car bomb. Jalamna also transferred weapons and ammunition to terrorist activists to carry out shooting operations and planned a storming operation in an imitation of the terrorist events of October 7th.

In addition to Jalamna, two other terrorist military activists who hid in the place were neutralized. They are namely Muhammad Ghazawi from the Jenin camp, an activist in the Jenin Brigade, who was involved in many terrorist activities, including shooting operations at IDF forces in the area, in addition to Basil Ghazawi, Muhammad’s brother and an activist in Islamic Jihad. He is involved in terrorist activities in the region.

For a long time, a large number of wanted persons have been hiding inside hospitals and using them as a starting point to plan terrorist activities and go out to carry them out, believing that hospitals will provide them with protection from the activity of security forces. This is another example of terrorist organizations’ ridiculous use of the civilian environment and hospitals as human shields.

Jalamna planned to carry out a sabotage operation in the near future and used the hospital as a hideout, so he was neutralized. The security forces will continue to act in the face of any threat to the security of the citizens of the State of Israel. https://www.idf.il/ar/جيش-الدفاع-الإسرائيلي/الحرب-ضد-حماس/swordsofiron-290124-292/

Israeli forces have killed three members of Palestinian armed groups in a hospital in the occupied West Bank. CCTV footage showed members of an undercover Israeli forces unit disguised as medics and other civilians making their way through a corridor with rifles raised. The Israeli military said the men were hiding in the Jenin hospital, and that one was about to carry out an attack. The Palestinian Authority’s ministry of health accused Israel of carrying out a “new massacre inside hospitals”. Hamas said the Israeli forces had “executed three fighters”, including one of its members. Another armed group, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, said two of those killed were its members and were brothers. In a statement, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said the Hamas suspect who was killed had “planned a raid attack inspired by the October 7th massacre”.” See: “Israel West Bank hospital raid kills three Palestinian fighters” BBC News https://youtu.be/WuvOTYu6ltM

Watch: Disguised as Doctors and Patients, IDF Eliminates 3 Terrorists in Jenin Hospital” By David Israel – 20 Shevat 5784 – January 30, 2024 https://www.jewishpress.com/news/israel/idf/shhh-idf-eliminates-3-terrorists-in-jenin-hospital-using-silencers/2024/01/30/

They aren’t “militants”, they’re Islamic terrorists!

Israel Says Its Forces ‘Neutralized’ Militants Hiding in West Bank Hospital January 30, 2024 2:49 AM
UPDATE January 30, 2024 6:13 AM By VOA News
Israeli forces killed three Palestinian militants Tuesday inside a hospital in the occupied West Bank, including one that Israel’s military said was a Hamas member planning an imminent attack.

Palestinian health officials said Israeli forces shot the three men dead after storming Ibn Sina hospital in Jenin.

Video said to be from a surveillance camera at the hospital appeared to show about a dozen undercover troops wearing civilian clothes or dressed like medical personnel in scrubs and a white lab coat carrying guns and moving through a corridor of the hospital.

Reuters, which obtained the video, said hospital signs as well as the color and design of the door and walls in the video match its own previous footage from the hospital.

The Palestinian health ministry called on international institutions to pressure Israel to halt operations in health facilities.

Israel has accused Hamas of operating in hospitals and in tunnels underneath health facility sites to hide weapons and use civilians as shields.

The Israeli military identified one of the people killed Tuesday as Mohammed Jalamneh, saying he had links to Hamas and planned to carry out an attack inspired by the October 7 Hamas assault that Israel says killed 1,200 people.….”https://web.archive.org/web/20240130095246/https://www.voanews.com/a/israel-says-its-forces-neutralized-militants-hiding-in-west-bank-hospital/7462868.html

Israeli Forces Dressed as Women and Medics Storm West Bank Hospital” VOA https://youtu.be/grC3BMQqm98