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Shahed drones attack Ukraine from south again
KATERYNA TYSHCHENKO — SUNDAY, 10 DECEMBER 2023, 20:06 https://www.pravda.com.ua
The Russian forces once again attacked Ukraine with the Shahed attack drones from the south on 10 December in the evening.
Source: the Ukrainian Air Force https://t.me/kpszsu/8392
Quote: “The movement of the Shahed UAVs from Kherson Oblast in the direction of Mykolaiv Oblast was registered.”

Details: At 20:18 the movement of attack drones from the Black Sea water area towards Odesa Oblast was registered.

As of 20:31 Russian attack UAVs that were spotted in Mykolaiv Oblast were moving towards Kirovohrad Oblast.
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Russians launch attack drones from south
KATERYNA TYSHCHENKO — SUNDAY, 10 DECEMBER 2023, 00:13 https://www.pravda.com.ua/
Shahed attack drones were detected in Ukraine’s south on the evening of 9 December.
Source: Ukraine’s Air Force https://t.me/kpszsu/8376
Quote: “Shahed attack UAVs are flying in Beryslav district of Kherson Oblast in the direction of Mykolaiv Oblast.”

Details: An air-raid warning has been issued in these oblasts.
Update: At 21:10 (Kyiv time), UAVs were spotted on the border of Mykolaiv and Kirovohrad oblasts, heading northwest.

At 22:08 (Kyiv time), a group of attack UAVs was spotted in the western part of Kirovohrad Oblast, heading for Vinnytsia Oblast.

Later, the air-raid warning was extended to Khmelnytskyi and Ternopil oblasts.
Update: At 00:13 on 10 December, the all-clear was given in Khmelnytskyi and Ternopil oblasts.
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