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Press Briefing by IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari November 26th, 20:15
Israel Defense Forces
Press Briefing by IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari November 26th

Good Evening.

Today, Hagar, Ofri, Yuval, Oriya, Chen, Agam, Gal, Tal, Dafna, Ela, Elma, Aviva, Ron and Avigail returned home.

4 year old Avigail Idan, orphaned after her parents were murdered by the brutal terror organization Hamas, is a hero and is a living example that the war against Hamas is uniquely justified.

This is a war against an evil and cruel enemy, and like Avigail, each and every one of the returned hostages has family or close ones who were murdered or are still being held hostage.

That is an unbearable pain to carry. Elma, who was returned to us in critical condition, was immediately taken to hospital by helicopter where she is being treated now. She was evacuated by IDF troops from inside the Gaza Strip.

For medical reasons and in order to ensure the security of those returning, IDF troops evacuated some of them from the center of the Gaza Strip near the area of Be’eri in full coordination with Egyptian security forces.

Four hostages – one Israeli and three Thai civilians, were returned via the Rafah crossing in Egypt.

After an initial medical examination, the returned hostages have just now arrived at the Hatzerim Airbase and from there will continue to the hospital. There, their family and loved ones are waiting.

This is an emotional day, but we will not forget for a moment the hostages that have been held captive for 51 days by the murderous terrorist organization, Hamas: they are being held hostage in Gaza. There is still much work to be done and our mission will not be complete until everyone, everyone, will return home. This is the moral obligation of every IDF soldier and commander, together with the security establishment. The IDF continues to plan and prepare for the continuation of the war. The Chief of the General Staff visited the Southern Command and approved plans for the continuation of the war.

A few weeks ago, I provided an update on a significant strike against Hamas, that the organization attempted to hide the outcome. Today, I can confirm that [two weeks ago,] the IDF and ISA killed five senior Hamas terrorists in Gaza. Each one played an active and key role in the organization that was dedicated to terrorist activities against Israel civilians, and were central partners in the October 7th massacre.

Over recent days, we published homefront directives, that included loosening certain restrictions. I ask that the public remain updated on the Homefront Command’s different websites regarding these changes. We remain vigilant and will not become complacent, even during this period. Please continue to follow the updated directives that are published everydayhttps://www.idf.il/en/mini-sites/hamas-israel-war-23/briefings-by-idf-spokesperson-rear-admiral-daniel-hagari/november-press-briefings/press-briefing-by-idf-spokesperson-rear-admiral-daniel-hagari-november-26th-20-15/

Press Briefing by IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari November 25th, 22:00
Israel Defense Forces
Press Briefing by IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari November 25th, 22:00

Good evening,
The effort to return the hostages is our moral and ethical duty. We are determined to pursue all avenues to fulfil this duty. This effort tonight progresses and we will notify the families and the public as things happen. We must be patient. There is significant advancement. We will notify the public as things happen. 

We are managing a framework with mediators, versus a brutal terror organization. As we have said, nothing is complete until it actually happens. The mediators, Egypt and Qatar, are acting to fulfil the framework, coordinating at all times with the Hamas terror organization.

Dear families, we see the great stress you are dealing with during these hours of waiting and uncertainty. Our hearts are with you. We must be patient in spite of all the pressure. We will notify you first and then notify the public via the media. We will notify you first of every development and then notify the public via the media.

We will continue to update you until the hostages return to the State of Israel. 
Listen only to the official notifications
”. https://www.idf.il/en/mini-sites/hamas-israel-war-23/briefings-by-idf-spokesperson-rear-admiral-daniel-hagari/november-press-briefings/press-briefing-by-idf-spokesperson-rear-admiral-daniel-hagari-november-25th-22-00/

Admiral Daniel Hagari November 24th, 20:15
IDF Israel Defense Forces
Operational Update From IDF Spokesperson, RAdm. Daniel Hagari

Shabbat Shalom.

Doron, Raz, Aviv, Danielle, Emilia, Ruth, Keren, Ohad, Adina, Channa, Margalit, Yaffa and Hanna, returned home tonight. Alongside them, 11 foreign nationals also returned.

They all underwent a preliminary medical examination at Kerem Shalom border crossing and there face no life-threatening medical emergencies. They are now being driven and they will arrive at Hatzerim Airbase shortly, where they will be in touch with their families, will complete medical examinations, and from there will be taken by IAF helicopters to hospitals to be reunited with their families. Likewise, the foreign nationals will meet representatives of their home countries at Hatzerim Airbase and from there will be taken to hospitals.
Each and every one of those who returned home tonight is an entire world. Their return is our moral obligation. All IDF commanders and soldiers worked over the course of many weeks, alongside the security agencies, to bring them home.

We must not forget that each of those who returned home tonight still has family members or relatives who were murdered, or who are still being held hostage in Gaza. This is a great sadness, mixed with joy and excitement. The scene of the hostages crossing the border into Israel is a great relief. Still, our hearts are with the hostages that are still being held in Gaza. We embrace the families of the hostages, they are in our thoughts constantly. We have the moral obligation to bring them all home.

We are just at the beginning of the process. We are preparing to continue the implementation of the framework to release the hostages. The days ahead of us will be complicated, nothing is over until it’s over. We must be prepared for this. We don’t forget for a moment that Hamas is a brutal and merciless enemy. More than ever, we must take care not to distribute unverified information.

Thus, dear Hanna Katzir who returned home today, after terror organizations claimed that they had murdered her several days ago. You should rely only on official information.

In the Gaza Strip in the morning hours, IDF troops deployed along the lines of the operational pause in Gaza. The commanders were briefed and prepared the forces as to how to act during the time of the pause. The safety of our troops is of top priority. The safety of our soldiers takes precedence.

During the days of the pause, the IDF will continue the preparations for the next phases of the war. IDF troops are ready and prepared on all the fronts. Our policy is clear: we will act against every threat to the State of Israel.

Even during the operational pause, we must remain vigilant and not become complacent.

Continue to comply with instructions from the Homefront Command. These are life saving.
To date, we have notified the families of 392 fallen IDF soldiers, who died during the battles to protect Israel. We remember these brave heroes of Israel this Shabat evening. Because of them and the battle they led us in, we will win. Our hearts are with the bereaved families and we embrace them and are at their side
”. https://www.idf.il/en/mini-sites/hamas-israel-war-23/briefings-by-idf-spokesperson-rear-admiral-daniel-hagari/november-press-briefings/press-briefing-by-idf-spokesperson-rear-admiral-daniel-hagari-november-24th-20-15/

Hagari November 23rd, 20:15
IDF עדכון דובר צה”ל https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQVBMiTEYU4
Good evening,
This is a hard and tense evening for us all, especially for the families whose loved ones were taken hostage.

Today, we received a list of the names of children and women held hostage who are to be released in the first stage of the framework of returning the hostages. In the past few hours, IDF officers who are in charge of contact with the families, delivered the messages with sensitivity and with a disclaimer, a necessary disclaimer, to all the families whose loved ones’ names are on the list, and to all the families of the hostages.

These days will be complicated, nothing is final until it actually happens. Even in the process, there could be changes at any time. It’s important to know that Hamas is a cruel, merciless enemy. Difficult days are ahead of us, days of joy mixed with sadness. Hamas will attempt to use the framework of the deal and the days of the operational pause to spread fear, to spread misinformation and for manipulations. Hamas specializes in psychological terrorism.

We ask again, do not spread rumors, don’t forward unconfirmed information. We will report the information to the public only when the details and facts are verified by us. The framework is not the end of the process of returning the hostages, but the beginning of it.

There will be moments of uncertainty and lack of clarity. Our hearts are with the families, and we will continue to accompany them, to keep them updated with the reliable information that we have. And most importantly, we will continue to do everything in our power, everything, to bring all the hostages back home.

At this hour, various IDF units are continuing to prepare to carry out the framework, and for the continuous tracking of the remaining hostages, until all the hostages return home.

The IDF continues, at this hour, fighting in the Gaza Strip. Taking control of the northern Gaza Strip is the first stage in a long war, and we are preparing for the next stages. We are looking ahead in anticipation. In the next few days, we will focus on planning and the final preparations for the next stages of the war. With the entry into force of the operational pause, our forces will be positioned along the agreed upon line, inside the Gaza Strip. I would like to emphasize, inside the Gaza Strip, and they will move along these lines, lines which were agreed upon.

In the north this morning, launches were carried out toward communities in northern Israel. The IDF struck terrorist squads which attempted to carry out anti-tank missile attacks, and Hezbollah targets. We are assessing the situation at all times, striking with force, and are present with reinforced troops and a high level of readiness.

On the home front, please continue to follow the instructions of the Home Front Command, which are updated, especially during the time of the operational pause. We must not be complacent. At any time, an incident can occur, and we must follow the Home Front Command’s instructions.

To date, we have notified the families of 392 fallen IDF soldiers, who fell defending the State of Israel. We embrace the families during this difficult time. We also accompany the injured, and wish them a full and quick recoveryhttps://www.idf.il/en/mini-sites/hamas-israel-war-23/briefings-by-idf-spokesperson-rear-admiral-daniel-hagari/november-press-briefings/press-briefing-by-idf-spokesperson-rear-admiral-daniel-hagari-november-23rd-20-15/