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From the IDF:
Uncut Footage: Hamas’ Abuse of a Mosque for Terrorism, 22/11/2023
Holy places, such as mosques, should not be used as fronts for terrorism. Hamas used this mosque as a weapons storage facility and a laboratory for Hamas’ rockets. Finding dozens of mortars, warhead missiles, thermobaric weapons, RPGs and a tunnel shaft. What was once a place of worship is now a home for terrorism…https://youtu.be/8t13OHghHL8

Real Time Updates
IDF Editorial Team
For information regarding fallen soldiers please visit this page in the IDF website in Hebrew https://www.idf.il/59780



Following the reports regarding sirens sounded in northern Israel over the last hour, a number of launches from Lebanon toward the areas of Netu’a, Zar’it and Yiftah were identified. The launches fell in an open area and no injuries were reported. In response, the IDF is striking the sources of the launches. 

In addition, an IDF tank struck a military post belonging to the Hezbollah terrorist organization.


IDF soldiers continue to fight in the Gaza Strip. Until now, IDF soldiers have exposed and destroyed approximately 400 terror tunnel shafts. The Yahalom special forces unit of the Combat Engineering Corps has played a significant role in uncovering and destroying these shafts using various methods. Hamas has embedded its network of terrorist tunnels below population centers across the Gaza Strip. Many of the shafts leading to its tunnel network are located within civilian hospitals, schools and homes.

Attached is footage of the operations of the Yahalom Unit in the Gaza Strip: https://bit.ly/3R6R9gI


A short while ago, IDF fighter jets struck a number of Hezbollah terror targets in Lebanon. Among the targets struck were terrorist infrastructure and a military site in which Hezbollah terrorists operated.

Attached is video footage of the strikes: https://bit.ly/3upeEbX


The IDF is continuing to operate in the Gaza Strip. In the past day, IDF troops directed aircraft to strike terrorist infrastructure from which fire was carried out at the forces. A number of terrorists were killed in the strike. IDF ground troops also conducted targeted operations in Sheikh Za’id in northwest Jabalya, and the area of Beit Hanoun. 

During the operation, the troops located numerous weapons stored inside a civilian residence. 

This morning, IDF troops neutralized a terror tunnel shaft from which a Hamas terrorist exited and fired at them. Moreover, IDF troops identified terrorists and located weapons in a structure used by Hamas. The troops killed the terrorists and destroyed the structure. 
In addition, over the past day, as part of the assistance to ground troops, Israeli Navy forces struck several Hamas military targets.

Attached is a video of the IDF troops in the Gaza Strip: https://bit.ly/3sJzhzg
Attached is a video of IDF strikes in the Gaza Strip: https://bit.ly/3Ra2IUk


Following the alerts concerning hostile aerial infiltration into Israel near the community of Hanita, the “Iron Dome” Defense Array successfully intercepted the object. The incident is over; sirens sounded in northern Israel were triggered by the interception. An alert regarding a hostile aerial infiltration in the area of Rosh HaNikra in northern Israel was a false identification. Separately, several launches from Lebanese territory toward the area of Shushan in northern Israel were identified.



In response to rocket and anti-tank missile fire toward Israel throughout the day, IDF fighter jets struck Hezbollah terror infrastructure and an operational command center in Lebanon.

Attached is a video of the strikes: https://bit.ly/47mXQRH


Following the alerts concerning hostile aircraft infiltration in northern Israel, interceptors were launched toward a number of suspicious aerial targets that crossed from Lebanon toward the Western Galilee. The incident has concluded. Earlier today, the IDF struck an anti-tank missile launcher along the border with Lebanon. The IDF is currently striking Hezbollah terrorist targets in Lebanon.

Attached is a video of the strike on the launcher: https://bit.ly/49JC7oz


The Chief of the General Staff with reserve soldiers in the Gaza Strip: “The ground operations create better conditions for the return of the hostages, and we will continue with this pressure” 

Attached is footage on the subject: https://youtu.be/oREBksS6ngg


In the past hours, a number of launches were identified from Lebanon toward Israeli territory. IDF soldiers are striking the sources of the fire with artillery, mortars and tanks.

13:00, 13:03, 14:46, 14:57, 15:07

Sirens sounding in Israeli communities surrounding the Gaza Strip

 Sirens sounding in northern Israel

A short while ago, IDF aircraft identified and struck three armed terrorist cells in the area of the border with Lebanon. In addition, IDF fighter jets struck a number of Hezbollah terror targets, including military infrastructure and structures used for directing terrorist activity. A short while ago, terrorists fired mortar shells at an IDF post in northern Israel. No injuries were reported. IDF artillery is currently striking the source of the fire.

As part of ongoing IDF ground operations in the Gaza Strip, the 162nd Division, in collaboration with the IAF, operated in preparing the battlefield in the area of Jabalia. 

During the battle, the division struck three tunnel shafts in the area of Jabalia, in which terrorists were hiding.

The 401st Brigade engaged terrorists in the northern Gaza Strip, during which they killed terrorists and directed aircraft to attack from the air. 

The troops from the Nahal Brigade killed dozens of terrorists over the past few days with support of tanks and UAVs.

Additionally, combat squads of the 551st Brigade, in collaboration with special forces, operated north of Jabalia in order to eliminate the terror targets in the area and clear a path for divisional forces and neutralized terrorist targets in the area. During the operation, troops captured enemy weapons in various locations, including private houses and children’s bedrooms, and located and destroyed tunnel shafts.

Attached is a video of the Nahal Brigade operation in the Jabalia area: https://bit.ly/3sIJJHa

Attached is a video of the 401st Brigade operation in the Jabalia area: https://bit.ly/3G6F3hx

Following the recent alert in northern Israel, there is no suspicion of an aerial infiltration. Furthermore, a short while ago, three anti-tank missile launches from Lebanese territory toward the area of Metula in northern Israel were identified. No injuries were reported. In response, IDF soldiers are striking toward the source of the fire in Lebanon.

 As part of the IDF’s activities in the Gaza Strip over the last day, IDF aircraft struck approximately 250 Hamas terror targets. Among the targets struck were dozens of terrorists, rocket launchers, and terrorist infrastructure. Overnight, IDF troops directed a fighter jet to strike a rocket launch post from which rockets were fired toward central Israel yesterday (Monday). The post was located near a residential area of the civilian population.

In addition, IDF ground troops located a significant weapons stockpile in the residence of a senior Nukhba terrorist in the Gaza Strip. Furthermore, IDF ground troops located an anti-tank missile hidden under a baby’s crib.

Attached is video footage of the IDF’s activity in the Gaza Strip: https://bit.ly/3GfzGwd

Attached is video footage of the strikes in the Gaza Strip: https://bit.ly/3SOwOOs

Attached is video footage of the precise strike on the launching post embedded in a civilian area: https://bit.ly/3sLmuwb

Attached are photos of the weapons found during the combat:

Read these updates and more here: https://www.idf.il/en/mini-sites/hamas-israel-war-23/real-time-updates/

Press Briefing by IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari November 21st, 20:15 21.11.23
Israel Defense Forces
Press Briefing by IDF Spokesperson RAdm. Daniel Hagari: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9oZxAElg3s

At the onset this evening, we must say that we have a moral obligation to ensure the safety of the hostages and to bring them home to their families. Our hearts are with the hostages in Gaza – children, women, men, elderly, and IDF soldiers as well. They were taken hostage by a brutal terrorist organization and are being held in Gaza. We will do anything, anything to bring them home as soon as possible.

The Chief of the General Staff conducted a situational assessment with reservists from reserve division inside the Gaza Strip. He told them that the ground operation is generating achievements and there is still a long way ahead. We will continue to pressure Hamas until the missions of the war are achieved, among them, obviously, the return home of the hostages.

We will update the families of the hostages with any information we have regarding their loved ones, and then we will update the public, via the media. Regarding this matter, I recommend listening to reports from official sources only. We will report the truth to the public when we have the details and the facts. When we have them, we will report.

Over the course of the day, the IDF continued to deepen its operation and objectives in the Gaza Strip. We completed the encirclement of the Jabalya area, which is a significant zone of combat, and we deepened and concluded the fighting in the Zeitun area. The forces are exposing terrorists and killing them. We have the upper hand in every battle. We will continue to kill Hamas terrorists, wherever they are.

Today we continued in exposing the Hamas subterranean [tunnel] route under the Shifa Hospital. We will continue to expose other hospitals in Gaza. Hamas terrorists systematically built a vast subterranean infrastructure, using patients and hospital staff as human shields. Human shields for terror. This is a war crime, is against international law, and we will continue to expose this to the world, in order to highlight this practice.

In the north, we killed a few anti-tank cells who attempted to fire anti-tank missiles along the border into Israel. We are thwarting all imminent threats to our territory. This area, along the line of contact, is a combat zone, from which Hezbollah carries out terror attacks and in contravention of the Security Council and UN resolutions. Hezbollah is a terrorist organization that operates from built-up areas in south Lebanon, endangering civilians.

Additionally, we targeted military installations, weapons and weapon production sites in response to Hezbollah fire towards Israeli civilian areas in the north. There are no casualties in our territory. We are at a high level of preparedness in the north, on offense and on the defense.

On the Homefront, we continue to update the Homefront Command instructions. Continue to listen to the instructions; they save lives.

To date, we have notified the families of 390 IDF fallen soldiers who died in the battles for the defense of Israel. We embrace the families in their most difficult hour. We will continue to accompany them.https://www.idf.il/en/mini-sites/hamas-israel-war-23/briefings-by-idf-spokesperson-rear-admiral-daniel-hagari/november-press-briefings/press-briefing-by-idf-spokesperson-rear-admiral-daniel-hagari-november-21st-20-15-1/