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The Muslim countries in this region have engaged in state-sanctioned kidnapping, enslavement, and demands for ransom for hundreds of years or more. It’s the reason that France occupied Algeria and it’s the reason that the US had to have a navy from the beginning: https://miningawareness.wordpress.com/2022/03/19/us-barbary-wars-1801-1805-1815-1816-freedom-of-navigation-on-the-mediterranean/

While the deal with Hamas isn’t the worst hostage deal that’s been made, it’s still a very bad deal. Israel is to release 150 Palestinian prisoners in exchange for 50 hostages kidnapped from Israel. See reported details below the official press releases. Almost twice as many IDF soldiers have died as hostages have been taken. IDF soldiers are citizen-soldiers who are required to do military service and their lives should matter as much as the hostages. And, are the hostages even alive or is it a trick? Handling Hamas with kid gloves because of the hostages and international opinion has surely caused a higher IDF death rate. The reported promise to stop drone surveillance in the south of Gaza and reduce it in the north is particularly alarming. However, hopefully the US didn’t sign the deal and can continue to do satellite surveillance. If not, Europe or private companies can do surveillance.

IDF spokesperson Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus on Sky News:
We of course have to be vigilant on the ground; mindful of the fact that the last time that Israel had a an internationally broken ceasefire with Hamas was in 2014. That ceasefire was violated by Hamas when they struck an Israeli force in southern Rafa in southern Gaza and took the body of a an Israeli officer Lieutenant Hadar Goldin and he has been held in Hamas possession ever since. So there’s a very relevant precedent here and we have to be mindful of that and our troops on the ground will be vigilant. We will honor our word and our commitment and uh let’s hope that the enemy does the same.” “Israel to be ‘relentless’ in its pursuit of Hamas says IDF spokesperson Jonathan Conricushttps://youtu.be/1jy6qmMv15w

Press Releases
Statement by the Government of Israel
* Government
The 37th Government

Publish Date
* The Government of Israel is obligated to return home all of the hostages. Tonight, the Government has approved the outline of the first stage of achieving this goal, according to which at least 50 hostages – women and children – will be released over four days, during which a pause in the fighting will be held. The release of every additional ten hostages will result in one additional day in the pause.
The Government of Israel, the IDF and the security services will continue the war in order to return home all of the hostages, complete the elimination of Hamas and ensure that there will be no new threat to the State of Israel from Gaza. This page was last updated on 22.11.2023

Press Releases
Statement by PM Netanyahu
* Government
, The 37th Government 
Publish Date 
Updated date 
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, this evening, at the Kirya in Tel Aviv, at the start of the Government meeting: 

”Citizens of Israel and Government ministers, good evening. While this meeting is to discuss the return of our hostages, I would like to start with something that should be self-evident.

There is a lot of nonsense out there to the effect that after the pause to return our hostages, we will stop the war. Then let me make it clear: We are at war – and will continue the war. We will continue the war until we achieve all of our war aims: To eliminate Hamas, return all of our hostages and our missing, and ensure that there is no element in Gaza that threatens Israel. 

Yesterday evening, I met, together with the members of the War Cabinet, members of the hostages’ families. I listened closely to their plight. With shaking voices, sometimes in tears, they described the nightmare they are in. I told the dear families: ‘Returning our hostages is a sacred and supreme task – and I am obligated to it together with my colleagues. As Maimonides says: There is no greater precept that redeeming captives. We will not relent in our efforts until we redeem them all, until we return them all, the boys and girls, the mothers and fathers, the young men and women, the elderly men and women, the male and female soldiers, all of them.

In war there are stages, and in returning the hostages there are stages, but we will not relent until we achieve the absolute victory and until we bring them all back. This is my sacred duty, of all of us. 
In recent days, I have spoken with our friend, US President Joe Biden and I requested his intervention in order to improve the outline that will be presented to you.

Indeed, it has been improved to include more hostages and at a lower cost. These talks have been productive. President Biden joined in the effort and I thank him for it. Before you this evening, now, is a difficult decision but it is the correct decision.

All of the security agencies fully support it; they have made it completely clear in their professional assessment, that the security of our forces will be ensured during the pause and that the intelligence effort will be maintained in those days. They have made it clear that not only will the war effort not be harmed, it will enable the IDF to prepare for the continuation of the fighting. 

I would like to reiterate: The war is continuing and the war will continue until we achieve all of our goals – Eliminating Hamas, returning all of our hostages and assuring that the day after Hamas, Gaza will no longer threaten Israel, that there will be no other element that supports terrorism, educates its children for terrorism and threatens the State of Israel. With G-d’s help, we will do it and we will succeed – and together we will win.” This page was last updated on 22.11.2023https://www.gov.il/en/departments/news/spoke-joint211123

How will a temporary pause in fighting affect the IDF’s operations in Gaza?https://youtu.be/5i8NWI2dyCM

Israel to be ‘relentless’ in its pursuit of Hamas says IDF spokesperson Jonathan Conricushttps://youtu.be/1jy6qmMv15w

According to i24 news: “A deal with the Devil: Israel approved ceasefire deal as ‘outline’ for the release of hostageshttps://youtu.be/-qKRp6IHZFw:
ISRAEL-HAMAS HOSTAGE RELEASE DEAL: 50 women and children hostages to be released in first 4 days of ceasefire. Israel to release 150 Palestinian security prisoners – teenagers and women who were not convicted of murder. Israel to receive the list of hostages set for release the night before each round. After the first 4 days, Hamas can release additional prisoners, with an additional day of ceasefire for each 10 hostages released…
IDF aerial surveillance activity over Gaza will be suspended for 6 hours for each day of the ceasefire, Israel says Hamas will pay a heavy price for any violation of the ceasefire.
Soldiers & men will not be released at this stage…
Israel commits to limit its drone surveillance activity in Northern Gaza and to completely suspend it in the South during the ceasefire Israel will also allow 308 trucks to enter Gaza
including fuel…
” See video here: https://youtu.be/-qKRp6IHZFw