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Calling Jabaliya a “refugee camp” is highly misleading. These appear to be neighborhoods built in a very sturdy manner with very thick concrete walls full of rebar.

Screen grab from “footage from an IDF soldier’s helmet during operational activity on Hamas’ stronghold in Jabaliya”: https://bit.ly/3tVdp3X https://t.me/s/idfofficial

BREAKING: IDF INFILTRATES Hamas Command Center, Hezbollah Threat INTENSIFIES TBN Israel news”: https://youtu.be/cfjxmc90eEk

Some of the video and images in the above YouTube video and additional details can be found in more detail here:

Hamas-Israel War: November 3rd News Updates

Video of Shayetet 13 Activity During the Night of October 27-28, 2023

Calling Jabaliya a “refugee camp” is highly misleading. These appear to be neighborhoods built in a very sturdy manner with very thick concrete walls full of rebar. If these are “refugee camps” then what would you call the flimsy homes and trailers that most Americans live in? Also, a handful of tiny simple box-shaped 2×4 wooden frames covered in canvass gets called a Bedouin “village” by media. Generations of people are being fooled by language used. All Jews left Gaza ca 2005, but outside of Gaza, Jews who buy or rent homes in areas that are traditionally non-Jewish get called “settlers”. Furthermore, those living in northern Gaza have had almost a month to move a few miles to the south. And, until British, Irish, and German Americans have right of return to their indigenous homelands, from which they were forced, mostly on political or religious grounds, I don’t want to hear a word spoken about Palestinian right of return. Also, unless people are going to talk about natural disaster victims who get little warning and no one bothers to ask if they have water, while they sit in the dark without electricity or water for a week or more, I don’t want to hear about an alleged humanitarian crisis in Gaza, where they were warned and provided with aid if they move a few miles down the road! How about the Germans forced out of Kaliningrad, and elsewhere, that was stolen by the Soviet Union in the 1940s?
How many Palestinians “refugees” descend from tenant farmers-agricultural workers displaced by mechanization of agriculture in the 1940s?