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The FSB is a Russian Intelligence Service: “In 2003, the FSB’s responsibilities were expanded by incorporating the Border Guard Service and a major part of the Federal Agency of Government Communication and Information (FAPSI); this would include intelligence activities in countries that were once members of the Soviet Union, work formerly done by the KGB’s Fifth Service….https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Security_Service

The Khalino (Halino) airfield near Kursk was hit; Z-publics (pro-Russian military social media channels) report losses to the Russian army: Telegram channels report an attack on the Khalino military airfield near Kursk, By Artem Malinovsky September 24, 2023, 22:48 https://www.dialog.ua The Khalino military airfield near Kursk was probably hit on Sunday, September 24. At least it is reported “by Z-publics”. Telegram channel “Ukraine 365” provides a screenshot of a message posted in one of the Russian “publics”, from which it follows that the Russian army suffered losses as a result of the attack on the airfield. https://t.me/Ukraine_365News/62741

Meanwhile, the Russian Ministry of Defense claims that Russian air defenses allegedly “shot down a Ukrainian aircraft-type drone over the Kursk region” on Sunday evening. The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has not yet made any statements about the defeat of military targets in the Kursk region.

Let us recall that on September 24, explosions were heard repeatedly in Kursk, the Russian authorities reported “drone attacks” and “air defense operations.” https://www.dialog.ua/war/281694_1695544540 Meanwhile, information appeared in the media that two targets were attacked in Kursk – the building of the local FSB office and an oil refinery. https://www.dialog.ua/war/281704_1695554549

Thus, a source in the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine confirmed to journalists that the strike hit the FSB building in Kursk and noted that the Russian authorities are trying to downplay the scale of the damage.
Author: Artem Malinovsky
Russian Army News of Russia News of the day War of Ukraine with Russia
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: https://www.dialog.ua/war/281739_1695584553

There is a strike – when the UAV hit again, the refinery is damaged in Kursk: In Russian Kursk, for the second time in a day, explosions are rattling due to a raid by an UAV of unknown origin September 24, 2023, 14:31 By Tatiana Shevchenko https://www.dialog.ua In the second attack on Kursk, the occupiers’ oil refinery was allegedly damaged. This information was shared by Ukrainian public figure, blogger Andrey Smoliy on Telegram.

Kursk, which celebrates City Day today, was again attacked by a drone after 12:00. Residents reported explosions and black smoke, which began to rise into the sky from the local military airfield. “There is a hit at an oil refinery near the Kursk airfield,” Smoliy said.
By Tatiana Shevchenko September 24, 2023, 14:31 https://www.dialog.ua
There is no confirmation of this information at the moment. The Russian authorities assure that the explosions that local residents heard are allegedly the results of the work of Russian air defense on the drone. It should be noted that the first drone attacked Kursk in the morning. It broke through the roof of the administrative building in the city center. https://www.dialog.ua/war/281694_1695544540

The previous strike was the Department of the FSB of the Russian Federation. https://www.dialog.ua/war/281696_1695547552 There is no information about the victims, but residents reported that ambulances had left for the scene of the attack. Earlier it was reported that there were explosions in Bryansk at an advanced military electronics factory due to a UAV attack. We also wrote that Rostov was attacked by drones.
Author: Tatiana Shevchenko
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: https://www.dialog.ua/war/281704_1695554549

A powerful explosion in Kursk: an unknown UAV attacked the administrative building on City Day Russian Kursk today again attacked an unknown drone, the administrative building was damaged September 24, 2023, 11:41 By Tatiana Shevchenko https://www.dialog.ua On the morning of September 24, the Russian city of Kursk was hit by an unknown (origin) drone. There are no victims. The information was confirmed in Telegram by the Governor of the Kursk region Roman Starovoit, reports Dialog.UA. A powerful single explosion occurred in the city at about 10 a.m. Apparently, the Russian air defense did not work, as the UAV achieved the goal. “In Kursk, a Ukrainian drone attacked an administrative building in the Central District,” Starovoit wrote. He assures that the UAV slightly damaged the roof of the building. There were no preliminary casualties.

He could not provide evidence of Ukraine’s involvement in the incident. The governor of the Russian Federation did not publish the footage of the consequences of the strike. According to data from social networks, the building of the Department of the FSB of the Russian Federation in the region was attacked, but there are no confirmations at the moment. The Ukrainian side does not comment on the information.

It should be noted that today Kursk celebrates City Day. Earlier it was reported that the Russian air defense shot down a drone 4 km (2.4 miles) from the Kursk NPP – a fire broke out (where drone debris fell). https://www.dialog.ua/russia/280412_1693767245

We also wrote that at the end of August, kamikaze drones attacked the airfield of the Russian Armed Forces in Kursk, Su-30, MiG-29 and air defense were damaged. https://www.dialog.ua/russia/280412_1693767245
Author: Tatiana Shevchenko
Incidents News of Russia News of the day War of Ukraine with Russia
The editorial staff of Dialog.UA is grateful for any financial assistance! Glory to Ukraine! I Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/Ukraine365 | Paypal -ukraine365news@gmail.com | Bank card – 5168742727446407 (Uah) | Our Telegram channel – https://t.me/Ukraine_365News
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“: https://www.dialog.ua/war/281694_1695544540

Military strike on Kursk: the media learned new details of the “gift” from the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the City Day: The analysis confirms that the haze after the explosion was raised near the building of the regional department of the FSB”. By Mark Voroshilov September 24, 2023, 12:25 https://www.dialog.ua
A Ukrainian drone probably hit the FSB headquarters building in the Kursk region on City Day. This is confirmed by the footage from the scene. https://t.me/Ukraine_365News/62700 The governor of the region on Sunday morning reported a drone attack on an administrative building in the Central District.

According to him, the roof of the building was slightly damaged. Local residents in a comment under the post about the attack wrote that the blow fell on the building of the FSB department in the Kursk region, as reported by the Astra Telegram channel. https://t.me/astrapress/38635 The analysis of the “Agency” confirms that the haze after the explosion was raised in the area of the building of the regional department of the FSB. In the video from the scene of the incident, which was published by the Telegram channel “Caution, News”, in the foreground the building of the dormitory of the Kursk Technical School of Communications was taken into the frame, behind it was the roof of the Kursk Regional Multidisciplinary Clinical Hospital and the building of the FSB Directorate in the Kursk region (Dobrolyubova, 5). In the background, the video showed the Kursk Center for Scientific and Technical Information and the Tsentralny shopping center. A few tens of meters from the FSB is the building of the Center for Special Communications and Information of the Federal Security Service of Russia in the Kursk region and the administration of the Central District of Kursk. “RBC-Ukraine” with reference to a source in the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense also reported that the blow fell on the FSB building in Kursk. As it specified, the Russian authorities are downplaying the scale of the damage, as “there is a direct hit.” Earlier it was reported that the Russian air defense shot down a drone 4 km from the Kursk NPP – a fire broke out.
Author: Mark Voroshilov
News of Russia Politics Society Ukraine’s war with Russia
The editorial staff of Dialog.UA is grateful for any financial assistance! Glory to Ukraine! I Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/Ukraine365 | Paypal -ukraine365news@gmail.com | Bank card – 5168742727446407 (Uah) | Our Telegram channel – https://t.me/Ukraine_365News читайте подробнее на сайте “Диалог.UA
“: https://www.dialog.ua/war/281696_1695547552

A drone attacked the FSB building in Kursk, local residents reported. The governor announced an attack on the “administrative building.” Residents of Kursk reported a UAV attack on the building of the FSB Directorate for the Kursk Region on Dobrolyubova Street. There is no official confirmation of this information. “In Kursk, a Ukrainian drone attacked an administrative building in the Central District. The roof was slightly damaged. Officers of the operational services went to the scene,” wrote the head of the region.” See original in Ukrainian and videos here: https://t.me/astrapress/38635

Note: Z-паблики (Z-publics)/Z-паблик (Z-public) is apparently an “Internet page in the social network “VKontakte”, open not only to its users, but also to everyone else”https://ru.wiktionary.org/wiki/паблик By logical extension this should include Telegram and other social media, as well.