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In Moscow, a night “bavovna”: an unknown UAV paralyzed flights over the capital of the Russian Federation: At night, an unknown UAV flew over Moscow again, which caused the emergency shutdown of all airports in the capital of the Russian Federation. News RUSSIA August 26, 2023, 08:43 By Tatiana Shevchenko https://www.dialog.ua
On the night of Saturday, August 26, air defense worked in Moscow. Russian troops “hunted” an unknown UAV that paralyzed flights over the capital of the Russian Federation. The footage is available on the Ukraine 365 Telegram channel. https://t.me/Ukraine_365News/60486

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin assures that the UAV was allegedly destroyed by air defense forces on the approach to Moscow, namely in the Istra district.

There are no preliminary casualties and destruction,” he added. At the time of the attack, the Russian authorities urgently introduced the “Cover” plan at all airports in the capital of the Russian Federation. Their work was paralyzed until the morning. Flights for departure were delayed, and those boards that were heading to the capital were redirected to airports in other cities.

It should be noted that this night in the south-east of Moscow, eyewitnesses observed a huge pillar of fire. The incident caused great excitement among local residents. The Russian authorities assure that this is not the result of the arrival of the UAV, but planned work on fuel combustion at the local refinery.

It should be noted that the capital of the Russian Federation is regularly attacked by unknown UAVs. https://www.dialog.ua/russia/279642_1692757250

The Moscow City business center was successfully attacked three times.

Also, several times the villages near Moscow, where the “elite” of the Putin regime lives, were hit.

Such incidents demonstrated the low effectiveness of the Russian air defense system. In addition, the capital of the Russian Federation suffers great economic losses in the field of air transportation.

The Russian media already figured out where Ukrainian drones stubbornly aim and hit in Moscow. https://www.dialog.ua/war/279698_1692808174

We also wrote that Simonyan thanked the Russian air defense of the Russian Federation for not killing her. https://www.dialog.ua/war/279509_1692601092
Author: Tatiana Shevchenko
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: https://www.dialog.ua/russia/279868_1693027835