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Recently Rahul Gandhi made clear that India isn’t going to change its position on Russia, whether he is PM or Modi, in response to a question about if he supports “India’s neutral stance on the Russia Ukraine war”. He replied “No no … um look we have a we have a relationship with Russia um we’ve had a relationship with Russia and we have certain dependencies in Russia so I would have a very similar stance as the government of India. I mean it might not be popular here but it is what it is. Look um at the end of the day we have to also look out look out for our interest.” (“The New Global Equilibrium: Talk by Rahul Gandhi at Stanford University”, 45:18 https://youtu.be/XMoMjVNis-g )

Mining Awareness +

Rahul Gandhi’s mother is an Italian.

An Italian who calls names? 🧐 Oh, imagine that! 😂 Did he say Porca Modi? 🤣 No. ☹️ He accused people with the name of Modi of being thieves. 🙄 And, that’s considered defamation in India. 😡 Of course, some US States and European countries have defamation laws, which surprise, but are rarely enforced. Beware. 😳

Of course, it’s above all Rahul’s grandmother, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, who made India’s bed with the Soviets, which is now Modi’s bed with Putin’s Russia. What will Ro Khanna say of this? Nothing so far. Ro Khanna’s grandfather was very close to Indira.

This Gandhi family is not kin to the famous Gandhi. Indira was the daughter of PM Nehru. The Nehrus are Kashmiri Pandits.

Russia’s buddy India may now fall into chaos.

Rahul’s grandmother, Indira, set a bad precedent with her State of Emergency, which will…

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