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Germany needs to make up its mind. If it wants the US to become its nuclear dumping ground then it should give right of return to the Americans of German origin, and they can start with Donald Trump whose father was made in Germany. The US can’t be the dumping ground for both the world’s excess and unwanted peoples and unwanted nuclear waste, though it is. Obama and his administration ran all over Europe and the world collecting nuclear waste from terrorist nations such as Sweden and Switzerland, pretending it was about non-proliferation. Germany has already burnt nuclear waste in a very substandard incinerator in Tennessee. Why didn’t they burn it in Germany or in Switzerland? Trump is in tight with the nuclear waste industry – Doug Kimmelman of Energy Solutions was a Trump fundraiser-large donor and apparently with Holtec-Kris Singh (large donor and friend to Trump’s UN Ambassador Nikki Haley.)

According to the Charleston Post and Courrier the Savannah River Site (SRS) Citizens Advisory Board (CAB) voted 10 to 9 (two abstained) against importing high level nuclear waste from Germany to be processed and dumped in the USA. (“Group opposes bringing German nuclear material through Charleston to Savannah River Site“, By Derrek Asberry, Sep 26, 2017). Unfortunately, this is apparently just a recommendation.

The SRS CAB is composed of 25 individuals from South Carolina and Georgia. The board members are chosen to reflect a full diversity of viewpoints within the communities affected by SRS. Members serve two-year terms and represent the business world, academia, local government, environmental and special interest groups, and the general public… DOE values the input from the SRS CAB and endeavors to incorporate recommendations early in the planning process.” http://cab.srs.gov/srs-cab.html

Click to access draft_rec_-_no_import_of_german_fuel_for_september_26_2017_vote.pdf

Click to access NM_Meeting_Summary_June_2017.pdf