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Ukraine may receive weapons from Israel for the first time: FT learned about the plan to supply 8 Patriot systems Earlier, the Israeli authorities admitted that they could change their position on the issue of arms supplies to Kiev, June 27, 2024, 21:26, By Artem Malinovsky https://www.dialog.ua

Israel, which has not yet supplied Ukraine with weapons to repel the Russian invasion, may transfer 8 Patriot air defense systems to Kiev. Currently, an option is being discussed in which the specified systems will first be delivered from Israel to the United States, and then to Ukrainian territory. This is reported by FT, citing sources. https://www.ft.com/content/1c938d86-ab11-4d75-b005-1e02bf9b4dda

According to the newspaper, the contours of a possible agreement were negotiated between ministers and high-ranking officials of Israel, the United States and Ukraine. To date, the transaction has not yet been finalized. At the same time, the publication emphasizes that Israel’s transfer of air defense systems to Ukraine will mark a shift in relations between the Israeli side and the Russian Federation. In April, Israel announced plans to begin the decommissioning of eight Patriot batteries, the service life of which has exceeded 30 years, and replace them with newer complexes. Israel has not previously supplied weapons to Ukraine, but the head of the Israeli government, Benjamin Netanyahu, noted that his country’s approach to this issue may change.

Now the Ukrainian army has four Patriot complexes, which were supplied by the United States and Germany. The Ukrainian authorities are actively negotiating with international partners regarding the supply of additional modern air defense systems. Recall that last week it was reported that the Netherlands, together with the unnamed country, intends to transfer another Patriot system to Ukraine. https://www.dialog.ua/war/297132_1718992191

Earlier it became known about Romania’s intention to supply the Patriot complex to Ukraine. The relevant decision was made on the condition that Bucharest receives a similar or equivalent air defense system from the allies. https://www.dialog.ua/war/297063_1718892786 Author: Artem Malinovsky
USA Armed Forces of Ukraine News of Israel News of Ukraine War of Ukraine with Russia
” English translation base on original found here: https://www.dialog.ua/war/297485_1719512477