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Both Trump and Biden’s blinkered advisors (SoS Antony Blinken and NSA Jake Sullivan) want to give nuclear capabilities to Saudi Arabia, and a military “security” alliance! Literally WTH! Saudi Arabia has plenty of solar potential. The only nuclear power they need is the sun. Anything else is for weapons.

Who’s to say that Saudi and Iran aren’t both working together in an anti-western alliance, since both Saudi and Iran are in OPEC; Russia is in OPEC+, and both Iran and Saudi are working with Russia. Iran is in BRICS and Saudi may join BRICS. Shi’a Iran is working with Sunni Hamas and Islamic Jihad, as well as Hindu India, so why wouldn’t they work with Saudi? There is an earlier historical precedence of Sunni and Shi’a temporarily working together against the west. Recall that Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union worked together from 1939-41, which facilitated Nazi Germany overrunning western Poland, as well as western Europe, unimpeded. Maybe, contrary to “commons wisdom” Saudi Arabia worked with Hamas and Islamic on October 7th, because they didn’t want to make a peace deal with Israel, rather than vice versa. And, why would anyone want to make a peace deal with Saudi Arabia? So they don’t behead us?

King Salmon became King in 2015 and MBS Crown Prince in 2017. Under the elderly King Salmon and his son, Prince MBS the number of beheadings has more than doubled Last year, Saudi Arabia beheaded 172 people. Between 2010 and 2014 the average was 70.8 per year. Saudi has 1/10th of the population of the USA, so this would be comparable to 1,720 beheadings per year in the United States. In 2018, Jamal Khashoggi was killed and cut into pieces or cut into pieces and killed by them: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamal_Khashoggi

Did Trump not know that Saudis still behead with sabers? Or is that why he offered them so much?

Between 2010 and 2014 the average number of executions (most or all beheadings) was 70.8 per year. In 2023 they beheaded 172 people. Between 2015 and 2022 the average was 129.5 and thus, in this period, had increased by 83% compared to the previous King. However, comparing 71 per year to last year’s 172 represents an 142% increase! Iran is primarily using hanging for executions. While they have executed far more, Iran has a population almost three times larger than Saudi Arabia. Around 40% of those in Saudi are foreign workers and they are being beheaded too.

Saudi Arabia beheaded a pro-democracy protester set to attend college in U.S.: Mujtaba al-Sweikat was one of 37 people the kingdom executed on what human rights groups say were trumped-up charges”, By Emma Ockerman April 24, 2019, 7:25pm https://www.vice.com/en/article/wjv5zn/saudi-arabia-beheaded-a-pro-democracy-protester-set-to-attend-college-in-us

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman previously has stated publicly that Saudi Arabia would seek to acquire nuclear weapons if Iran were to “develop” a nuclear bomb. The path towards Middle East peace should not include the prospect of a nuclear-armed Saudi Arabia, which would undermine the interests of the U.S., allies, and partners across the region. In the letter, Senator Markey wrote, “Although I strongly support and would eagerly welcome a rapprochement between Israel and its Arab neighbors, including a two-state solution, I have deep concerns about the reported military and nuclear contours of a U.S.-Saudi deal. I fear that Saudi Arabia — a nation with a terrible human rights record — cannot be trusted to use its civil nuclear energy program solely for peaceful purposes and will instead enrich uranium and seek to develop nuclear weapons. Senator Markey continued, “It would be irresponsible, in the face of Saudi Arabia’s open nuclear intentions, for the United States to reach a civil nuclear cooperation (or so-called “123”) agreement with Saudi Arabia that lacks a formal Saudi government commitment to forego enrichment and reprocessing of nuclear material… A standard 123 agreement that provides the Kingdom with the ability to enrich uranium domestically could fray the existing global arms control regime, exacerbate tensions across the Middle East, and reduce U.S. leverage over the Kingdom to improve its human rights record.” (…) “In September 2019, Senator Markey and Merkley urged the Trump administration to halt civil nuclear cooperation negotiations with Saudi Arabia. In June 2019, Senator Markey blasted the Trump administration’s secret nuclear cooperation with Saudi Arabia. In February 2019, Senator Markey began requesting information on any 810 authorizations to Saudi Arabia in a letter to the Trump administration…”. https://www.markey.senate.gov/news/press-releases/sen-markey-seeks-answers-on-nuclear-cooperation-with-saudi-arabia-calls-for-congressional-oversight-of-any-123-negotiations

And, where are the answers that US Senator Markey asked for? Trump and Biden’s Secretary of State Antony Blinken and NSA Jake Sullivan appear hell-bent to give the Saudi King and his (reportedly) psychopathic dictator son access to nuclear: “SEN. MARKEY SEEKS ANSWERS ON NUCLEAR COOPERATION WITH SAUDI ARABIA, CALLS FOR CONGRESSIONAL OVERSIGHT OF ANY 123 NEGOTIATIONS” MAY 01, 2024 https://www.markey.senate.gov/news/press-releases/sen-markey-seeks-answers-on-nuclear-cooperation-with-saudi-arabia-calls-for-congressional-oversight-of-any-123-negotiations Is it better to be hung by ruthless Iranians or beheaded by ruthless Saudis? Why would we want either to have nuclear weapons? Nuclear power is the first step to weapons.

Last year, Saudi Arabia beheaded 172 people:
Saudi Arabia Beheadings, crucifixions and heads on spikes: Inside Saudi Arabia’s ‘relentless killing spree’ of medieval-style executions – including 81 in one day – that has seen record numbers put to death under Crown Prince MBS *** CONTENT WARNING: GRAPHIC DESCRIPTIONS OF EXECUTIONS ***”  By MIRIAM KUEPPER PUBLISHED: 10:23 BST, 2 March 2024 | UPDATED: 10:26 BST, 2 March 2024 Quote: “Despite bin Salman promising he would limit the use of capital punishments, the number nearly doubled since he took the throne, according to NGO Reprieve. From 2010 to 2014 there was an average of 70.8 executions per year but from 2015 to 2022 there was an average of 129.5 executions per year – a rise of 82 per cent.” Read the article, watch the video and see photos here: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13132065/Beheadings-crucifixions-heads-spikes-Saudi-Arabia-executions-Crown-Prince.html Iran is primarily using hanging for executions. While they have recently executed far more, Iran has a population almost three times larger than Saudi Arabia. Around 40% of those in Saudi are foreign workers and they are being beheaded too! While the Daily Mail says that it’s 82%, it’s actually 83% for these two periods. 82.9% rounds up to 83%. And, really one should say 71 per year for 2010-14 and 130 for 2015-22, which also leads to a result of 83%. However, if you compare the 71 per year average to last year’s 172, then the increase is far more than doubled, it’s 143% or 2.4 times larger!

Demons of a feather flock together, Russia’s Putin and Putin’s apparent proxy Prince MBS:
Russia, Saudi Arabia Seal Billions In Deals During Putin’s Visit” October 14, 2019 07:24 GMT UPDATED October 14, 2019 22:34 GMT By RFE/RL https://www.rferl.org/a/putin-saudi-arabia-oil/30215441.html
Putin and MBS G20 Argentina

US Sec. of State Blinken with Saudi Foreign Minister in Jordan. Blinken’s step father, Samuel Pisar, worked with both the USSR and Russia, as an international trade lawyer (and possibly KGB agent). Blinken may work for Russia, as well, but no one is willing to investigate either him or even his deceased stepfather.

Trump and MBS:

Trump’s always loved the Saudis ($$$$$$). Trump meets Saudi King Fahd in 1985: