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Former hostage Ada Sagi “Before for many years I believed in peace…from year to year I understood that Hamas didn’t want it…” BBC Interviewer: “Do you still believe in peace?” Ada Sagi: “No I don’t believe in peace, I don’t believe, sorry, I changed my mind.” Regarding the world response she says: “The world hate us and I think they don’t know the truth… We have no place going back… It’s a pogram… it’s holocaust…” Listen to the audio here. It’s 20 minutes long and important to hear her exact words: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p0j52x9s
25% of her Israeli kibbutz were killed or are missing. If 25% of Gaza were killed, it would be more than 500,000. However, there are 400 million Arabs worldwide, 2 billion Muslims and only 15-20 million Jews. And, Palestinian civilians are complicit, as she explains. Furthermore, the Palestinian flag itself is the flag of the Arab revolt, a pan-Arab, Arab nationalist flag. Neither pan-Arabism nor Islamism has a place for non-Arabs or non-Muslims.

Ada Sagi was a teacher of Arabic, so she understood more than non-Arabic speakers.
Released Israeli hostage: I don’t believe in peace any longer
Released On: 19 Jun 2024
Audio: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p0j52x9s
On 7 October last year, Ada Sagi’s life changed forever. The 75-year-old grandmother of six – who has spent most of her life working towards peace between Israelis and Palestinians – was having a morning coffee at home on the Nir Oz Kibbutz, on the border with Gaza, when suddenly several men working for Hamas burst into her home and forced her barefoot by gunpoint onto a motorbike and took her hostage, alongside scores of others….
” Read more and listen here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p0j52x9s

Even this story is done by an Arab, who dresses and veils in black from head to foot https://x.com/HafsaRKhalil though she appears to do a fair job and from her writing appears to have a kind heart:
‘I don’t believe in peace now,’ released Gaza hostage says
Story by Hafsa Khalil – BBC News
An Israeli peace activist who was seized from her home on 7 October and held hostage for 53 days in Gaza has told the BBC how her ordeal destroyed her belief that peace is possible between Palestinians and Israelis.

In her first UK interview since being freed in November, Ada Sagi, 75, also told Emma Barnett on Radio 4’s Today programme how she was held in an apartment by paid guards, that Hamas kept her in a hospital before her release – and that she now believes the world hates Jews….https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/i-dont-believe-in-peace-now-released-gaza-hostage-says/ar-BB1ouMCd

Blog Comment: She taught Arabic to help with peace. However she realized that this was fantasy. For those who haven’t yet awakened: Don’t wait until you are kidnapped by terrorists to wake up to the truth. You can’t make peace with those who want you dead. If you do, it’s suicide. While you may personally want to make this choice on religious grounds, it’s not conducive to the betterment of humanity for decent, peace-loving people, to allow themselves to be run over by violent authoritarian bullies. The US, Canada, UK and Europe have allowed swarms of potential terrorists to enter. A teacher was beheaded by a Russian Islamic terrorist in broad daylight in Paris France in 2020. Most people were peacefully at home on October 7th, a holiday.

25% of her kibbutz were killed or are missing. To put that in context, 25% of Gaza killed or missing would be over 500,000. And, even that’s not comparable because there are 400 million Arabs worldwide and approximately 2 billion Muslims and only 15 to 20 million Jews. And,

Muslims are reproducing at a faster rate, which is why there are so many people in Gaza and why they are so overpopulated. Recall that US Congresswoman Tlaib, a Palestinian born in the US in 1976, is one of 14 children, so they are overpopulating everywhere. You can give them all of Israel and they will fight each other, for that reason alone – there are too many.

To paraphrase a Bedouin Arab proverb: “Me against my brother, me and my brother against my cousin, me, my brother and my cousin against the world.” Meanwhile Israelis, British, North Americans and Europeans bicker amongst themselves and sell out their countries to foreigners for money, which will lead to their destruction, if they don’t wake up. It now appears inevitable. Israelis are the canary in the coal mine. So, say your prayers and eat, drink and be merry, and enjoy life while you can. Regardless, life on earth is short.

The dictator of El Salvador (Bukele) is also Palestinian and ruthlessly jailing the mostly indigenous people of El Salvador.

For safety purposes, most weapons were kept in a central storage location, rather than at home. Thus, the October 7th Palestinian terrorists went there first and took the weapons. October 7th was the best advertisement that the NRA could have on why people need weapons at home for self-defense. They can be locked up at home, if there are safety concerns.