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BREAKING: Israel under attack, Hezbollah bombards Israel with rocketshttps://youtu.be/sD64KPLWpDQat least 2 people injured and some 15 fires burning in the North… the 40 that have started out today follows about 250 that Hezbollah launched yesterday. And so if we if we look at that… just the last 36 hours of fighting you see a serious escalation out there…

Hezbollah Issues Warning, News on The 700 Club – June 13, 2024https://youtu.be/ctJdcDkIcTg

Israel Defense Forces @IDF: “Hezbollah launched approx. 40 projectiles toward northern Israel moments ago. The IDF Aerial Defense Array successfully intercepted numerous launches, however, a number of hits that fell—ignited fires.

Additionally, five suspicious aerial targets were identified. The IDF Aerial Defense Array successfully intercepted three of those targets.” 3:29 PM · Jun 13, 2024 https://x.com/IDF/status/1801230445935231243 (see video at link)

Blog comment: Projectiles apparently means it could be rockets or missiles, but Fox news has said rockets. The suspicious aerial targets are being called drones by Fox news. Maybe we should call them UFOs, since they are unidentified flying objects?

Israel Defense Forces @IDF: “Sirens sounding in northern Israel as Hezbollah launches projectiles nonstop from southern Lebanon” 2:28 PM · Jun 13, 2024 https://x.com/IDF/status/1801215040512463127

Excerpts from IDF news (original in Hebrew) https://www.idf.il/אתרי-יחידות/יומן-המלחמה/כל-הכתבות/יומן-המלחמה-כל-העדכונים-והתיעודים-האחרונים/Following the alerts that were activated about the intrusion of a hostile aircraft at 16:36 and 16:53 in the Golan Heights area, the air defense fighters intercepted three identified targets, the incident ended.

A warning of rocket and missile fire in the area of ​​the entrances of Hermon was activated for fear of falling interceptor fragments.

16:45 | Scenarios at varying ranges, mountainous and tangled terrain, and evacuating wounded in depth: the 4th and 226th TzK have completed a series of exercises to increase combat readiness in the northern sector.

15:52 | Following the warnings about the infiltration of hostile aircraft in the Upper Galilee region that were activated between the hours of 14:55-14:58, two suspicious aerial targets were identified. Air defense fighters intercepted one target. The event is over, there are no casualties.

15:03 | Following the alerts that were activated in the north of the country, about 40 launches were detected towards the Galilee and Golan region, of which several launches were successfully intercepted by the air defense fighters. A number of falls were identified that caused fires to break out in the area.

Five suspicious aerial targets were identified starting at 14:00, the air defense fighters intercepted three of them.

14:04 | Further to the alert that was activated at 13:31 about the infiltration of a hostile aircraft in the area of ​​the city of Safed, it is a false identification, an interceptor was launched at a target that was suspected to be a suspicious aerial target.

14:00 | A tunnel about 800 meters long, about a kilometer from Israeli territory, was destroyed: https://www.idf.il/208469 the 99th Division completed a divisional operation in the area of ​​the corridor and deepened the IDF’s grip.” See the original in Hebrew and more here: https://www.idf.il/אתרי-יחידות/יומן-המלחמה/כל-הכתבות/יומן-המלחמה-כל-העדכונים-והתיעודים-האחרונים/

Israel Defense Forces @IDF: “IAF aircraft eliminated Sami Taleb Abdullah, the commander of the Nasr Unit in the Hezbollah terrorist organization, last night. This was part of a strike on a Hezbollah command and control center in the area of Jouaiyya in southern Lebanon, which was used to direct terrorist attacks against Israel from southeastern Lebanon in recent months.

Abdullah was one of Hezbollah’s most senior commanders in southern Lebanon who planned, advanced and carried out a large number of terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians. Three additional Hezbollah terrorist operatives were also eliminated in the strike
1:51 PM · Jun 12, 2024 https://x.com/IDF/status/1800843243426369831

Israel Defense Forces @IDF: “Approx. 160 projectiles were identified crossing from Lebanon into northern Israel a short while ago. Several fell in various locations, causing fires to break out and a number of projectiles were intercepted”. 10:52 AM · Jun 12, 2024 https://x.com/IDF/status/1800798246023176536

Israel Defense Forces @IDF: “These are not fireworks to celebrate the holiday of Shavuot. These are our aerial defense systems defending our civilians against a barrage of Hezbollah rockets in northern Israel.” 9:21 PM · Jun 11, 2024 https://x.com/IDF/status/1800594304856953043 (See video at link)

Israel Defense Forces @IDF: “We make the headlines only with blood.” “No blood, no news.” -Hamas leader, Yahya Sinwar documented by @WSJ Sinwar profits off the deaths of Gazan civilians, calling them “necessary sacrifices” in order to urge international pressure on Israel’s efforts to eliminate his terrorist organization.

Hamas leaders don’t care about Gazans. How many times do they have to say it for themselves before the world believes them?
The Wall Street Journal @WSJ: Jun 11 A Gaza chief’s private messages reveal a brutal strategy: Civilian bloodshed will help Hamas https://on.wsj.com/3yPgvZO

2:53 PM · Jun 11, 2024 https://x.com/IDF/status/1800496690249507213

Israel Defense Forces @IDF: “The Commander of @CENTCOM General Michael Erik Kurilla arrived in Israel over the weekend as the official guest of the Chief of the General Staff, LTG Herzi Halevi.

The commanders held an operational situational assessment, discussed recent regional challenges, the war in Gaza, the developments on the northern border and the strengthening of the strategic partnership in the region against the Iranian threat and Iran’s proxies in the region Last edited 11:23 AM, Jun 11, 2024https://x.com/IDF/status/1800443636288483660

Hezbollah Issues Warning, News on The 700 Club – June 13, 2024

The fact that Hamas doesn’t want peace, but only the destruction of Israel, was mentioned by Gordon Robertson in the 700 club video. However, their general news also mentioned Russian aggression in the Caribbean, and falsely presents Russia’s arrival in Cuba as a tit-for-tat, as has most news. The only apparent lull in Russia’s aggressive posture in the Caribbean was when Putin was trying to get their debt forgiven and access the WTO in 2001. Russia was also busy attacking and destroying Chechnya (1994-1996 and 1999-2009): “Vladimir Lukin, a senior lawmaker and former Russian ambassador to Washington, told NTV television that Russia’s decision to close the Cuba and Vietnam posts should be reciprocated. Moscow is pushing for debt rescheduling and Western support for its attempt to join the World Trade Organisation. While the decision could win Putin points internationally, especially with the United States, some observers predict he could run into domestic trouble for his decision”. Castro was angry about the closure. See: “Analysis: Russia’s Cuba spy dilemma” October 19, 2001 https://edition.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/americas/10/18/russia.cuba/index.html There may have been a lull in the 90s for similar reasons and because they were involved in the Chechen war. However, Russian imperialism has been a problem for a very long time. Russia was frequently an aggressive problem even before the Russian Revolution – for instance the original Crimean War. Russia’s been sending warships, again, to Cuba since they invaded the Republic of Georgia in 2008. While Russia continued to have their spying station in Cuba until 2002, they apparently didn’t send warships after 1991 until late 2008. Russian warships have continued to go to Cuba from 2008 up until today. What has changed is the US attitude. When Germany was threatening Haiti in the World War I period, US marines went into Haiti to protect it from Germany.