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Hamas fires rockets towards Tel Aviv:
The strike on Rafah comes after Hamas launched rocket attacks from Gaza towards Tel Aviv earlier on Sunday…. Hamas’s military wing claimed responsibility for the attack….
” As reported by Sky News on 27 May 2024: https://news.sky.com/story/hamas-launches-first-rocket-attack-on-israel-from-gaza-in-months-13143299
Sirens sounded in Tel Aviv and parts of central Israel on Sunday… marking the first time rockets have been fired at the city since late January. The Israel Defense Forces said Sunday that eight rockets were fired from the Rafah area of southern Gaza and had crossed into Israel. The IDF said “a number of projectiles” had been intercepted.  CNN correspondent Jeremy Diamond saw several rocket intercepts from Tel Aviv. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack, saying they had targeted Tel Aviv with a “large missile barrage”….” As reported by CNN on 26 May 2024: https://edition.cnn.com/middleeast/live-news/israel-hamas-war-gaza-news-05-26-24/h_66b32b6ff06c06d35b070736c468f85a

Press Briefing by IDF Spokesperson RAdm. Daniel Hagari
May 26, 2024

Good evening. This evening, with deep sorrow, we announced the deaths of Staff Sergeant Sahar Sudaei and Staff Sergeant Betzalel Zvi Kovach, may their memory be a blessing. They fell in action in the Gaza Strip. We embrace the families at this difficult time and will continue to accompany them. 

IDF troops are continuing to fight in all parts of the Gaza Strip. Today, Hamas terrorists fired eight rockets from Rafah toward the Gush Dan and Sharon areas. Some were intercepted, and at some of the sites [of impact], damage occurred as a result of shrapnel from the projectiles.

The launches were carried out approximately eight hundred meters from IDF troops operating in the area. As IDF troops approached, Hamas emptied the ammunition they had and launched the rockets from within the civilian population. We see this mode of operation in many places where we operate; Hamas is fearful of its ammunition and those same rockets, and they carry out launches when they see IDF troops approaching them. They fired from between a mosque and a school. We struck and destroyed the launcher shortly after the launch, and our troops are continuing to operate in the area.

This is Hamas’s method of carrying out terrorist activities, under the cover of the civilian population, against the citizens of the State of Israel. 

In Rafah, the troops are continuing to operate precisely against terrorism, to destroy tunnel shafts, strike launchers, target terrorist infrastructure, and eliminate terrorists.

In the northern Gaza Strip, IDF troops are continuing to operate in Jabaliya. Today, the forces raided terrorist infrastructure, where they located large quantities of weapons as well as documents that were transferred for intelligence investigation to be fully utilized. 

Today, on the northern border, the IDF eliminated seven Hezbollah terrorists in southern Lebanon in several aerial strikes. We will continue to strike hard against all terrorist activity that Hezbollah will carry out against the territory of the State of Israel, and Hezbollah terrorists will be harmed. 

Today, we mark the 233rd day of the war.

In Gaza, 125 hostages are being held, and we continue all efforts to create the conditions to bring them home as quickly as possible. The ground forces are working to bring more intelligence and more information about their condition, as we have done so far. We will continue to update with all verified information in our hands.” https://www.idf.il/en/mini-sites/hamas-israel-war-24/briefings-by-idf-spokesperson-rear-admiral-daniel-hagari/may-24-press-briefings/press-briefing-by-idf-spokesperson-radm-daniel-hagari-may-26-2024/

Comment: The text above says that the rockets were launched from between a mosque and a school. Below it says and indicates two mosques. Probably the school was attached to the second mosque or the school was the mosque.

Excerpts from IDF Updates (original in Hebrew): https://www.idf.il/אתרי-יחידות/יומן-המלחמה/כל-הכתבות/יומן-המלחמה-כל-העדכונים-והתיעודים-האחרונים/
Sunday, May 26

20:25 | Eight launches were carried out from the Rafah area towards the territory of the country [Israel].

After identifying the source of the shooting, Air Force fighter jets in cooperation with the forces of Division 162 attacked and destroyed the launcher which is located near two mosques.

Video: https://youtu.be/9T72hMSdq0Q

This is further proof that Hamas places its assets near civilian facilities and infrastructure while using the population of the Strip as a human shield.

23:54 | Aircraft attacked a Hamas compound in Rafah where key terrorists of the organization were staying. The attack was carried out against terrorists who are a target for attack in accordance with international law, using precision weaponry, and based on preliminary intelligence indicating the use of Hamas terrorists in the area.

The claim is known that as a result of the attack and a fire that broke out in the area, a number of non-involved people were injured. The event is under review.

21:52 | The IDF clarifies that there is no truth in the rumors about the return of abductees in recent hours.

19:00 | IDF paratroopers led a divisional attack in the area of ​​the old and new market in the heart of Jabalia, and eliminated terrorists in face-to-face battles in crowded alleys and fought with high intensity. The forces neutralized and destroyed the booby-trapped houses and explosives, and eliminated about a hundred terrorists in dozens of battles in which the fighters strived for contact. For the full article, click Here: https://www.idf.il/אתרי-יחידות/יומן-המלחמה/כל-הכתבות/הפצות/השמדת-בתים-ומטענים-ממולכדים-וחיסול-כמאה-מחבלים-בעשרות-קרבות/
See original updates in Hebrew here: https://www.idf.il/אתרי-יחידות/יומן-המלחמה/כל-הכתבות/יומן-המלחמה-כל-העדכונים-והתיעודים-האחרונים/ [Note: The order has been slightly changed so that it is clear that Hamas attacked from Rafah first but the times remain the same. In the original the most recent events are posted on top, i.e. in descending order.]

Last October: “Hamas Official: Tunnels Are For Protecting Terrorists, Not Civilians” Story by Claire O’Hare https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/hamas-official-tunnels-are-for-protecting-terrorists-not-civilians/ar-AA1jlXEt

Gaza has 500 km, i.e. over 300 miles of tunnels: “Hamas Official Mousa Abu Marzouk: The Tunnels in Gaza Were Built to Protect Hamas Fighters, Not Civilianshttps://x.com/MEMRIReports/status/1718973338486260097


In military terminology, a rocket is a self-propelled, unguided or guided, weapon-system powered by a rocket engine. Though used primarily as medium- and long-range artillery systems, historically rockets have also seen considerable use as air-to-surface weapons, some use as air-to-air weapons, and even (in a few cases) as surface-to-air devices.
In military parlance, a rocket differs from a missile primarily by lacking an active guidance system; early missiles became known as “guided rockets” or “guided missiles”. Some rockets were developed as unguided systems and later upgraded to guided versions, like the GMLRS, and these generally retain the term “rocket” instead of becoming “missiles”.[1]
(….) [1] https://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/ukgwa/20121018120703/http://www.army.mod.uk/equipment/artillery-air-defence/1512.aspx

Read more here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocket_(weapon)