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All day Kharkiv is under attack by Russian terrorists. The air alert in Kharkiv Oblast has lasted for more than 12 hours.

Guided aerial bombs and missiles against the normal buildings of Kharkiv, the normal civilian life of the city. The construction hypermarket was completely burned down, the fire is still being extinguished. There were hits in the central park, on ordinary houses. The exact number of dead people is still unknown. In total, almost 60 people were injured in just one day and in Kharkiv alone. All are provided with the necessary assistance.

Almost 200 rescuers of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine and dozens of pieces of equipment were involved in dealing with the consequences of terror. About 400 police officers are working on the spot. All emergency services are involved. I am grateful to everyone who cares about people and tries to save as many lives as possible.

Thank you to everyone in the world who now supports Ukraine, our Kharkiv and condemns Russian terror. It is important to be together so that the Russian terror is overcome and that everyone who is guilty of these attacks receives a fair answer. Everyone who supports us with air defense systems, everyone who supplies Ukraine with weapons to protect against Russian terrorists, everyone in the world who stands side by side with us and has no shortage of determination, is a real savior of life.” 21:57 25 May 2024 https://t.me/s/V_Zelenskiy_official

Russian strike on Kharkiv hypermarket: number of casualties rises, 16 missing” KATERYNA TYSHCHENKO — SATURDAY, 25 MAY 2024, 22:31 https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/05/25/7457645/

Russian forces strike central Kharkiv again: 18 casualties, 1 child in critical condition – photos” KATERYNA TYSHCHENKO — SATURDAY, 25 MAY 2024, 21:08 https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/05/25/7457640/