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USCIRF’s report on India said, “The government, led by [Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ruling] Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), reinforced discriminatory nationalist policies, perpetuated hateful rhetoric and failed to address communal violence.”

It said that this violence “disproportionately” affects Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Dalits, Jews and Adivasis, or indigenous peoples.”(…)

The commission further advised the U.S. Congress to provide financial assistance and arms sales to India only under the condition that religious freedom conditions improve.” https://www.voanews.com/a/india-criticizes-2024-religious-freedom-report-from-us-agency-/7595689.html

Then US Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard meeting PM Modi in 2014.
Waving signs reading “Tulsi, Prince$$ of the R$$” and “Stop Supporting Fascism in India,” the group included Christians, Dalits, and Sikhs. They distributed flyers alleging that Gabbard is “an ally of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS).” The flyers explained, “The RSS is a paramilitary in India which was founded in 1925 and grew with inspiration from the Nazis and Italian Fascists. They have created affiliated groups all over the world. Today, they rule India through the BJP political party.” https://www.ofmi.org/u-s-presidential-candidate-tulsi-gabbard-protested-for-ties-to-indias-rss-paramilitary/Scholars have dug up archival evidence to demonstrate that RSS was directly inspired by European fascism… most evident in their ideas of preserving the purity of bloodline of the Hindu race” See: “Transnational Hindutva Networks in United States” USCIRF https://www.uscirf.gov/sites/default/files/Statement%20from%20a%20South%20Asia%20scholar.pdf
Tulsi Gabbard’s mother is an ethnic German from Indiana, not India. And, her guru, Chris Butler’s family is from Shreveport Louisiana, and he may have been born there.

Tulsi Gabbard’s weird Guru, Chris Butler, calls the Judeo-Christian God a sadist who spends all day throwing people into the fires of hell. Tulsi’s parents are laughing in the audience. See: “Tulsi Gabbard’s parents Mike Gabbard and Chris Butler ridicule Christianityhttps://youtu.be/t3eTIllbJwc

How and why was Tulsi Gabbard just on Christian Broadcasting Network, peddling her book? Gordon Robertson knows that India persecutes Christians. He recently made a point that they had persecuted Christians and Jews.

Modi accused of hate speech by opposition as India’s phased elections roll on April 24, 2024 11:32 AM
By Anjana Pasricha NEW DELHI — 
India’s main opposition Congress Party has accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of “hate speech” following remarks at recent election rallies in which he said the rival party would favor the minority Muslim community if voted to power.

Modi’s controversial comments came amid hectic campaigning by political parties as India holds phased elections that began this month and continue until June 1.

Political analysts said the remarks by Modi, who is leading his Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party’s bid to win a third term in power, are an effort to shore up support among his Hindu voter base.

The prime minister told a rally held in the northwestern state of Rajasthan on Sunday that if the opposition Congress Party is voted into power, it will gather “all your wealth and distribute it to those who have more children” and to “infiltrators.” The remarks were widely seen as a reference to Muslims.

Modi cited a two-decade old comment by former prime minister Manmohan Singh, from when the Congress Party led a coalition government, in which Singh had said that India’s lower castes, tribes, women and “in particular the Muslim community” deserved a share in the country’s development. Singh’s government had clarified that he was referring to all disadvantaged groups.

The remarks prompted an outcry from the Congress Party, which denied making any promise of taking away and redistributing wealth and said that the party’s manifesto only talks about equality and justice for all.

The party said the prime minister’s remarks were a “blatant and direct violation” of electoral laws, which ban canvassing on “caste” and “communal feelings.”

In a complaint to the Election Commission, the Congress Party called the comments “divisive and malicious” and said they were targeted at “a particular religious community.” It has petitioned the body that oversees India’s mammoth election, to act against Modi.

“What Modiji said was hate speech and also a well-thought-out ploy to divert attention,” Congress leader Mallikarjun Kharge said in a post on X.

Several other opposition parties, which accuse Modi’s BJP of polarizing voters for electoral gains, have also joined the chorus of protest against the prime minister’s remarks.

Modi continued his attack on the Congress Party at election rallies this week, saying they wanted to implement reservations based on religion. That remark was a reference to a decades-long affirmative action program under which India sets aside quotas in government jobs and educational institutes for lower castes.

The BJP has defended the prime minister’s remarks. Party spokesperson Gaurav Bhatia told reporters on Monday that he only “echoed the sentiment of every citizen of the country who believes in equality.”

On the campaign trail, Modi has sought votes largely on his pledge of making India a developed nation, expanding the economy and increasing welfare programs for the poor.
However, analysts say the prime minister’s comments represent a change in tactics as the party seeks to energize its cadres and voters from the Hindu majority community.

“It is communal politics and a concerted attempt to otherize minorities and Muslims in particular and instill a sense of insecurity among the majority Hindu community by pushing the opposition into the bracket of those who work for welfare of the minorities,” said political analyst Rasheed Kidwai. “And because the relationship between the majority Hindus and minority Muslims has a lot of historical baggage and there is a trust deficit, it is very easy to reap electoral dividends.”

In an editorial, the Indian Express newspaper called the prime minister’s speech “divisive that does grave disservice to his high office,” and said that Modi had framed “politics as a zero-sum game and communities as adversaries.”

The BJP’s Hindu nationalist agenda has won huge support for Modi and the party in the Hindu majority nation and opinion polls have predicted an easy victory for him.

During his 10 years in power. Modi has fulfilled some of the party’s Hindu-right agenda such as revoking Muslim majority Kashmir’s special status and enacting a citizenship law that grants nationality to Hindus and people of some other faiths fleeing neighboring countries but excludes Muslims.

Critics and opposition parties accuse Modi of undermining the country’s secular ethos and rights groups say that Muslims have been targeted during his decade-long rule. The BJP strongly denies the allegations. It points out that welfare programs such as free rations and aid to build houses and toilets include all communities and says that the government’s policies benefit all Indians equally.https://www.voanews.com/a/modi-accused-of-hate-speech-by-opposition-as-india-s-phased-elections-roll-on-/7583241.html

USCIRF’s report on India said, “The government, led by [Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ruling] Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), reinforced discriminatory nationalist policies, perpetuated hateful rhetoric and failed to address communal violence.”

It said that this violence “disproportionately” affects Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Dalits, Jews and Adivasis, or indigenous peoples.

In addition to recommending that the U.S. government designate India as a Country of Particular Concern, it recommended sanctions against those responsible for religious freedom violations.

The commission further advised the U.S. Congress to provide financial assistance and arms sales to India only under the condition that religious freedom conditions improve.” Excerpt from: https://www.voanews.com/a/india-criticizes-2024-religious-freedom-report-from-us-agency-/7595689.html

USCIRF is an independent, bipartisan federal government entity, while the Office of International Religious Freedom (IRF) — also established under IRFA—is part of the U.S. State Department. Both USCIRF and the State Department release annual reports on international religious freedom, but each has different purposes. The State Department’s report documents religious freedom violations in every country in the world. USCIRF’s Annual Report, by statute, recommends countries to be designated as “countries of particular concern” which the Executive Branch must consider. The report also examines select countries, and while also documenting abuses, makes policy recommendations to the executive and legislative branches of government. USCIRF’s report also comments on the effectiveness of the State Department’s efforts to promote international religious freedom.”https://www.uscirf.gov/about-uscirf/frequently-asked-questions

Investigation of Tulsi Gabbard connections to Hindutva, RSS, Modi:

All in the Family: The American Sangh’s affair with Tulsi Gabbard” BY PIETER FRIEDRICH 01 August, 2019 https://caravanmagazine.in/politics/american-sangh-affair-tulsi-gabbard

The Princess of the RSS and Me” by Pieter J. Friedrich: https://pieterjfriedrich.medium.com/the-princess-of-the-rss-and-me-d067d64a424a


Investigation of the New Age-Hindu Cult Group in which Tulsi Gabbard was raised. According to comments, she was still member of the group as recently as 2022, and her husband is a member and her parents are members.

Investigative Series on the Science of Identity Sect and Tulsi Gabbard” 6/7/2019 https://www.meanwhileinhawaii.org/home/investigative-series-on-the-science-of-identity-sect-and-tulsi-gabbard

Butler’s Web: Krishna, Politics, and QNET’s International Pyramid Scheme” 10/20/2017 Featured Story, Part One of a Three-part Series https://www.meanwhileinhawaii.org/home/butlersweb

Butler’s Web, Part 2: Who is Gabbard’s Guru?” 12/3/2017 Featured Story, Part Two of a Three-part Series by Christine Gralow https://www.meanwhileinhawaii.org/home/butlers-web-part-2-who-is-gabbards-guru

Butler’s Web, Part 3: Grooming the Second Generation” 12/31/2017 https://www.meanwhileinhawaii.org/home/butlers-web-part-3-grooming-the-second-generation

Supreme Court Of India Rules In Favor Of QNEThttps://web.archive.org/web/20170404193355/https://www.businessforhome.org/2017/04/supreme-court-of-india-rules-in-favor-of-qnet/

Persecution of Christians Escalating in India: 45% Increase in 2023 as Trump and Biden-Harris Hold Hindu Worship Services in White House/at Mar-a-Lago

Now it appears that it won’t be Vivek Ramaswamy as Trump VP pick but Tulsi, if the VP pick is Hindu. Hopefully a wealthy non-Hindu offers Trump more money than the Hindus and chooses the VP. And, hopefully that person won’t pick Vivek or Tulsi! The majority of voters remain Christians. There’s no reason that the VP should be a Hindu nationalist.

Trump Hosts Major Hindu Religious Festival/Worship Service; Promises to Accelerate India’s Colonization of the USA by Prioritizing Green Cards for India and More; Bannon’s Hindu-Occult “Kali Yuga” Chaos; Vivek Ramaswamy as VP; India Persecutes Christians; Conservative Christians Hoaxed

India just made a port deal with Iran and Tulsi Gabbard went to Syrian with a group that wants Israel to be part of Greater Syria. India and Tulsi are duplicitous with hidden agendas.

Tulsi Gabbard Accompanied Members of Pro-Assad Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP) to Syria Where She Met Assad; SSNP Advocates a Greater Syria Nation-State Including Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Kuwait, Jordan, Israel-Palestine, Cyprus, Sinai (Egypt), Hatay Province & Cilicia (Turkey)

Top picture: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:The_Member_of_House_of_Representatives_of_the_United_States,_Ms._Tulsi_Gabbard_calls_on_the_Prime_Minister,_Shri_Narendra_Modi,_in_New_York_on_September_28,_2014.jpg