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Map of fallout from the Chornobyl Nuclear disaster.

In a Telegram post (26 April 2024), Ukrainian President Zelenskyy warned that “Radiation does not recognize borders and does not distinguish national flags. The Chornobyl disaster showed the world how quickly deadly threats can appear.” He further pointed out that tens of thousands of people paid the ultimate price of their health and lives to stop the Chornobyl disaster from being even worse and to reduce its terrible consequences in 1986 and years after.

Following Russia’s full-scale invasion, in 2022, “the Chornobyl nuclear power plant was under occupation for 35 days. Russian soldiers ransacked the laboratories, captured the guards and abused the staff, using them to launch further hostilities.

For 785 days, the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, the largest in Europe, has been held hostage by Russian terrorists. And it is the duty of the whole world to put pressure on Russia so that the nuclear power plant is released and returned to the full control of Ukraine and that all nuclear facilities in Ukraine are protected from Russian strikes.

Only this will ensure that the world will not experience new radiation disasters – exactly what the Russian occupiers at the ZNPP are threatened with every day.

We remember the strength and dedication of people who saved lives in 1986. We appreciate everyone who is helping to protect lives now.” https://t.me/V_Zelenskiy_official/10186

Impacts were international. The very worst impacts were contained in a relatively small thanks to the sacrifices of the Chernobyl “liquidators”.

I Am Grateful to Those Who Defended Life 38 Years Ago and to Those Who Stood Up to the Enemy in 2022 – President’s Address on the Anniversary of the Chornobyl Tragedy 26 April 2024 – 17:18 https://www.president.gov.ua/

Dear Ukrainians! Dear Slavutych!

Today we are here to honor the importance of everyone to the lives of all.

38 years ago, the Chornobyl disaster occurred. A radiation accident whose consequences went far beyond this region of ours, the whole of Ukraine, and even our entire Europe. The whole world felt that disaster. But still, it was localized. The unfolding of the catastrophe was stopped – stopped because there was no cowardice of our people, no indifference of Ukrainians.

People stood up to defend life and fulfilled their duty – everyone who was involved. Our real people stopped the fire at the Chornobyl station. They saved three power units of the Chornobyl NPP. They decontaminated the territory. They built a sarcophagus that covered what was left after the explosion at the fourth reactor. They built a system to monitor and control the situation at the plant and in the Chornobyl zone. There are thousands of heroes, thousands of brave characters behind every such action. Thousands of people. These are the people who saved millions of others. Not only we in Ukraine, but all of humanity must always remember this and always honor all those who put their lives and health on the line between the catastrophe and the life of our country and the whole world.

Please observe a minute of silence in memory of the heroes – liquidators of the Chornobyl disaster.

Thank you.

I would also like to express our respect to all the people in Slavutych – each and every one of them who retained the courage and dedication to protecting lives that saved us all in 1986 and helped Ukraine in the spring of 2022. Slavutych did not submit to the occupiers. It showed its temper. It fought. It defended itself. And we all saw you right here on this square. We also saw the heroism of those of our people who worked shifts at the station during the Russian occupation. And all this helped our entire state to stop the unfolding catastrophe brought by the Russian army. People saved Ukraine in 2022, and it is only people, our entire nation, that will defeat Putin. No evil can stand against brave people who do everything to protect life. This is exactly who our people are, who you are. We can do things that would seem impossible for many others in the world. We can make sure that life prevails. And we must always remember that everyone’s life depends on personal choices and courageous actions.

I want to thank all those who defended lives 38 years ago! And I want to thank each and every one of you who stood up to the enemy in 2022!

I see the relatives and friends of the captives here. We have brought some of them back home. I want you to know, I want you to hear us – we are here. We will definitely return everything. Not only our territory, but first of all our people, all our POWs: both military and civilians, warriors of both our Armed Forces and our National Guard. We remember everyone. We will definitely do it.

I am proud of everyone who is fighting for the sake of Ukraine and life now and will surely emerge victorious.

Glory to Ukraine!


Photos: https://www.president.gov.ua/en/photos/robocha-poyizdka-prezidenta-ukrayini-do-mista-slavutich-6217

More speeches: https://www.president.gov.ua/en/news/speeches

Lucky they went in 2019 instead of 2022:
Descendants of Chernobyl’s Jewish dynasty return to the exclusion zone: For centuries, Chernobyl was home to an important Hasidic movement. Now, one man—and his 50,000 relatives—are reclaiming their history. A Hasidic Jewish man visits the site of the former Chernobyl synagogue. During the 18th century, this town became the cradle of a prominent Hasidic movement still followed today. Photographs by Pierpaolo Mittica, Parallelozero” By Christine Bednarz March 06, 2019 https://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/article/hasidic-jewish-ancestry-chernobyl


Maps: Atlas of Caesium deposition on Europe after the Chornobyl accident, Edith CRESSON, Member of the Commission responsible for Research. Innovation. Education, Training and I? Youth DGXII. Nuclear Fission Safety Programme (Radiation Protection) Office for Official Publications of the European Communities 1998.

Chernobyl Exclusion Zone CIA Map